Daily Archives: 03/05/2017

The Digital Storm: Blowing Away the Human Mind -commentary

The Digital Storm: Blowing Away the Human Mind

By John Stanton – – Global Research, March 01, 2017

Brain_IllustrationTemporal compression, as it is technically called, is an event that concretely modifies everyone’s daily life at the same time. In the face of this acceleration of daily life, fear has become an environment even in a time of peace.

We are living in the accident of the globe, the accident of instantaneous simultaneity and interactivity that have now gained the upper hand over ordinary activities…With the phenomena of instantaneous interaction that are now our lot, there has been a veritable reversal, destabilizing the relationship of human interactions and the time reserved for reflection in favor of the conditioned responses produced by emotion…    Continue reading

“The Statutes of Man” by Brazilian Poet Thiago de Mello

By Rosaliene Bacchus

Three Worlds One Vision


Book Cover: Os Estatutos do Homem (The Statutes of Man) by Thiago de Mello
Photo Credit: Casas Bahia, Brazil

My Poetry Corner March 2017 features the poem “The Statutes of Man” (Os Estatutos do Homem) by Brazilian poet Thiago de Mello, born in 1926 in the State of Amazonas of Northern Brazil.

Growing up among Brazil’s exploited working class, Thiago de Mello devoted his poetry to addressing freedom, human dignity, and other social causes. When the military coup occurred in Brazil in 1964, he was the Cultural Attaché at the Brazilian Embassy in Santiago, Chile (1961-1964), where he became close friends with Pablo Neruda. He responded to the junta’s repressive, extra-constitutional decrees with his most famous poem, “The Statutes of Man.”

After resigning his overseas post and returning to Brazil, he was exiled in 1968 for denouncing the oppressive military dictatorship government (1964-1985). During his nine years in…

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Guyana Government News Brief – March 3, 2017

GINA Guyana

GINA Guyana

Guyana Government News Brief – March 3, 2017