Tag Archives: Nigel Dharamlall

GUYANA: Gov’t to host massive outreach to Buxton/Friendship on Monday July 4, 2022

Photo: Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips engaging residents of Buxton

Buxtonians and residents of other neighboring villages will have the opportunity to meet with several government ministers on Monday, July 4, to discuss developmental issues and other concerns, when government takes a major outreach to the East Coast Demerara community.

The exercise will be led by Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, and fulfills a commitment made by His Excellency, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, when he visited the village last Tuesday.      Continue reading

GUYANA: The untouchables- Sexual assault and harassment – By Akola Thompson

Underreporting of crimes within the realm of sexual assault and harassment, has long been an issue of concern. Reporting is often held up as the end all goal for those with experiences of abuse, as it is seen as adding a layer of believability to their reports. There is also the belief that the road to justice for the abused is one that is well paved and non-traumatic, leading them towards the justice that is deserved. These rationales however, are often the furthest thing from the truth, as reporting systems, despite a lot of progress, remain very traumatic and time consuming.        Continue reading

Wanted former Rice Board accountant arrested in Canada

Wanted former Rice Board accountant arrested in Canada

Former accountant at the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Peter Ramcharran was Tuesday morning (june 20, 2017), nabbed in Canada less than one month after a Guyana court issued an arrest warrant for him.

Well-placed sources said the Toronto Fugitive Squad of the Canadian Border Services Agency arrested Ramcharran.

He remained in custody and would be granted an immigration hearing.    Continue reading

Amerindian Affairs – What the Permanent Secretary said – commentary

What the Permanent Secretary said

Both he and the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Mrs Pauline Sukhai, who was present when the statements were made in strident language and tones, should be censured and President Ramotar should ask for a full report on the event from all concerned and decide what further steps should be taken to excise this type of bullying behaviour of the First Peoples.

During his presentation, which seemed to be mostly consumed by ensuring that the government was given all the credit for Community Development Projects (CDPs) in Amerindian villages, Mr Dharamlall was recorded as saying in part: “The LCDS [Low Carbon Development Strategy] is the Government of Guyana… the people of Guyana… I don’t want any single one of you to ever again—and I keep saying this over and over—any CSO [Community Support Officer] who says they are working on the UNDP project called the CDP I want you off the CSO project”.   Continue reading