Tag Archives: unity

Guyana Elections Reports and Analysis – 15 May 2015

FRONT PAGE COMMENT… Peace, Unity and Reconciliation

Gecom imageMay 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

Guyana deserves a peaceful, orderly and smooth transition to a new government. Such a transition is the balm that is needed after the bruising and fiercely contested elections campaigns of the past two months. As we now know, the elections have resulted in an extremely narrow victory for the APNU+AFC coalition which will now form […]

Former minister Robert Persaud concedes defeat, calls for inclusive governance

May 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

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Guyana Elections 2015- APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto online

APNU+AFC Manifesto launched

APNU+AFC Manifesto launched

Here is the Official APNU+AFC Manifesto – released on April 30, 2015

Download the Manifesto:




The following document was leaked earlier:

Read/ Download:  Guyana Elections 2015- APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto 



The coalition has issued the following statement:

APNU+AFC tonight is concerned about the dissemination of an incomplete and unofficial document purporting to be the coalitions’ official manifesto. 

While substantial parts of the document contain policy initiatives that are currently being discussed, it can by no means be considered an approved statement of policy of both the APNU and the AFC.

Further dissemination or reliance on this document is therefore not recommended, as it does not represent the official manifesto of APNU+AFC.

Editor’s Note: Since this document is already in the public domain we have not deleted it from this blog…but please note the statement of the APNU+AFC above.