Daily Archives: 11/15/2021

The 100 Greatest Soul Songs of the 70s Unforgettable Soul Music- Full Playlist

The 100 Greatest Soul Songs of the 70s Unforgettable Soul Music Full Playlist

Guyana begins to import fish; shrimp – fishermen blame ExxonMobil’s ongoing oil operations

Imported fish &  shrimp

Kaieteur News – Nov 15, 2021.  Amid a shortage of fish here, supermarkets are now stocking their freezers with imported fish and shrimp from Florida and Jamaica. And while local fishermen have sought to blame the situation on ExxonMobil’s ongoing oil operations in Guyana’s waters, the American oil giant has downplayed this, saying impacts from its operations on marine life is minor to negligible.

Visits to supermarkets in the City have revealed that a number of supermarkets are stocked with imported seafood. When the first six months of 2019, 2020 and 2021 were compared, it was revealed that for the past two years, fish and shrimp production has been declining. This was seen in the recent Bank of Guyana (BoG) Half-Year Report.        Continue reading

Guyana: PPP proposes break-up of Region Four to rig elections- PNCR’s Aubrey Norton

Anil Nandlall and Aubrey Norton

Executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton on Friday accused the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration of splitting Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) into four sub-districts to rig future general and regional elections.

He does not believe that the break-up of Region/District Four is merely about the convenience of counting the votes in the highest populated region that has been plagued by controversy at general elections. Instead, he argues that the plan is to neutralise  votes in African Guyanese-dominated communities while allowing an advantage in Indo-Guyanese areas. “We are going to fight it vigorously because Region Four is one region and it has to stay as one region and if, per chance, you have to give reasons why Region Five and Six that you win aren’t broken up because we can break that up too and get a different result so it’s clearly a case of jerrymandering the boundaries and we will not allow them to jerrymander the boundaries,” he said.          Continue reading