Daily Archives: 03/26/2021

OPINION: Guyana: All oil today – all disturbing – By GHK Lall

Kaieteur News – Something rare is done in this space: I focus on recent oil developments and emphasize what disturbs. Gas-to-shore project is the first, local content second, and third is, who really is for the Guyanese people. Should the latter be found, I could use the enlightenment.

A Tuesday news item in KN noted Guyana’s Natural Resources Minister sharing that ExxonMobil is readying to conduct studies on a likely gas-to-shore project here. I would have been surprised if the company was not doing so, not engaging in some preliminary undertaking as to the significance for its prospects.      Continue reading

USA: Why the Border Crisis is a Myth – Judge Veronica Escobar | The New York Times

 ***This essay was written and published in 2014 and is relevant in 2021

EL PASO — TO hear the national news media tell the story, you would think my city, El Paso, and others along the Texas-Mexico border were being overrun by children — tens of thousands of them, some with their mothers, arriving from Central America in recent months, exploiting an immigration loophole to avoid deportation and putting a fatal strain on border state resources.

There is no denying the impact of this latest immigration wave or the need for more resources. BUT THERE IS NO CRISIS. Local communities like mine have done an amazing job of assisting these migrants.        Continue reading

Covid19 – Vaccinations administered in the Caribbean and Caricom countries