Tag Archives: social

OIL: Greenidge, WPA executive members clash on direct cash transfers; AFC supports it

David Hinds (left) and Carl Greenidge.

Former Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge has confirmed that the Guyana government does not favour direct cash transfers into the hands of ordinary Guyanese on the grounds that it will encourage unemployment, a position that was roundly rejected by Chairman of the Buxton First of August Movement (FAM-Buxton), Professor David Hinds.        Continue reading

New Book: Author Yvonne Sam – Life’s Many Faces

New Book: Author Yvonne Sam Unleashes her Wit and Humor through her Poetries

Yvonne Sam's BookNew book reveals a compilation of poems on various facets of life, political, pedagogical, moral, social and sexual issues

MONTREAL, Canada – Poet Yvonne Sam’s believes in people and hopes for a world where everyone can dwell in harmony and the fact that life is only one end of the fulcrum. In her new publication, Life’s Many Faces, she shows the many aspects of life. She addresses many crucial issues that society face today, using humor and her strong moral convictions to drive her point home.

This book is a seemingly humorous satire on the various faces worn by humans as they navigate the shards of life. The poet’s wit and intelligence is prevalent in the way she explores life in a variety of depths. Each poem is addressed to the person using languages and themes, attitudes and ideas familiar to anyone who had the ability simply to read. When it comes to sexual issues, she injects the ordinary with her own special insights that gives it dignity and authority. Her chief claim in the readers’ attention is moral rather than aesthetic. She retains her keen honesty and directness, poetic sense and ironic intelligence.   Continue reading