Tag Archives: Robert Persaud

Water versus gold at Port Kaituma – commentary

Water versus gold at Port Kaituma

Two weeks ago, residents of Port Kaituma and nearby areas began to complain bitterly about the pollution of their water supplies by miners working upstream. In the past few years such complaints from various parts of the country have been numerous and a reflection of the wanton disregard of miners for the riparian rights of citizens in these areas. Miners have become emboldened by the increasing weight of the economy attributable to their mineral returns and the ineffectiveness of the government and its regulatory bodies at reining in environmental pollution.

How did the government respond to the concerns of the Port Kaituma residents? Well, it seems that the Minister of Natural Resources Robert Persaud had been in the area for mining week activities and upon hearing of the concerns he announced that the ministry would make available G$80m (US$400,000), to the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) for the construction of a water treatment plant.   Continue reading

Georgetown: World Environment Day walk not all eco-friendly

Green Walk GT- 2013

GREEN WALK, Garbage pile: Participants on World Environment Day walk on Church Street. In the foreground is one of several piles of garbage in the Georgetown.

June 3, 2013 – (Demerara Waves) –  As hundreds of Guyanese marched through the streets of Georgetown to observe World Environment Day later this week, they could not help pass the piles of uncollected garbage and clogged drains.

Although the focus on June 5 is on reducing food waste under the theme “Think, Eat Save, Reduce Your Food Print”, two residents of Albert Street, Alberttown confronted Minister of the Environment, Robert Persaud about the clogged drains and alley that have made her yard and surrounding areas “toxic” and a mosquito haven.    Continue reading

Origin of gold stolen in Curacao unravelling

Origin of gold stolen in Curacao unravelling

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol – Demerara Waves
Tuesday, 04 December 2012 23:18

MV Summer Bliss

MV Summer Bliss

Guyana was Tuesday due to dispatch a team to Curacao in search of details about the origin of US$11.5 million worth of raw gold that was reported stolen from a vessel whose registration is also turning out to be shady.

Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud told reporters late Tuesday night that a team would be deployed to any jurisdiction to ferret out crucial evidence to confirm whether the 400 pounds of precious metal were smuggled from Guyana.    Continue reading

Corruption in gold mining sector under scrutiny

Corruption in gold mining sector comes under scrutiny

MAY 16, 2012 | BY  | By Leonard Gildarie

 …local consortium proposes refinery

An age-old practice by holders of large and medium scale exploratory permits to allow illegal gold mining has drawn fire from government quarters.
During a luncheon in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Guyana Gold Board (GGB), Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud, said it is a major issue being tackled by his newly established Ministry.

Some of the companies involved in the illegal act are prominent ones and the guilty parties could very well face sanctions and see the seizure of the Prospecting Licence, Persaud warned yesterday during a session with reporters and stakeholders at the Sleep Inn Hotel on Brickdam.

According to Persaud, there is clear evidence, via written agreements and otherwise, of the illegal actions.   Continue reading

President expresses optimism after visit to offshore oil rigs

President expresses optimism after visit to offshore oil rigs

   – REPSOL and CGX see positive signs

Georgetown GINA, March 30, 2012

Guyana’s domestic economy is poised for significant development over the coming years with the extractive industries playing a great part. Oil is one of the most looked forward to industry with Government having high expectations of a find.

On March 30, President Donald Ramotar had the opportunity to visit the two offshore oil rigs, REPSOL and CGX offshore Guyana during which he expressed optimism for an oil discovery.
Accompanied by First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud and other officials, President Ramotar was able to observe operations on board both rigs and view promising samples on the REPSOL rig.

An aerial view of the CGX’s rig working on the Eagle well Continue reading

GuySuCo Second Crop 2011 – by Tony Vieira

GuySuCo Second Crop 2011

By Tony Vieira – Aired 21 November 2011 – Commentary

In my commentary GuySuCo 2011 First Crop which was first aired on June 19th 2011, I said quote “In the press release by CEO Bhim on the 29th March 2011 GuySuCo’s production at that time according to him was 47,000 tons against an estimated first crop production of 138,793 tons and that he was confident that he will achieve his target. As usual he didn’t”!

