Daily Archives: 11/16/2021

Video: Animal love .. Relax and enjoy them as they play

Guyana: Proposed Amendments to Elections Law Totally Inadequate – By Ralph Ramkarran

By Ralph Ramkarran – Conversation Tree Blog – November 13, 2021

The amendments to the elections’ laws proposed by the Government through the Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill are woefully inadequate. They are limited to the following: imposing higher penalties for elections’ offences; creating new elections’ offences with high penalties; adumbrating a new structure for District (Region) 4; and establishing new offices for District 4. Having now demonstrated a mindset of where it wants to go by the contents of the Bill, the Government is unlikely to divert from this already decided course, except perhaps with minor amendments.

But much more is required, and this was the opportunity to accomplish needed reforms in other areas of the electoral system, especially since the next elections are four years away. I have written extensively, but vainly, about elections’ reform over several years. I now take the opportunity to repeat some of those ideas.              Continue reading

Money Laundering: Nigerian Anti-Corruption Tsar Tells Britain’s Boris Johnson:

‘There are thieves and there are receivers, London is most notorious safe haven for looted funds in the world today’ 

By Lionel Faull, Ted Jeory and Purity Mukami | Finance Uncovered

A senior anti-corruption adviser to Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari today issued a stinging rebuke to Boris Johnson’s claim that Britain is “not remotely a corrupt country” – saying the UK is in fact a major enabler of looted funds from Nigeria.

Professor Sadiq Isah Radda, who is the executive secretary of the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption in Nigeria, told the British Prime Minister that London was actually “the most notorious safe haven for looted funds in the world today”.       Continue reading