Guyana SPEAKS – Town Hall Meeting with Rosalinda Rasul – 11 Apr 2023 17:00 – 20:00 BST

Rosalind Rasul, head of the Diaspora and Remigration Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation, will be in the UK next week.
To receive an update on the Diaspora unit’s activities, please join us at Draper Hall, Hampton Street, London SE17 3AN on Tuesday, 11th April 2023 at 17:00 by registering via the link below:
Please see the attached map for directions to Draper Hall from the Elephant and Castle Tube station.
We look forward to welcoming you.              Continue reading

CRICKET: BOURDA – By Ian McDonald.


On March the 8th I attended a Night of Recognition in honor of Reds Perreira at Bourda. It reminded me of so much.

It is good that the Providence Stadium is now well established in the game. But it remains sad that Bourda is no longer the site for hard-fought cricket between nations. A long tradition, the most remarkable in the whole West Indies, ended. So much was therefore lost. That long brightness fell into shadow. One of the most famous and revered grounds in all cricket history came to an end of its great days at the sunlit summit of the game.          Continue reading

GUYANA: IMBOTERO RESEARCH CENTER : Merging Coastal Communities

GUYANA: IMBOTERO RESEARCH CENTER : Merging Coastal Communities & Science

The Imbotero Research Center (IRC) is a new field facility designed to accommodate international researchers in biological sciences, environmental studies, and cultural/ethnographic subjects.

EUROPE: Ghost Towns: The Silent Depopulation of Eastern Europe

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GUYANA: Walk with me on Hadfield Street. Georgetown

Comments YouTube: s

This video is about six years old, but is still very interesting.

GUYANA – Climbing the Kanuku Mountains – Video

GUYANA – Climbing the Kanuku Mountains – Video

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USA: A Nation Of Enemies Cannot Stand – By: LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV

Donald Trump -MAGA

A Nation Of Enemies Cannot Stand – LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV

      Something big is going to have to happen in the USA if we stand any chance at all of dealing with the enormous, even planet-threatening challenges that face us.  I thought of this over the weekend as news emerged from the limping-along CPAC convention in Baltimore that Trump had gone beyond his usual them-and-us rhetoric he has spewed at his campaign rallies and most recently in his announcement that he’s running for president.

Speaking to a room filled with MAGA hat wearing fans and booths at the edges selling all things Trump right down to and including a gold-plated bracelet comprised of the letters of his name, the former president used war-like rhetoric to make his appeal.      Continue reading

GUYANA: US Ambassador Lynch speaks: It is a long large mouthful – The GHK Lall Column 

GHK Lall

Hard truths… By: GHK Lall

Kaieteur News – Her Excellency, American Ambassador Sarah Ann Lynch has spoken; she could not have spoken more clearly, or with more authority.  Ambassador Lynch has praised the Government of Guyana for honouring, abiding by, being obedient to the ironclad dictates of sanctity of contract (SN March 19).  Whether I like this or not, there is this fact set in US steel: Ambassador Lynch speaks on behalf of the American Government.

After all the silence, all the subtleties and sophistications, this is to what and where the clashes over this contract stand: the business of America is business.  A hundred years ago, Calvin Coolidge reportedly coined that storied, pregnant string of words.  He was an American President, not a tiny plenipotentiary.  In more recent times, Ronald Reagan and that unmentionable brother who came before the present White House occupant have also signaled American business as the central focuses, thrusts, and priorities of their presidencies.    Continue reading

Demographics: Russia’s Population Nightmare Is Going To Get Even Worse – The Economist

War in Ukraine has aggravated a crisis that long predates the conflict

The Economist

A demographic tragedy is unfolding in Russia. Over the past three years the country has lost around 2m more people than it would ordinarily have done, as a result of war, disease and exodus. The life expectancy of Russian males aged 15 fell by almost five years, to the same level as in Haiti. The number of Russians born in April 2022 was no higher than it had been in the months of Hitler’s occupation. And because so many men of fighting age are dead or in exile, women outnumber men by at least 10m.

War is NOT the sole — or even the main — cause of these troubles but it has made them all worse. According to Western estimates, 175,000-200,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded over the past year (Russia’s own figures are lower). Somewhere between 500,000 and 1m mostly young, educated people have evaded the meat grinder by fleeing abroad. Even if Russia had no other demographic problems, losing so many in such a short time would be painful. As it is, the losses of war are placing more burdens on a shrinking, ailing population. Russia may be entering a doom loop of demographic decline.              Continue reading

GUYANA SPEAKS: Sunday 26th March 2023 – presentation by Cecil Gutzmore                   

Flyer.pngThis is a reminder to register via eventbrite for the next Guyana SPEAKS on Sunday, 26th March at 3.30pm UK time [11.30 New York, Toronto & Guyana]:

This month’s GS aims celebrates the birth of Walter Rodney on 23rd March 1942 with a presentation by distinguished academic and activist, -presentationby Cecil Gutzmore.                    

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