Category Archives: gold mining

GUYANA: Short Story:- When I was in the Diamond business in Guyana – By Royden V Chan.

Stories of incidents I experienced and people I encountered during my life and when I was in the Diamond business in Guyana.

By Royden V Chan.

I will be 91 years old in August this year 2023 and throughout the years, from my childhood, my working in the diamond business and to my retirement, I have experienced interesting incidents, and came into contact with diverse people who impacted my life with both good and bad impressions.
I think that I should write about these people and the incidents I experienced before I pass on.

By Royden V Chan.             

PDF VERSION-31 pages- Royden V Chan- Short Story #2 Continue reading

GUYANA: Amerindian Association unfazed by Jagdeo’s attacks

…says will continue to monitor policies, decisions that affect the lives of indigenous peoples

Feb 22, 2023 – Kaieteur News – Against the background of recent attacks on the organisation, by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) said it is unfazed by the action of the government official, reminding that it has a responsibility to monitor the policies and decisions that particularly affect the lives of indigenous peoples in Guyana and will continue to do so.

Last week during a meeting with Amerindian leaders, Jagdeo lashed out at the organisation for its criticisms of government’s handling of the carbon credit sale initiative it has embarked on.  The APA is not the only organisation that has criticised the initiative. In responding to Jagdeo the APA said the VPs vilification of the organisation is a continuation of the attacks by Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall. “However, the APA remains resolute in its objective of ensuring that indigenous peoples’ rights are protected and respected by all. The APA also wonders why the organisation is being used as a scapegoat and distraction, and why the real issues are not being addressed.”  Continue reading

GUYANA: Economic Forecasts -“Rice is done with. It can’t pay.” – Commentary

 By February 4, 2023

For example in his 2022 budget speech, Minister Singh projected that the sugar sector would “grow by 11.8 percent, as GuySuCo will begin to recover from the onslaught of the 2021 floods, with the aim of producing almost 65,000 tonnes of sugar. Similarly, the rice growing subsector is forecasted to expand by 25.1 percent in 2022.”

What actually happened? Sugar declined by 18.9% to 47,000 tonnes while rice was estimated to have grown by 8.1% (although the use of the word estimated suggests some uncertainty over that figure).          Continue reading

GUYANA: Cabinet approves G$60,000 minimum wage for private sector employees – Pres. Ali

June 16, 2022 –

After two years of discussing an increase in the minimum wage of private sector employees from G$44,200 to G$60,000, President Dr Irfaan Ali on Thursday evening announced that it has been approved by the cabinet. This increase to G$60,00 is approximately US$300 per month at the exchange rate of 200-1.

“Cabinet has agreed with the recommendation of the tripartite committee and that is, we are in support of the minimum wage, that is, the $60,000…” President Ali said while addressing the 74th commemoration of the Enmore Martyrs.

The minimum wage was increased to G$44,200 in 2017 from G$35,000.              Continue reading

LETTER: “Giveaway of Guyana’s gold deposits” – Gold Mining in Guyana – By Eusi Kwayana

LETTER TO THE EDITOR –   By Eusi Kwayana

Unlike Financial Representatives (MP’s) , A.R.F. Webber and Joseph Eleazer, and other members of the Popular Party  of British Guiana in 1920’s, the present government is very ready to hand over to extractors Guyana’s most precious assets. The oil giveaway and scandal is still being exposed as the most unpatriotic agreement signed by any government anywhere on the planet in the history of mining.

Not only citizens, such as Mr. Glenn Lall, have exposed the lopsided giveaway of Guyana’s wealth to the oil company ExxonMobil and its partners, but financial experts long acquainted with oil industry have taken the same position.        Continue reading

BOOK: GUYANA: Bush Flying: A Pilot’s Nightmare – By Dave Rohee

Click to enlarge

 By Dave Rohee (Author) – INFO +ORDER HERE – AmazonBooks

 Kindle Edition – $4.40 Read with Our Free App — Paperback –$8.81
The story is written by the pilot who survived this ordeal and lived to tell the tale. The location is the heavily forested Western region of Guyana, (originally British Guiana), and based on the gold mining that was such an essential part of life in the early 1950s and ’60s.    Continue reading

GUYANA: Gold and Other Mining: ‘Large-scale thievery coming’ – Opinion by Glenn Lall

Glenn Lall

– mega gold firms spell more doom for Guyana
– country has little to show for Omai, Troy Resources, RUSAL investments

Government’s announcement that three large scale gold firms are poised to set up shops here is cold comfort to Guyanese who continue to be short-changed by foreign investors, businessman and Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall has said.

Meanwhile, even as Dr. Singh spoke about the benefits from these possible new gold mining operations he did not disclose the names of the firms and Mr. Lall believes something is sinister in this move. “Three more larger than Omai companies coming soon. He did not name them nor did he tell us where they are coming from or what the deal is. All he said, Guyana will benefit [with slice bread money]. When a leader could tell you consider the food and other supplies, transport services and 1,000 people who gon get jobs, in which a company will fetch out billions in US dollars from we backyard, speaks of the tragedy that they are creating for us.”            Continue reading

GUYANA: Gold Mining: Omai boasts of US$3B gold find

   … as contract remains a secret

OMAI Mines. Guyana

Jan 06, 2022- Kaieteur News – Recent appraisal results by Omai Gold Mines suggest that together with Fennell’s historical mineral resource and other known deposits in the locale, there is great potential to re-build Omai into a multi-million ounce project.

This, according to President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Omai Gold Mines Guyana Limited, Elaine Ellingham, who on Tuesday last, announced “a very significant milestone for Omai Gold—a Mineral Resource of over 1.6 million ounces of gold.”

The deposit, she said, was found at its Wenot Deposit and, “gives us a very solid base from which to expand the property’s total potential gold resources.” According to Ellingham, not only is the Wenot Deposit open, along strike and at depth, it is also located approximately 400 metres south of the past producing Fennell open pit that hosts a significant historical gold mineral resource that also remains open at depth.”

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Guyana: ‘PPP has no respect for Amerindians’ – Lenox Shuman

… slams Govt. for sham consultation on Marudi mining issue

Dec 06, 2021- Kaieteur News –Deputy Speaker, Lenox Shuman, said that the PPP/C Administration has no respect for Indigenous peoples and he called on government to return to the negotiation table to thrash out the issue regarding the agreement signed for mining activities at Marudi Mountains.

“In the supposedly “re-invented” PPP post 2020 elections, it was my sincere belief that the PPP was a transformed organisation and that they were open to dialogue on issues surrounding Indigenous peoples. I can say with absolute conviction, nothing is further from the truth,” Shuman who is also leader of the Liberty and Justice Party said in a letter to this newspaper on Sunday. He said the PPP Government did not facilitate meaningful dialogue with Indigenous Peoples on the Marudi Mountain gold mining agreements. “The agreements should be rescinded and returned to the table for discussions to ensure they are in compliance with Indigenous Peoples Rights at their core,” Shuman wrote.      Continue reading

Guyana, Barbados agree to cooperate in a range of businesses

Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali and Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley (backing camera) holding discussions in Barbados

Guyana and Barbados have agreed to intensify meaningful cooperation in the areas of gold jewellery, tourism marketing, hospitality training and agriculture, President Irfaan Ali announced on Friday October 29, 2021.

He said the two sister Caribbean Community (CARICOM)-member nations have agreed to establish a “gold market hub” for the sale of jewellery mainly to tourists. “Barbados is a major cruise destination and we are working on the possibility of adding value to Guyana’s gold and creating a gold marketing hub concept in Barbados,” he said.        Continue reading