Tag Archives: PPP government

Pradoville Two scandal…NICIL paid $100M-plus to remove transmission tower

Pradoville Two scandal…NICIL paid $100M-plus to remove transmission tower

AUGUST 2, 2015 | BY | Land sold below market value to Jagdeo, ministers and friends
Details are emerging how state resources to the tune of tens of millions of dollars were abused during the last term of Bharrat Jagdeo to build a special seaside community on the Sparendaam foreshore, East Coast Demerara.

picThe Pradoville Two transaction would have spanned a number of Government entities, including the Central Housing and Planning Authority, the National Communications Network (NCN) and the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL).
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Guyana Elections 2015: Can younger generations end the nation’s racial politics? – By Rosaliene Bacchus

Three Worlds One Vision

Parliament Buildings - Georgetown - GuyanaParliament Buildings – Georgetown – Guyana
Source: Guyana Government Information Agency (GINA)

After suspending the nation’s Parliament last November to avoid a no-confidence vote, Guyana President Donald Ramotar finally made the long-awaited announcement. General and regional elections will take place on May 11, 2015.

Official representatives from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom stationed in Guyana released a joint-statement applauding the announcement. “We are hopeful that the upcoming electoral process will allow the Guyanese people to debate the important issues that are facing the country. We are committed to working with GECOM [Guyana Electoral Commission], all political parties, and civil society to support free, fair and peaceful elections,” they stated.

Since the 1950s, when working class Guyanese came together to demand independence from Great Britain, the nation’s politics evolved along racial lines of the majority Indo- and Afro-Guyanese populations. In power since 1992, the ruling party enjoys…

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Elections are imminent, another minority parliament looms – commentary

Elections are imminent, another minority parliament looms

ballot boxNovember 16, 2014 | By KNEWS – | My Column

Some time back I wrote that if only people could talk to each other the country would be a better place. I remember back in 2012 there was a lot of fuss over the first budget that the Ramotar administration was presenting. The opposition which controlled the Parliament said that it should have had a say in the preparation.

The result is that there were cuts to the budget and the matter ended up in court. The same thing happened with the 2013 and 2014 budgets.

There were Bills that were considered important. These languished in the National Assembly because the government and the opposition could not talk enough to solve the problem. This trend has continued, with the result that Guyana saw its Parliament prorogued for the first time since it became an independent nation. Continue reading

Guyana: Free and fair local government elections – commentary

Free and fair local government elections


Pressed at Wednesday’s Europe Day event on why local government elections have not been held, President Ramotar had this to say:

“As far as local government elections is concerned I cannot be oblivious to the political situation that exists in this country and further I say not.”

If one was to parse this cryptic answer by the President, there is only one plausible inference that can be drawn and this is that the President is holding in reserve the option of calling early general elections and therefore preparations for long-awaited local government elections cannot begin. It may also be the case that the government has no desire to hold either the general or local government elections but is simply using one to excuse the absence of the other. The President’s declaration that he will say nothing further on the matter is also exceedingly disappointing. The electorate expects, nay demands, that the President be forthcoming on all the details surrounding the unconscionably delayed local government polls and his reasoning. Continue reading

Amerindian Affairs – What the Permanent Secretary said – commentary

What the Permanent Secretary said

Both he and the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Mrs Pauline Sukhai, who was present when the statements were made in strident language and tones, should be censured and President Ramotar should ask for a full report on the event from all concerned and decide what further steps should be taken to excise this type of bullying behaviour of the First Peoples.

During his presentation, which seemed to be mostly consumed by ensuring that the government was given all the credit for Community Development Projects (CDPs) in Amerindian villages, Mr Dharamlall was recorded as saying in part: “The LCDS [Low Carbon Development Strategy] is the Government of Guyana… the people of Guyana… I don’t want any single one of you to ever again—and I keep saying this over and over—any CSO [Community Support Officer] who says they are working on the UNDP project called the CDP I want you off the CSO project”.   Continue reading

One day the PNC will say enough is enough – Freddie Kissoon

One day the PNC will say enough is enough


Last week, protestors in Thailand invaded a number of Ministries and took them over, cutting water and electricity supply. The Government invoked security laws and the next day, the protestors invaded the army headquarters.

The main parliamentary opposition has joined the protestors. They openly stated aim of the demonstrators is to remove the Government. At the time of writing there is no police action. What is the reason for the grievance? They say that the politically disgraced brother of the Prime Minister is the real force behind her power.

In Kiev, protestors for the third day are out in their numbers reminding the world of the Orange Revolution in the early nineties that brought down the government. What is their motive? The Ukrainian Government backed off signing a trade agreement with the EU.
In neither of the two examples cited, police brutality, authoritarian policy-making, cruel governmental action and horrible power abuse were the reasons for the anger. In many other lands as this article is being written, people are protesting for things that are far less egregious than what obtains in Guyana.     Continue reading

Can Babu John save a declining PPP? – by Ralph Seeram


JULY 21, 2013 | BY KNEWS |   By Ralph Seeram 

We knew for sure we were in for a severe “cut ass”. My cousin Eric and I had broken a most important rule of my aunt; do not go and play without permission. More important do not go beyond the immediate home surroundings. Not only did we venture beyond the immediate area but we were missing for about two hours.

One of my cousins met us at the gate and gleefully told us to prepare for “licks”. My aunt was a strict disciplinarian. She had to be; she had eleven children of her own plus me. Now you may be wondering, what was our major infraction of the rules? Well we went to the Babu John foreshore to catch birds.

Yes a group of friends decided to go to the Babu John foreshore, where flocks of birds gathered to feast on shrimps and fishes on the foreshore, the very foreshore on which Cheddi Jagan was cremated.      Continue reading

Budget 2013: Opposition frustrated with Gov’t consultations – video

Opposition continues to express frustration with the efforts of the Government to hold meaningful consultations

Capitol News – February 11, 2013: The main opposition party A Partnership For National Unity, APNU, believes that the 2013 budget is in an advanced stage, despite budgetary talks with the opposition parties. The Budget is schedule to be presented by March 30 to the National Assembly.

Opposition Leader David Granger said efforts to have a collective input from the parliamentary parties, the APNU and the AFC seem to be heading down hill.   Continue reading

National Assembly adjourns – opposition’s refusal to let Rohee speak – videos

National Assembly adjourns following opposition’s refusal to let Rohee speak  –  video

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 02:45 PM PST

The National Assembly was brought to a noisy end this afternoon just about an hour after the sitting began as the Opposition members prevented Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee from speaking by thumping on their desks and chanting that Rohee must go. The Speaker after two attempts to bring the house to order, was forced     [more plus video]

Home Affairs Minister Rohee has no intention to go  – video

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 02:44 PM PST

A defiant Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee today said, he does not intend to move from that portfolio as long as he enjoys the confidence of the President and his cabinet Colleagues. The Home Affairs minister was speaking just after the speaker was forced to adjourn today’s sitting of the National Assembly as the opposition     [more -plus video..]

National Assembly reconvened – October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012. Georgetown. Guyana.

The National Assembly came out of recess on today and it was as if they never left. The house got caught up in an uproar as the Prime Minister stood up to speak about the recent blockage of the East Bank Public road by Agricola residents and the reported cases of persons being robbed and beaten. He accused the opposition, AFC and APNU, of orchestrating what took place in Agricola, a line the Government has been using on State TV, since the incident. The opposition fired back.              Continue reading