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WORLD: ONE World Government INCOMING… !!! – By Neil McCoy-Ward – video

WORLD: ONE World Government INCOMING… !!! – By Neil McCoy-Ward – video

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DISASTER: How these buildings made Turkey-Syria’s earthquake so deadly

DISASTER: How these buildings made Turkey-Syria’s earthquake so deadly

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GUYANA: Amerindian Association unfazed by Jagdeo’s attacks

…says will continue to monitor policies, decisions that affect the lives of indigenous peoples

Feb 22, 2023 – Kaieteur News – Against the background of recent attacks on the organisation, by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) said it is unfazed by the action of the government official, reminding that it has a responsibility to monitor the policies and decisions that particularly affect the lives of indigenous peoples in Guyana and will continue to do so.

Last week during a meeting with Amerindian leaders, Jagdeo lashed out at the organisation for its criticisms of government’s handling of the carbon credit sale initiative it has embarked on.  The APA is not the only organisation that has criticised the initiative. In responding to Jagdeo the APA said the VPs vilification of the organisation is a continuation of the attacks by Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall. “However, the APA remains resolute in its objective of ensuring that indigenous peoples’ rights are protected and respected by all. The APA also wonders why the organisation is being used as a scapegoat and distraction, and why the real issues are not being addressed.”  Continue reading

TECHNOLOGY: The new AI Bing ChatGPT told our reporter it ‘can feel or think things’

The AI-powered chatbot called itself Sydney, claimed to have its ‘own personality’ — and objected to being interviewed for this article

Last week, Microsoft launched a “reimagined” Bing search engine that can answer complex questions and converse directly with users. But instead of a chipper helper, some testers have encountered a moody and combative presence that calls itself Sydney.

These types of AI chatbots are built to be people-pleasers, so questions and prompts that treat the AI as human will elicit humanlike responses, as The Washington Post reported.

By Friday night, Microsoft had started restricting how long the chatbot could talk, saying in an announcement that overly long conversations with people could “confuse” the bot into speaking in “a style we didn’t intend.”

Before this latest episode, our reporter interviewed Bing. Here’s what happened:

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TORONTO: St. Stanislaus College Alumni – Spring Dance – April 22. 2023

DISASTER – What to Know About the Ohio Train Derailment – By Adrian Koop – Visual Capitalist

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GUYANA: Green Heart – video Caribbean Aqua-Terrestrial Solutions (CATS)

Green Heart – video – by Caribbean Aqua-Terrestrial Solutions (CATS)

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‘Green Heart’ is a recommendable film on sustainable tropical forestry in the Green Heart of Guyana, where greenheart (Chlorocardium rodiei) timber, which is native to Guyana and neighboring Suriname, is being harvested by the ‘Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development’ (IIC).

‘Green Heart’ was commissioned by the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit’ (GIZ) GmbH through the ‘Caribbean Aqua-Terrestrial Solutions’ (CATS) program and financed by the ‘German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development’ (BMZ). CATS is a regional development cooperation program jointly carried out by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and GIZ.

ANNOUNCEMENT– Guyanese Online Entries – 20 February 2023

ANNOUNCEMENT– Guyanese Online Entries

Hello readers..

Guyanese Online continues. It reached its 14th year of publication this month and now has had over 8 million hits since its inception. It restarted on November 19, 2022 after I recovered from my illness.

Recently, I have taken  11 days off. —  My last entry was on February 8, 2023. I restarted entries today.

Although there are not many comments on the blog it gets about 500 hits daily even if there are no new entries. This increases to over 800 hits when articles are inserted..
The focus will now change slightly as its original purpose was to help Guyanese Associations with their advertisements. Social media like Facebook has made most organizations to have an Internet presence.

As I did earlier,  I will now continue to enter two items daily and hope that my selections are well received. Persons can sign up to receive these entries on a daily basis by subscibing to the Guyanese Online Blog  – see
Thank you for following Guyanese Online.

Cyril Bryan.
Editor. Publisher.

PS: My health is OK. Thank you for your enquiries and the best wishes sent my way.

SOCIETY: Male inequality- explained by an expert | Richard Reeves – video

SOCIETY: Male inequality- explained by an expert | Richard Reeves – video

Modern males are struggling. Author Richard Reeves outlines the three major issues boys and men face and shares possible solutions.

Boys and men are falling behind. This might seem surprising to some people, and maybe ridiculous to others, considering that discussions on gender disparities tend to focus on the structural challenges faced by girls and women, not boys and men. But long-term data reveal a clear and alarming trend: In recent decades, American men have been faring increasingly worse in many areas of life, including education, workforce participation, skill acquisition, wages, and fatherhood. Gender politics is often framed as a zero-sum game: Any effort to help men takes away from women.       Continue reading