Tag Archives: Orin Boston

GUYANA: City cleanup, Dartmouth, COVID-19 – The GHK Lall Column

  — The GHK Lall Column

GHK Lall

Jan 23, 2022 – Kaieteur News The city cleanup campaign makes for good leadership theatre. It is encouraging to observe the President manifesting that he is a man of the people, and not afraid of getting his hands dirty. If I was the leader, I would not be too preoccupied with physical dirtiness accumulating under fingernails; that should be the least of his considerations, as it is easily washable and removable.

I would recommend to Guyana’s head of state that as he is so exercised by the dirty, unhealthy state of the capital city, it would be good to observe him be powerfully concerned by the dirtiness occurring under his watch. The dirtiness embedded in the whole array of governance endeavours in his administration.  Continue reading

Guyana: Think on That — A Foundation of Lies – By Mosa Telford

I had to remind myself about what extra-judicial killings are when President Irfaan Ali rejected claims that the killing of Orin Boston indicated a return of extrajudicial killings or that Guyana has a history of such activities.          Continue reading