Daily Archives: 02/18/2020

“Certainty” by Brazilian Poet Carlos Machado – by Rosaliene Bacchus

Three Worlds One Vision – ~ Guyana – Brazil – USA

“Certainty” by Brazilian Poet Carlos Machado – by Rosaliene Bacchus

My Poetry Corner February 2020 features the poem “Certainty” (Certo) from the poetry collection Glass Bird (Pássaro de Vidro) by Carlos Machado, a Brazilian poet and journalist. Born in 1951 in Muritiba, Bahia, Northeast Brazil, Machado earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the Federal University of Bahia. He studied journalism at the Faculty of Cásper Libero in São Paulo, where he lives since 1980.

He is the creator and editor of the fortnightly bulletin, poesia.net, dedicated mainly to the promotion of contemporary Brazilian poets.


EDUCATION: How Technology is Shaping the Future of Education – Infographic

The Growing Role of Tech in Classrooms

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Technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives, and now it seems that education systems around the world are due for an update.

Educators are tapping into the digital revolution and adopting new technologies to help students reach their full potential, but can they adapt quickly enough to prepare children for the changing future of work?


Today’s infographic from Best Education Degrees explores the different ways technology is transforming classrooms, and disrupting education as we know it.                  Continue reading

BOOK: A virus called Wuhan-400 causes outbreak … in a Dean Koontz thriller from 1981. – Commentary

How is it that some books appear to prophesy events?

The Eyes of Darkness features a Chinese military lab in Wuhan that creates a virus as a bio-weapon; civilians soon become sick after accidentally contracting it

In fact, the one lab in China able to handle the deadliest viruses is in Wuhan and helped sequence the novel coronavirus the world is currently battling

Kate Whitehead | South China Morning Post

The Eyes of Darkness, a 1981 thriller by bestselling suspense author Dean Koontz, tells of a Chinese military lab that creates a virus as part of its biological weapons programme. The lab is located in Wuhan, which lends the virus its name, Wuhan-400. A chilling literary coincidence or a case of writer as unwitting prophet?                  Continue reading

US economy under Trump: Is it the greatest in history? – Reality Check – BBC News

Card with President Trump on the left and the quote "Our economy is the envy of the world. Perhaps the greatest economy in the history of our country."

Claim: President Trump often says the US economy is on an historic high, perhaps the greatest it’s ever been.

Speaking at his State of the Union address in February, he reinforced those claims by hailing his pro-growth policies which he says have helped Americans with jobs and wages.

Reality Check verdict: It’s true the economy has been doing well – but there have been periods when it was even stronger.

And the trade war with China, rising tensions in the Middle East and fears over the health of the global economy have unsettled markets at various points, and led the US central bank, the Federal Reserve, to lower interest rates.

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USA: President Donald Trump is appointing federal judges at a blistering pace

President Donald Trump

The Economist – Graphic detail – Feb 14th 2020

ON ALMOST ANY measure, President Donald Trump ranks himself among the most successful presidents in history. In one area—making appointments to America’s federal court system—he may actually be right. In a little over three years, Mr Trump has nominated and won Senate confirmation for 192 federal judges, including 137 district-court judges, 51 appellate judges and two Supreme Court justices.

No president since at least Ronald Reagan has racked up judicial appointments so quickly (the closest was Bill Clinton with 189 at this point in his presidency: see chart). By the end of the year, on current trends, a quarter of federal judges will be Mr Trump’s appointees. They may prove his most enduring legacy.              Continue reading