Monthly Archives: December 2021

Happy New Year 2022 – From Guyanese Online | Auld Lang Syne with Sing Along Lyrics | Music video

Happy New Year Song | Auld Lang Syne with Sing Along Lyrics | Video

A Happy New Year 2022 – from Guyanese Online

GUYANA: Politics: Oil Fund: Opposition to ramp up protests against new NRF law

 …  threatens court action against ‘wholesale thievery of oil money’

Scenes from the protest outside Arthur Chung Convention Center yesterday as Opposition MPs join in

December 30, 2021- Kaieteur News – Scores of Guyanese on Wednesday picketed in front of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC)—where a sitting of the National Assembly was being held to protest their opposition to the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Government’s rush to pass a new Natural Resources Bill, which many have since condemned as a move to legalise wholesale thievery of Guyana’s oil revenues.

The Bill aimed at replacing the NRF Act in place already in order to give sweeping powers and control over the oil fund and its use by the sitting President.          Continue reading

GUYANA: Harmon dubs replica Parliament mace a ‘fake’, insists ‘oil money’ law wasn’t passed;

— Teixeira says Court has no role

House Speaker Manzoor Nadir holding what he termed a replica mace while putting the Natural Resource Fund Bill to the vote while the traditional mace was taken away by a number of opposition parliamentarians.

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon on Thursday rejected House Speaker Manzoor Nadir’s claim that a replica mace used during a simple majority vote in favour of the Natural Resource Fund was an authentic standby symbol of authority.

“The Speaker’s statement that Guyana has two Maces is appalling and simply untrue. The replica referred to by the Speaker is a miniature Mace which was made for the hosting of Guyana’s National Youth Parliament and holds no authority in the sitting of the National Assembly. Further there is no rule that provides for the use of a replica Mace in the National Assembly as being touted by the Speaker,” he said.             Continue reading

GUYANA: Corruption?: The Queen’s College Living Quarters Contract – Opinion

Stabroek News

By December 29, 2021

Almost two months to the day after the World Bank had staged its October 25-28 forum on the subject of Data Analytics for Anticorruption in Public Administration, in which it had made some pointed observations about the nexus between corruption and poverty in poor countries, the Stabroek News published in its December 23 issue an article headlined “Education Ministry signed contracts for over G$15 million before Internal Tender Board’s approval.” (See article below)

The content of the article had to do with, not one, but a series of blatant irregularities in the official handling of a contract “for repairs to the Queen’s College living quarters,” a modest assignment in monetary terms, as state contracts go.

The article is worth reading because of its articulation of what continues to be the flippant manner in which political administrations in our country ‘play monopoly’ with public monies and lawful procedures, in this instance, seemingly in pursuit of the dispensation of what appears to be a political favour, even as government continues to trumpet the virtues of responsibility, accountability and good governance.               Continue reading

GUYANA: OIL Money Legislation Passes Amid Opposition Disruption

Defiant House Speaker proceeds with debate on ‘oil money’ legislation

Under the constant din of whistling and chanting opposition parliamentarians directly in front of his face, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh piloted debate on the Natural Resource Fund Bill.

Dr. Singh was flanked by government ministers at the lectern while the opposition lawmakers remain a mere few inches from his face chanting “No thiefing bill will pass,” “No thiefing bill will pass”.

After the Finance Minister completed his presentation, Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira put the Bill to the vote and the House Speaker put all 47 clauses and two schedules to the vote. As the vote was taken, there were opposition shouts of ‘shame’, ‘shame’, ‘shame’.          Continue reading

WORLD — Latest reckoning for slavery and colonialism: reclaiming looted national treasures – By Mohamed Hamaludin


The Rosetta Stone – British Museum

The British conquered all of India in 100 years and then ruled for another century. Economic exploitation was so massive “that its share of the global GDP went from 24.4 percent to 4.2 percent,” the New Yorker’s Sam Knight reported, citing a 2003 estimate by British economist Angus Maddison.

Untold numbers of cultural treasures were stolen, an act known in Hindi as “lut,” translated into loot. English soldier Robert Clive and his family looted several important artifacts which, Knight reported, are kept in the Clive Museum in England. But the British National Trust acquired around 90 percent of the collection.

Worldwide calls for slavery reparations are being matched with demands for the return of such looted cultural treasures, including the 26-piece “Abomey Treasures.” They were stolen from the 700-year-old Benin Empire, which the British sacked and burned in 1897; they ended up in British museums six months later.            Continue reading

Happy New Year Songs 2022 🎉New Year Music Mix 2022 🎉 Best Happy New Year Songs Playlist 2022

Happy New Year Songs 2022 🎉New Year Music Mix 2022 🎉 Best Happy New Year Songs Playlist 2022


Songs Selected by: Pop Internacionais 2021

GUYANA: Politics: Harmon says PNCR elections do not justify him being removed as Opposition Leader

Demerara Waves: Denis Chabrol — Tuesday, 28 December 2021,

Joseph Harmon

Guyana’s Opposition Leader, Mr. Joseph Harmon on Tuesday sought to justify why he should remain in that post, saying that represents a larger block of more than 200,000 Guyanese voters instead of just over 1,000 delegates who voted at the party’s recent internal elections.

“The Leader of the Opposition is representative of over 218,000 persons who went to the electorate and voted and so that is my mandate. The mandate of Leader of the PNC is a separate mandate altogether,” he told reporters. Mr. Harmon said the Opposition Leader and the PNCR Leader should “work together very closely” but they are two separate positions. Reminded that he had campaigned for the leadership of his party and the Opposition Leader to be one office holder, he said he had done so to get the strength of the party behind his existing office of Opposition Leader.          Continue reading

Barbados: Prime Minister Mia Mottley Calls Snap Elections For January 19. 2021

Barbados PM Mia Mottley

Barbados Today- December 27, 2021

Barbadians will head to the polls on January 19, a year before elections are constitutionally due.

In the last general elections held here on May 24, 2018, Mottley led the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to a commanding victory over the then ruling Democratic Labour Party (DLP)  sweeping all 30 seats in the Parliament.

But since then, one of the legislators, Bishop Joseph Atherley, left to become Opposition Leader.

 Barbadians are going to the polls in just over three weeks to elect a new government.  Continue reading

GUYANA: OIL: Jagdeo, Norton at odds on reduced Natural Resource Fund oversight committee

Mr. Aubrey Norton Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton are odds over the proposed drastic reduction of a parliamentary oversight committee of Guyana’s oil earnings.

Mr. Norton said the 22-member broad-based Public Accountability and Oversight Committee provided for in the existing Natural Resource Fund Act represents many interests  to ensure that the oil revenues are not spent willy-nilly but in critical areas for Guyana’s development.          Continue reading