Guyana Police Force needs 600 more ranks – Minister of Public Security

Min of Public Security – Khemraj Ramjattan

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  • Yvonne  On 10/12/2019 at 11:00 am

    Maintaining law and order in a society is essential in order for a country to achieve its full potential. Therefore, the government must make policing a priority and find ways and the means to develop a police force that is worthy of the confidence of Guyanese people, tourists and potential investors wanting to come and live in Guyana. In order to encourage police to work in rural areas, government must supply an incentive for them to do so. One such incentive could be offering a higher pay to police who are willing to work in rural areas on a 6 month rotation basis….exchanging urban police with rural police. Teaching the culture of the Amerindian people must be made part of the police training program as well. It should not be difficult to find Amerindian translators to work with police who are stationed in those villages but don’t speak the language. Creativity in thinking must play a part in this process to make it work. So come on Mr. Minister, start thinking creatively.

    • Jasmin Prasard  On 10/12/2019 at 1:14 pm

      These people can never elevate themselves because police are one big corrupt rotten dog who represent all that is nasty and rotten about this country

      • Wally  On 10/12/2019 at 3:46 pm

        If the government corrupt the police will be corrupt. Police were allowed to be a law unto themselves during the previous administration….birds of a feather if you get my drift!!! The present government has been working diligently to root out the “rotten dogs” you mentioned and have actually arrested and charged some. Once the police understand that they are being scrutinized and some being charged and prosecuted and jailed, and lose their pensions, they will think twice.

      • Zenith  On 10/12/2019 at 8:10 pm

        You cant change a rotten dog

  • Guess Tyler  On 10/17/2019 at 7:03 am

    Surveillance cameras are an effective tool in identifying criminals that prey upon honest citizens. I support the government and police in employment camera surveillance. It is time to weed out corrupt cops.

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