Tag Archives: tastes like home

15 POEMS OF GUYANA – By Dmitri Allicock

15 poems


By Dmitri Allicock



 So beautiful an evening, calm and free

Ladies and Gentlemen, relishing the sea

Kind breeze tempers air of tropical sun

Cool and pleasant reprieve, day is done    Continue reading

Eating a ‘lil Garlic Pork by Cynthia Nelson

Eating a ‘lil Garlic Pork

Posted By Cynthia Nelson On February 2, 2013 – In Tastes Like Home,The Scene | 

20130202cynthiaHi Everyone,  A little over two weeks ago when I shared my Holiday Bits, with you, I mentioned that I did not make any garlic pork for Christmas. Well, shortly after writing the column I could think of nothing else but eating garlic pork. A full week later, I opened the glass jar in which the Garlic Pork was curing and inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the heady aroma of garlic and thyme.

I had the first eating all planned. I got up early the morning and made fresh artisan homemade bread. Sliced up some cucumbers and tomatoes, bought fresh from the market the same day, and tore large swatches of crisp, leafy green lettuce. I pan-fried the garlic pork, cooked 2 eggs sunny side up, stilly runny. A big mug of bay leaf and lemongrass tea completed the meal. I lingered long and leisurely over my breakfast. I was in food heaven.   [read more]

Book: “Tastes Like Home” – by Cynthia Nelson

Book:   “Tastes like Home” by Cynthia Nelson

Tastes Like Home – My Caribbean Cookbook is more than just a book of recipes.

The book “Tastes like Home” is a conversation about food and how it connects and forms part of the Caribbean identity.

The book is divided into two sections – a memoir section and a recipe section.

Cynthia shares personal memories and helps us to understand Caribbean food and lifestyle.  Some of the memories focus upon food, some on events or special festivals, while others are recollections of life in the Caribbean.

In the recipe section, readers are treated to step-by-step guides on how to make Caribbean dishes like  roti, the perfect baked ham, Dhal-puri, Christmas cake and coconut drops, just to name a few.

You can read more about the book on Cynthia’a Blog.

Get the Tastes Like Home Cookbook today!


Ian Randle Publishers

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The book is also available at major bookstores in the Caribbean and elsewhere.

Cynthia Blog: www.tasteslikehome.org

Guyanese Cuisine – “Tastes Like Home”

Guyanese Cuisine – “Tastes Like Home”

This entry by Cynthia Nelson was published in the May 2010 edition of the Guyanese Online Newsletter

Hello!!   Welcome to Tastes Like Home, my virtual din-ing table! I’m Cynthia.
I was born and raised in the only English-speaking country in South America – Guyana. Guyana is a multi-cultural society and you will see that reflected in the food I make. Guyanese trace their heritage to every corner of the world, but especially Africa, India, China, Portugal, and to the indigenous popu-lations for whom the region has always been home.
I’ve been living in Barbados now for more than a decade and so when I speak of home these days, I do not only refer to Guyana as home but also Barbados as both places contribute in different and significant ways to who I am.
I am a trained media practitioner and teach Broadcast Journalism. As a food writer, I write a weekly newspaper column, Tastes Like Home which is published in print and online at Guyana’s leading newspaper, http://www.stabroeknews.com/.
Apart from my column, I also write freelance for a variety of publica-tions regionally and internationally. I am a regular contributor to Carib-bean Belle (Trinidad) and City Style & Living (Canada). I also Contrib-ute to U Magazine (a new Health Magazine produced and published in Trinidad & Tobago.

Guyanese Online Newsletter – May 2010

Guyanese Online Newsletter

Guyanese Online – May 2010 < click to download

In This Issue:

  • Pg01-  Award: President Jagdeo gets highest UN award.: Masthead Picture:  Kaieteur Falls with links.
  • Pg02- Editorial;   “On the street where I lived” by Peter Halder;   BBC radio program on Race (listen)
  • Pg03- Tourism News Items;  List and links of  Hotels. Eco-lodges and tour companies in Guyana.
  • Pg04 – Guest Editorial – “Tourism Policy”
  • Pg05 – Pg06   – Guyana News: including a list of news links
  • Pg07- Commentary – “The Bartica Triangle- Door to the Interior”  by Peter Ramsaroop.
  • Pg08 – Associations – Queen’s College Alumni- Toronto Chapter –
  • Pg09 – Pg10 –  Associations– News
  • Pg11 – Arts and Culture – “Tastes Like Home”
  • Pg12 – Arts and Culture – News
  • Pg13 – Business – “Leadership and Vision” by William (Bill) King
  • Pg14 – Historical: Historic New Amsterdam
  • Pg15 – Historical: The Arrival of the Chinese in British Guiana