What an unholy mess and farce this all is.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau waves after buying ice cream at a snack stand in Ottawa on July 13, 2022. The Trudeau government seems divorced from the concerns of regular Canadians, writes Rex Murphy.

© Provided by National PostPrime Minister Justin Trudeau waves after buying ice cream at a snack stand in Ottawa on July 13, 2022. The Trudeau government seems divorced from the concerns of regular Canadians, writes Rex Murphy.

Is this a government or a travelling road show?

The prime minister darts around like a summer fly, off to useless summits one day, on a European photo-op mission the next, drops in to Ukraine to pose with Madame Joly for the obligatory photo with the beleaguered Volodymyr Zelenskyy, flits back home for a while, off to Calgary, back to Nova Scotia (the quotient of apologies must be maintained), then on to Ontario for an EV announcement, and then off to a police-guarded lunch in Montreal.        Continue reading