Tag Archives: reconciliation

Guyana Elections Reports and Analysis – 15 May 2015

FRONT PAGE COMMENT… Peace, Unity and Reconciliation

Gecom imageMay 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

Guyana deserves a peaceful, orderly and smooth transition to a new government. Such a transition is the balm that is needed after the bruising and fiercely contested elections campaigns of the past two months. As we now know, the elections have resulted in an extremely narrow victory for the APNU+AFC coalition which will now form […]

Former minister Robert Persaud concedes defeat, calls for inclusive governance

May 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

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A Government of National Unity is the Best Solution for Guyana – By Dr. David Hinds

A Government of National Unity is the Best Solution for Guyana

Dr. David Hinds

Dr. David Hinds

Dr. David Hinds

The APNU/AFC coalition is campaigning on a promise of a Government of National Unity (GNU).

The APNU campaigned on it in 2011. Everywhere the message was enthusiastically embraced by Guyanese people of all races and classes. Above all it was embraced by the young people. This simple but powerful message of national unity and reconciliation provides Guyanese with the opportunity to once and for all break out of the political prisons in which we have been trapped since 1955. In voting for a GNU, Guyanese are voting directly for a solution to our problems of political and racial division.

The PPP, the WPA and the PNC at different times in the past have embraced the idea of a GNU. Now the AFC has embraced it. The political crisis brought on by 23 years of PPP misrule can be corrected by a government that includes all of the representatives of the people. Continue reading

Two Americas – And the mini-mart where they collided- Anand Giridharadas – TED video

Anand Giridharadas: A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided

Ten days after 9/11, a shocking attack at a Texas mini-mart shattered the lives of two men: the victim and the attacker. In this stunning talk, Anand Giridharadas, author of “The True American,” tells the story of what happened next. It’s a parable about the two paths an American life can take, and a powerful call for reconciliation.    [Interactive Transcript] 

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