Tag Archives: Cheddi Jagan International Airport

GUYANA: Failed Government Projects – Accountability and Controls Required — Opinion

Stabroek News Editorial

By April 22, 2022

In a recent column in this newspaper former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran drew attention to three major projects which had been financed by China’s Exim Bank and which he described as having failed. As a result the nation was left with significant debt. A fourth failed project to which he adverted had been funded by the Exim Bank of India. All of these ventures intended to develop the country had been embarked on when the PPP/C was previously in office.

The one which is often cited by critics as the classic case of a white elephant is the Skeldon sugar factory, the inspiration of Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo when he was head of state. It was intended as part of the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project which encompassed enlarged areas under cane, a refinery and co-generation of electricity for the national grid, estimated at a total cost of US$165 million.

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TRAVEL: InterCaribbean Airways to hire Guyanese cabin attendants, pilots

InterCaribbean Airways plans to train Guyanese to become cabin attendants, the carrier’s Chief Executive Officer of the airline, Trevor Sadler announcement on Friday minutes after the inaugural flight arrived from Guyana from Barbados.

“On Monday, we start a new class of flight attendants here in Georgetown so we don’t just speak but we follow on with the words and hiring of additional Guyanese is on the way. We’re also looking at the active hiring for pilots,” he said at a brief welcoming ceremony held at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.          Continue reading

Guyana: Infrastructure Projects: The Chinese are Coming – Opinion

GUYANA: History: Atkinson Field and World War II- A Memoir 1943 to 1946 – By Ivan O. Carew

By By Ivan O. Carew

Having been born and having grown up in the capital city, Georgetown, in the county of Demerara, British Guiana, now called Guyana, I did have some knowledge of the villages on the Eastern bank of the Demerara River.

Historically Guyana was once a Dutch possession, hence many of the villages were given Dutch names that still exist to this day. To the best of my recollection there was the village of Soesdyke (Dutch) then there was Madewini (Dutch) sparsely populated in those days with a few thatch-roof houses. Beyond that was Hyde Park with a hilly terrain and  rainforest. Residents along the river banks did farming on the slopes of the hills.    Continue reading

Travel: Eastern Airlines gets green light for Guyana to NY route

– six months after earlier application rejected

Eastern Airlines
Eastern Airlines

Six months after an earlier application had been rejected by Cabinet, Eastern Airlines has been given the green light to operate scheduled non-stop flights between the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York.

This was disclosed yesterday by Minister of State Dawn Hastings-Williams during the launch of Air Services Limited’s new routes to the Upper Mazaruni.

Hastings later told Stabroek News that the airline is expected to begin operations on December 8th.          Continue reading

Guyana: Pegasus Hotel has announced a September 2020 completion date

Locally-owned Pegasus Hotel has announced a September 2020 completion of its 12-storey suites and a seven-storey corporate offices expansion.

Robert Badal

The construction of the estimated US$100M project started in October last year.
It comprises a 12-storey tower providing long-term accommodation and a seven-storey office complex providing first world corporate offices.

According to Pegasus’s managing director, Robert Badal, all corporate offices would over time be converted to accommodation when it is viable to do so. The objective is to expand the services offered by Pegasus Hotel, a premier tourism company.

Giving an update last week, the executive disclosed that regarding the economic benefits, taxes from suppliers and bank interest during construction is estimated at US$2.8M per annum and close to US$4M per annum after full operation.          Continue reading

Guyana Jubilee: Celebrating 50 Years of Independence – by Melissa Noel – NBC News

Guyana Jubilee: Celebrating 50 Years of Independence


Guyana 50th logoGEORGETOWN, GUYANA — When Frank McLean touched down at Cheddi Jagan International Airport at the start of the week, he couldn’t believe he was home. “I’m here but it’s like I am not here. I remembered where my school was and I had to walk by it to really realize that I am here in Guyana,” McLean exclaims.

The 61-year-old Queens, New York resident left Guyana four decades ago and has not returned to the country of his birth until now to celebrate the nation’s 50th anniversary of independence. “I have a phobia of flying but I am a Guyanese to the bone. I am a Guyanese to the core and I couldn’t miss this,” he says.

McLean is one of thousands who have traveled to Guyana from the United States — home to the largest population of Guyanese people outside of Guyana — for the country’s Golden Jubilee celebrations.   Continue reading

Festive welcome for Guyanese expatriates – By Tangerine Clarke

Festive welcome for Guyanese expatriates

Guyana 50th Anniversary Logo

Guyana 50th Anniversary Logo

By Tangerine Clarke – May 26, 2016 / Caribbean Life News

Thousands of Guyanese expatriates from every corner of the world arrived in Georgetown, Guyana, over the last week to a festive welcome when they disembarked from several carriers at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, to revel in the country’s 50th Jubilee Independence Anniversary celebrations.

The nationals, many dressed in colors of Guyana’s golden Arrowhead flag, and laden with carryon luggage, stopped to capture the colorfully decorated façade of the airport before being greeted by masqueraders in costumes of the six races at the walkway leading to the terminal.   Continue reading

INVEST GUYANA 2015 – Guyana’s Premier Investment Magazine

iNvest Guyana 2015 Brochure

iNvest Guyana 2015 Magazine

View/Download: INVEST GUYANA 2015 – Magazine

Invest in Guyana and “Grow with the Opportunity”  

In this our third edition of INVEST GUYANA we welcome and introduce a new Government in Guyana which is charting a new course for Guyana’s development over the next five years. It has committed to ensuring continued economic growth and sustainable development and a drive towards a green economy. The recently released National Budget as presented by the new Minister of Finance has projected continued annual economic growth which will be led by major investments by the Government in the improvement and development of the national infrastructure.   Continue reading

GUY$42 billion worth of gold smuggled in four months; several visas revoked – updates added

GUY$42 billion worth of gold smuggled in four months; several visas revoked

Wednesday, 26 August 2015. Demerara Waves

Guyanese and United States (US) authorities have uncovered a money laundering and gold smuggling racket that has so far fleeced the country of more than US$200 million (GUY$42 billion) worth of the precious metal over a four-month period.

Top officials of the Guyana government said a number of Guyanese gold exporters have been smuggling out huge quantities of gold  from Guyana and on arriving in the US have been declaring them as “scrap gold” which do not attract duties in that country.
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