Category Archives: Caribbean news

CRICKET- West Indies – Haynes-Led Selection Panel Gambles On Darren Bravo and Kemar Roach For India Tour Squad!

By Tony (McWatt) and Reds Perreira

As the first exercise of its associated duties since having been appointed, the Desmond Haynes-led Selection Panel recently announced its chosen 15 member squad for the West Indies limited-overs tour to India. The West Indies will play three ODIs and an equal number of T20I matches against their Indian hosts, during the two-week tour which runs from February 6-20.

Except for just two of the players named by Haynes and his fellow Section Panel members, Ramnaresh Sarwan and Head Coach Phil Simmons, the remaining thirteen of the fifteen chosen can now be said to have been wholly expected. The two whose selections have since caused a fair bit of consternation, as well as quite a few raised eyebrows, are Darren Bravo and Kemar Roach.      Continue reading

UK: Groundbreaking work on slave economy, by Dr. Eric Williams, finally back on UK shelves

Seminal work by scholar and future politician Eric Williams, rejected 80 years ago, to be republished in Britain

Dr Eric Williams in 1961, when he was president of Trinidad and Tobago, speaking at Central Hall in London's Westminster.
PHOTO: Dr. Eric Williams in 1961, when he was president of Trinidad and Tobago, speaking at Central Hall in London’s Westminster. Photograph: Val Wilmer/Getty
Sun 23 Jan 2022 09.30 GMT – THE GUARDIAN

But when Eric Williams – who would later become the first prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago – sought to publish his “mind-blowing” thesis on capitalism and slavery in Britain, he was shunned by publishers and accused of undermining the humanitarian motivation for Britain’s Slavery Abolition Act. It was not until 1964 that the work found a publisher in the UK, but it has been out of print here for decades.

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POLITICS: Female Leadership Is Good for The World. Just Look at Barbados – Mandeep Rai | The Guardian UK

By Mandeep Rai | The Guardian UK

PM Mia Mottley

Mia Mottley is just one of a raft of strong women across the Caribbean and South America tackling society’s most pressing issues. The world could learn a lot from them

I am writing from South America and the Caribbean, having interviewed many female leaders, most recently from Suriname, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. 

The level of respect for female political and business leaders here is partly because they have had to dig deeper to prove themselves, which I believe is one key to their success – particularly during turbulent times.        Continue reading

BOOK: From Rags to Riches: Is Guyana Ready for the Oil Bonanza? – by Terence M Yhip 

Published in Paperback – Jan. 5 2021 – by Terence M. Yhip 

Terence M. Yhip, a Ph.D Economics from McGill University, is currently a partner of Ideal Advisory Services (IAS), Toronto. He was Visiting Fellow at UWI, Mona, Jamaica after a long and distinguished career in economics, banking and finance in Canada, US, UK, Bahrain and the Caribbean.  The author urges the Guyanese diaspora to read the book for a clear understanding of exactly where Guyana lost significantly from the ExxonMobil production sharing agreement governing the offshore Stabroek concession.
Whether Guyana succeeds with the oil money only time will tell, but much hangs on local politics, corruption and accountability, management of the Natural Resource Fund, and macroeconomic policies to prevent Dutch Disease, which has afflicted Trinidad and Tobago as it struggles with the fact that oil and gas reserves will dry up this decade barring new major finds.      Continue reading

BARBADOS: PM Mia Mottley wins second landslide 30-0, for second term

— PM who shot to fame at Cop26 climate talks vows to ‘lead country first to safety then to prosperity’

Mia Mottley casts her vote in St Michael, Barbados.
Mia Mottley casts her vote in St Michael, Barbados. Photograph: Nigel R Browne/Reuters
in Bridgetown, Barbados –Thu 20 Jan 2022 09.55 GMT- THE GUARDIAN

The 56-year-old’s Barbados Labour Party (BLP) won all 30 seats, repeating the historic 30-0 win in 2018, in an election marred by complaints that thousands of Covid-positive Bajans were denied a vote.          Continue reading

CRICKET: Former West Indies captain Clive Lloyd of Guyana, receives knighthood

Cricket legend Clive Lloyd has received his knighthood at a ceremony that was delayed since Jan 1, 2020, due to Covid.

Legendary West Indies captain Clive Lloyd was knighted by the British Royal Federation, on Wednesday January  12 2022, after the ceremony was previously postponed due to Covid-19.

Clive Lloyd, the former two-time World Cup-winning captain was honoured with a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for his services to the sport of cricket.                Continue reading

GUYANA: Local Content Bill: Guyana Playing Wrong And Strong!

Jan 16, 2022 – Kaieteur News – The local private sector is being myopic when it comes to the conflict between Guyana’s local content policies and law and the country’s obligations under the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC). Those representative private sector organisations which have railed against criticisms of Guyana’s local content laws have failed to appreciate the importance of regional integration towards local firms’ participation through local content policies.

Isabelle Ramdoo, a Senior Investment and Linkages Advisor at the African Minerals Development Centre, has expounded on the importance of a regional approach to the success of local content policies. While noting that many local content policies stand in conflict with goals of regional integration, she said that was in the main because such policies focused on national interests.          Continue reading

GUYANA: Feeling Blessed – By Dave Martins + Music Video

 Stabroek News – By Dave Martins – January 1, 2022

It’s one of the features of daily living that we often look back at our lives and feel fortunate for some of the things that have come our way.

I have several friends in this category who will from time to time make this point about their own situation, and it occurred to me very recently, after a very touching email from my friend and fellow musician George Jardim, who spoke about his own satisfaction with things on his plate, triggering me into reflecting on what he said as it related to my life. I have noted this before, but it bears repeating.            Continue reading

GUYANA: CARICOM Private Sector body objects to Guyana’s Local Content law;

— Georgetown Chamber President says time to leave CARICOM Single Market

Timothy Tucker

The Caribbean Private Sector Organisation (CPSO) is objecting to Guyana’s recently-passed Local Content legislation on the grounds that it seems to violate the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) free trade rules, a position that has prompted the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Timothy Tucker to call for Guyana to leave the regional single market.

CPSO President, Gervase Warner has stated in an email states that “at the executive committee today, we agreed that the legislation appears to violate several provisions of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas.”  Mr. Warner, who is also the President and Group Chief Executive Officer of the Trinidad-headquartered Massy, said the CPSO would be raising its concerns first with the Guyana government and then “ultimately to the Caribbean Community.”          Continue reading

TRAVEL: Caribbean Airlines (CAL} launches new marketing campaign

CAL – Caribbean Airlines

By January 10, 2022

Caribbean Airlines (CAL) today launched its REset Expectations campaign for 2022 and is to conduct a special sale on all destinations, carded for January 15.

Caribbean Airlines CEO, Garvin Medera in a statement today commented: “Surviving the past two years was testimony of our resilience and we are now re-energized. The REset Expectations campaign is the result of feedback from our customers and employees, and validated by sound data. We’ve listened closely to the sentiments, which enabled us to re-focus on enhancing the customer experience.