Tag Archives: peace

Guyana Elections Reports and Analysis – 15 May 2015

FRONT PAGE COMMENT… Peace, Unity and Reconciliation

Gecom imageMay 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

Guyana deserves a peaceful, orderly and smooth transition to a new government. Such a transition is the balm that is needed after the bruising and fiercely contested elections campaigns of the past two months. As we now know, the elections have resulted in an extremely narrow victory for the APNU+AFC coalition which will now form […]

Former minister Robert Persaud concedes defeat, calls for inclusive governance

May 15, 2015 | Filed Under News

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“Everyone’s crying out from peace, no one’s crying out for justice” – OVNN Commentary

“Everyone’s crying out from peace, no one’s crying out for justice”; disenfranchised voters urged not to spend – OVNN Commentary
Georgetown, Guyana: December 2nd, 2011Pull Quote: The election may be over, but returning to “business as usual” is not an option for at least 140,000 disenfranchised voters. The citizens are watching all of the political elites. Will they stand up for justice?..Today Guyana is tense. Donald Ramotar has been declared the winner of the 2011 presidential elections and all the players are living up to the low expectations citizens have of them.

Donald Ramotar, in his first press statement as president elect chose to chastise traditional PPPC supporters who decided to stay home rather than vote for a party which did nothing for them over the past 19 years. He pointed out the loss of a seat in parliament and remonstrated them by inferring that their actions put Indian leadership at risk. Well, what else can you expect from the architect of the PPPC government of the past 19 years?   Continue reading

Presidential candidates call for peace …

Presidential candidates call for peace – urges supporters to accept final results


Leaders of four political parties yesterday called for calm as the country awaits the results of Monday’s General and Regional Elections.
The Presidential Candidates urged their supporters to accept the results which are expected to be announced by today.   Read more

Also read:

Georgetown’s a ghost town; presidential candidates issue appeals


Post #888