Tag Archives: Kuwait

Guyana: ‘Govt.’s borrowing binge will hurt Guyana’ – says former Finance Minister Jordan

Nov 08, 2021 –Kaieteur News Former Finance Minister Winston Jordan, has expressed grave concerns over Guyana’s borrowing spree and he also questioned the legality of a letter sent to the Chinese ambassador regarding a loan request of US$1.5B, which he said was signed by a finance ministry official instead of the subject minister who according to Section 58(1) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act 2003 (FMAA), has the sole authority to borrow on behalf of the Government of Guyana.

In a letter to the editor of this newspaper, Jordan said that he had begun to hear rumours, around March, about the government’s approach to China for loans totalling US$1.5 billion, to finance various infrastructure projects.        Continue reading

Top 10 Countries with the highest Proven Crude Oil Reserves

Top 10 Countries with the highest Proven Crude Oil Reserves

Venezuela - Crude Oil

Venezuela – Crude Oil

Business Insider- eholodny@businessinsider.com (Elena Holodny)2015-08-13

The world powers and Iran recently struck a deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program for at least 10 years in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions. One of the most talked-about side effects of the deal is the reentry of Iranian crude on the global markets.

Interestingly, although Iran has a huge amount of oil, the Islamic republic doesn’t even make it into the top three when it comes to proven crude oil reserves.

Using the data provided by Barclays commodities analyst Michael Cohen, we put together a list of the 10 countries sitting on the greatest amounts of crude oil. Check the list here:-  Continue reading

Guyana receives first Kuwaiti ambassador

Guyana receives first Kuwaiti ambassador

Thursday, April 15, 2010  – GEORGETOWN, Guyana (GINA) — Following the visit of President Bharrat Jagdeo to Kuwait early this year, the relationship between Guyana and Kuwait strengthened to the extent that there is now, for the first time, a Kuwaiti Ambassador to Guyana. Waleed Ahmad Al-Kandari presented his letters..……..Read more….