Tag Archives: President Irfaan Ali.

Guyana: Think on That — A Foundation of Lies – By Mosa Telford

I had to remind myself about what extra-judicial killings are when President Irfaan Ali rejected claims that the killing of Orin Boston indicated a return of extrajudicial killings or that Guyana has a history of such activities.          Continue reading

GUYANA: President Ali removes Haitians from list of visa-free nations

Haitians and Cubans in Bon Fim. Brazil – arrested by Federal Police (file photo)

President Irfaan Ali has withdrawn the automatic six-month stay of Haitians on arrival in Guyana, now resulting in nationals of that former sister-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) having to get visas here.

The order, which  is dated June 22, 2021 and signed by President Irfaan Ali, removes Haitians from the list of nationals who can enter this country without visas. His order revokes the Immigration Order 2019 is revoked.    Continue reading

GUYANA: Harmon calls for “full explanation” from Ali about Sputnik V “vaccine racket”

Sheikh Ahmad Dalmook Juma Al Maktoum

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon on Tuesday called on President Irfaan Ali to explain a more than GYD$1 billion dollar purchase of Sputnik V coronavirus vaccines from a member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ruling family who visited Guyana last year.

“A full explanation of the vaccine racket is demanded of President Irfaan Ali by the Guyanese people,” Mr. Harmon said in a statement.

Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony, in response to questions by opposition parliamentarians,  named Sheik Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum of the UAE as the supplier of the jabs.          Continue reading

OIL: Guyana not yet in position to adopt Norway model for a wealth fund – Ali


Irfaan AliPresident Irfaan Ali yesterday announced that while his government is committed to the transparent spending of Guyana’s oil revenue, it cannot at this stage commit to implementing the internationally praised Norway model for a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF).

During the opening session of the inaugural Diaspora Conference, held virtually, Ali along with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo responded to series of questions from participants.        Continue reading

GUYANA: President Ali; VP Jagdeo discuss Berbice deepwater port with CGX; investors

President Irfaan Ali (right) and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo.

 Mar 19, 2021 – Kaieteur News – The construction of a deep-water harbour in Berbice is currently engaging the attention of Head of State, President, Irfaan Ali, Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Canadian oil company, CGX Guyana, along with investors.

This is according to Minister within the Ministry of Public Works with responsibility for the Energy Sector, Deodat Indar, in a live broadcast interview on Monday, facilitated by Globespan24X7.  Continue reading

US President Joe Biden sends 51st Republic Day Congratulations to Guyana

US President Joe Biden today said he looks forward to working with Guyana on addressing security concerns that threaten the “shared interest” of the two countries.

In a message to President Irfaan Ali to mark Guyana’s 51st anniversary as a republic, Biden also expressed the desire for a stronger relationship founded on “shared principles of good governance, prosperity, and security”.          Continue reading

GUYANA: The Flooding of the Success squatters – Stabroek News Editorial

While the squatters at Success were slowly being submerged under water and the police were firing pellet rounds, President Irfaan Ali was at the Providence Stadium in dream mode. He was attending the opening of a two-day exercise for the distribution of land titles called ‘Dream Realised’ held by the Ministry of Housing and Water.

Addressing himself to the squatters he said, “My brothers and sisters at Success… we want you to own your homes too; that is why we sent the housing team so many times to see you. We want to help you. We are going to move as fast as possible in this programme but I am appealing to Guyanese let us do it the right way.”          Continue reading

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to visit Guyana this week

  Sep 13, 2020 Kaieteur News

A September 11, 2020 correspondence between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Guyana Defence Force has made its way into the public and it indicates that the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, will visit Guyana between Thursday, September 17 to Friday, September 18, 2020.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo

He will be the highest, serving ranking US official to visit Guyana.

A meeting with President Irfaan Ali is likely, though it is unclear what the purpose of the Secretary’s visit is.  Continue reading

Berbice Murders: President visits families of murdered West Berbice teens

President Irfaan Ali (right) visiting with the family of Isaiah Henry today. (Office of the President photo)
President Irfaan Ali (right) visiting with the family of Isaiah Henry  

President Irfaan Ali today (September 11, 2020) met with the families of the three youths who were recently killed on the West Coast Berbice.

A release from the Office of the President today said that he assured the families that everything possible will be done to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The killings last weekend of Isaiah and Joel Henry triggered major unrest along the West Coast Berbice. Haresh Singh was murdered on Wednesday.    Continue reading

PROTESTS: Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon condemns President’s “rape” accusations

Joseph Harmon

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon on Thursday condemned President Irfaan Ali’s claims that protesters against the killing of three youths had also raped innocent people.

“There are no known police reports of any rape associated with recent protest actions. Yet Mr. Ali, in his statement, among other charges said ‘raping people’s children has nothing to do with justice.’ What rape Mr. Ali? This is a figment of your speechwriter’s imagination,” Mr. Harmon said.        Continue reading