Daily Archives: 11/29/2021

Barbados: Republic Status – 55th Anniversary of Independence – 30th November 2021

Barbadian PM defends Republic move

Prime Minister Mia Mottley
Prime Minister Mia Mottley
Delivering the feature address at the official opening ceremony of the “living and functioning monument” in The City on Saturday evening, 84 years after the 1937 riots, she said the journey towards upliftment and what is possible must continue for the people across every nook and cranny in Barbados.

“Some ask why now? … Because it is important that the lessons of life that have continued to exhibit themselves from this moment of the 1937 rebellion continue,” Mottley said.        Continue reading

Guyana: Politics: High level of distrust in Guyana’s elections- LAPOP poll

Latin American Public Opinion (LAPOP) Poll:

At least 87 percent of Guyanese do not believe that votes in general and regional elections are “never” counted correctly and fairly, according to the latest Latin American Public Opinion (LAPOP) poll conducted this year.

Titled “Pulse of Democracy”, the report states that “there is wide variation across countries in terms of beliefs about election integrity”. While 75 percent of Uruguayans believe that votes are always counted are always counted correctly, only 18 percent in Colombia, Guyana and Jamaica agree. The figures show that 17 percent believe that votes are always counted correctly and 65 percent say sometimes this is done.              Continue reading

Venezuela: Did the EU Give the Venezuelan Regional Elections a Passing Grade? – Opinion

The first Electoral Observation Mission in 15 years released a preliminary report on the November 21st election. It describes how unfair voting is in Venezuela, but Maduro had assumed this risk 

José Alberto Vargas La Roche | Caracas Chronicles 

The day came and went without any big surprises. The results of the Venezuelan regional and local elections were as expected. Chavismo won at least 19 out of 23 gubernatorial races – with one result still too close to call – and in a majority of municipalities as well, far from surprising for an election organized by an authoritarian regime. Another expected figure was the turnout rate, which represented less than half of the electoral census, the second-lowest turnout since governor and mayor elections are held in Venezuela, confirming the steady decline in participation since the parliamentary elections of 2015. This makes sense in a country where almost 20% of its citizens migrated and most of the people who live there feel increasingly disenchanted with all political parties or are disenfranchised in one way or another.             Continue reading