Tag Archives: Indian

USA POLITICS: Asian Americans’ political preferences have flipped from red to blue – BY: John A. Tures

Professor of Political Science, LaGrange College

– September 14, 2020. The Conversation

Asian Americans used to be a reliable Republican voting bloc. But long before Kamala Harris, who is Indian American and Black, became Joe Biden’s running mate, they shifted to support the Democratic Party. This is true across ages, genders and ethnic origins of Asian Americans – including Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Hmong.

As a political scientist, I’m not just interested in voting, but also in how groups change their party preferences. This subject of study, known as “critical elections,” looks at how political party fortunes change over time as a result of racial, religious or regional groups’ changing views.


Black + Indian Ceremony Script – A biracial marriage

Our best wishes to you both for a successful and long marriage.

This entry is from the blog of one of our readers.

Fran 'N' Nelli

Hi everyone, a couple of people have asked me how I blended both cultures into one ceremony. A lot of fusion weddings have two different ceremonies on different days or the same day but as I touched on with previous posts, we decided to have one ceremony with our immediate family as the officiants.  Since we didn’t have the expertise of religious officiants to give us the scripts we made our own ceremony which made it even extra special.  We researched a lot of things on the internet and took SOME (keyword) advice from our close friends/family.  Thank you Google for allowing us to get married haha! And now to pay it forward for other engaged couples, we are happily giving you our ceremony online for you to hopefully enjoy along with some explanations, thought processes, challenges etc.

  • Wedding Registry – From all the Indian weddings I’ve been to…

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WE MUST EMBRACE ALL OF GUYANA by Dave Martins – Credits Stabroek News.

Dave Martins

Dave Martins

In a recent column I made a passing reference to a comment from Stabroek News writer Alan Fenty who had posed the question in his column whether “one could be Guyanese – spiritually and culturally – without being Indian, African, European or Chinese?” I answered Alan at the time saying the answer is “no, because we are made up of all these strands from other places, plus the Amerindian one, so to be truly Guyanese you have to see all those strands as part of you.” However, I felt at the time that his comment called for more elaboration, hence my effort today.

I would widen the comment above by saying that if we are truly Guyanese, and to be “one people” in fact and not in rhetoric, we should be abandoning these ethnic divisions we so rigidly practice and embracing instead the astounding variety of strong powerful expressions that make up the Guyana mosaic. We should see our diversity as values to be embraced with all the ingredients coming under one umbrella, the one called Guyana, instead of positions dividing us by origins.   Continue reading