Daily Archives: 10/13/2012

The Special Story of Nancy Allicock (1820-1848) by Dmitri Allicock



 By Dmitri Allicock                                                For the Guyanese Online Blog

The rhythm of life alongside the peaceful and pristine black waters of Upper Demerara holds many secrets of forgotten history of the past two centuries. The story of Nancy Allicock my three times great grandmother is one of those forgotten treasures of antiquity and a lost age.

Nancy Allicock was probable the most recognized and remembered one of the nine children of Robert Frederick Allicock of Upper Demerara and plantations Noitgedacht and Retrieve. Very little personal information have survived and the life stories of the children are now lost to time and the fog of history. Continue reading

Trinidad and Tobago – history, culture and cuisine – 2 videos

Limin’ N Dinin’ in Trinidad & Tobago

A documentary exploring the history and culture of cuisine in Trinidad and Tobago. Produced and shot on location through University of California, Davis Summer Aboard program 2010.

Trinidad and Tobago the True Caribbean

AFC blames Dr. Luncheon for Agricola protest – video

Alliance For Change blames Dr. Luncheon for Agricola protest

The Alliance For Change hits back, saying Luncheon’s singing is what taunted the people of Agricola, causing Thursday evening’s protest.

The seven-seat parliamentary opposition party, AFC, is putting the blame of Thursday’s protest at Agricola, squarely at the feet of Dr. Roger Luncheon, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat. The Government has sought to blame the AFC for the protests which left thousands stranded for hours and some persons robbed.    Continue reading

USA Elections – VP Debate: Big Joe wins + Ryan’s 24 Myths

Big Joe and the Joyful Noise

Friday, 12 October 2012 08:58 By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Joe Biden.Vice President Joseph Biden of Delaware dropped the hammer on Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan on Thursday, and it was a powerful thing to see.

Anyone who tells you the vice presidential debate was a tie, or that Mr. Ryan prevailed, is trying to sell you a diamond mine that ain’t worth a dime. The ultimate impact and import of what went down during Thursday’s debate won’t be immediately known, but the simple fact is beyond dispute: Joe Biden owned the night, and owned his opponent, in a way rarely seen in modern debate history.

It was, in every respect, just what the doctor ordered for the Democratic presidential campaign: a high-energy, aggressive and fact-laden stand taken by a battle-scarred party elder who, for all time, dispelled any and all preconceived notions that he is some half-addled gaffe generator who cannot be counted on when the chips are down. Joe Biden came to play Thursday night, and the public works employees of Danville, KY, will be spending the next couple of days sweeping up little pieces of Paul Ryan because of it.  [more]

At the Vice Presidential Debate: Ryan Told 24 Myths in 40 Minutes      [ < click to read article]

For example, he said that it is an indisputable fact that Medicare and Social Security are going bankrupt.