Daily Archives: 01/10/2015

The European Debt Crisis Visualized – video

FISCAL POLICY: Most countries (including Guyana) have fiscal problems – large debts, unbalanced budgets, leaky tax systems etc. They may also depend on income from products like oil and gold that can fluctuate widely disrupting tax inflows and budgets. This video is intended to highlight visually some of the facts we already know as they mirror the realities of personal budgeting. Continue reading

Pope Francis roasts the Vatican – power broker / U.S. and Cuba

Reblogged from the waltieainsworth.wordpress.com blog

Pope Francis international power broker / U.S. and Cuba

Pope Francis roasts the Vatican

Beschreibung Pope Francis in March 2013.jpg

Pope Francis

Pontiff blasts his own top cardinals and priests for being:

1) ‘Lustful for power, living hypocritical lives and suffering from spiritual Alzheimer’s instead of being men of God’.

2) The sins, or ailments as he called them, included how the ‘terrorism of gossip’ can ‘kill the reputation of our colleagues and brothers in cold blood.’

3) Another of the sins was how cliques can ‘enslave their members and become a cancer that threatens the harmony of the body’ and eventually kill it by ‘friendly fire’.  Continue reading