In a marathon first crop of 23 weeks up to week ending 9th June 2011, GuySuCo achieved its weekly target only twice, in week 4 and in week 16. And at the end of the crop they produced not the estimated 138,793 tons but around 105,000 tons i.e. about 75% of what they were supposed to produce. At that time [29th March 2011] GuySuCo’s Chairman Bhim told the nation that his annual 2011 projection was to produce 305,000 tons.

I observed in my commentary the following; quote “Since the 2010 year produced only 220,000 tons of sugar, Bhim did not elaborate on how he was going to achieve 305,000 tons in 2011” no one, and I mean no one can produce 220,000 one year and 300,000 tons the very next year, I also said this quote “we still have the Skeldon SSMP problem which is still a massive white elephant so expecting more than 260,000 tons this year based on the performance so far whilst not impossible, is not probable” I was right. Since as of the end of October 2011 the second crop only produced 96,931 tons to the end of October, so we have only produced around 200,000 tons for the year so far and the rains are upon us now. It is therefore unreasonable for us to produce 280,000 tons for 2011 and it is looking more like my 240-260 thousand ton estimate as more realistic as usual.    Continue reading

Ramjattan boycotts Ramotar swearing in

Ramjattan boycotts Ramotar swearing in


….says was responding to malicious lies being peddled by NCN

Alliance for Change Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan, says that it was the malicious lies being peddled by the National Communications Network and the inability of the People’s Progressive Party Civic to reign in the aggravating reports that caused him to not attend the swearing-in ceremony of Donald Ramotar as Head of State.

Ramjattan has asserted that his party will remain an independent party.
According to reports the state-owned National Communication Network in Berbice, where the AFC had a significant number of crossover votes from the once dominant People’s Progressive Party, has been reporting that AFC is now in bed with A Partnership for National Unity.  Continue reading

Apathy, APNU, AFC caused near defeat of PPP – Persaud

Apathy, APNU, AFC caused near defeat of PPP… Persaud
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Thursday, 01 December 2011 21:41

Freedom_HouseFresh from leading Guyana into its first ever minority government, the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) cited vote-splitting and its supporters’ staying away from Monday’s general elections as reasons for losing its grip on the 65-seat National Assembly.

PPPC spokesman, Robert Persaud declined to even hint at how the country would be governed over the next five years in the absence of a working parliamentary majority.

He said President-elect Donald Ramotar, who would be sworn in by Saturday, would outline the governance mechanisms. Continue reading

PPPC asks for recount at 48 polling stations ; APNU says not notified

PPPC asks for recount at 48 polling stations ; APNU says not notified

Demerara Waves – November 29, 2011

The Peoples Progressive Party (PPPC) has asked for votes cast at 48 polling stations to be recounted, a process that could delay the announcement of final election results.

“Naturally, this would have an impact on the timeliness of the declaration of the officla results by the Chief Elections Officer,” said spokesman for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Vishnu Persaud.

He told reporters that votes cast at 13 stations on the East Bank Demerara and 35 in Georgetown would be recounted.  Continue reading

Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan poised to endorse Ramotar

Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan poised to endorse Ramotar

Demerara Waves – October 24, 2011  – comments


Left to Right: Cheddi ‘Joey’ Jagan Jnr; PPPC spokesman, Robert Persaud and Cheddi Jagan III

Son of late President Dr. Cheddi Jagan on Monday appeared poised to endorse Donald Ramotar’s presidential candidacy for the governing Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) 2011 general election.

In a statement to a few media-houses, Joey Jagan attributed his decision to disunity in the opposition camps and his desire to carry on the legacy of his father who died in 1997 of a heart attack.           Continue reading