Tag Archives: New post on Three Worlds One Vision  – by Rosaliene Bacchus

OPINION: Year 2021: Reflections – by Rosaliene Bacchus

Three Worlds One Vision – Guyana: Brazil: USA — By Rosaliene Bacchus

Camellia plant outside my dining room window – Los Angeles – December 2021 – Photo by Rosaliene Bacchus

What a year! With the global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 still upending our lives, the year 2021 has taught me that, with constant adaptation to ever-changing conditions, I can endure. The coronavirus had already taken over 385,000 American lives when I watched in disbelief the live TV broadcast of the January 6th assault on the US Capitol building. Terrorism had come home to American soil. Future generations may come to regard that day as the meltdown of our global War on Terror.

Nature’s ever-mutating, coronavirus terrorist has thrown our divided forces into disarray. When you cannot see the enemy, you are unaware of any imminent danger of a stealth attack. Underestimating the strength of the enemy can also lead to defeat and possible death. Instead of confronting our common enemy, we have turned on each other. Unable to agree on proven scientific strategies of defense against this formidable foe, we have sustained thousands of casualties within our ranks, especially among our weakest and most vulnerable members.

READ MORE – http://rosalienebacchus.blog/2022/01/02/year-2021-reflections/

Commentary: Praise to the Women of Our World! – by Rosaliene Bacchus

New post on Three Worlds One Vision  – by Rosaliene Bacchus

United Nations Map of Women in Politics 2020 – Source: UN Women
Created by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women, showing global rankings as of January 1, 2020
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