Guyanese Artist Antonio Butts Reveals the True Essence of His Art

Guyanese Artist Reveals the True Essence of His Art

  • Posted on March 13, 2017 – The Caribbean Current Magazine
  • Antonio Butts now resides in Trinidad & Tobago. West Indies.

Antonio Butts

Guyanese artist Antonio Butts believes that all of us were born artists.

He says it is up to us to realize our latent talent. “I did not discover art; art discovered me.

As children we are all born artists…born with creativity. Some are inspired, but only some realize and discover it. Some of the first (indigenous) peoples of the world: The Amerindians, Mayans and Aborigines were also the first artists…it was a form of expression for them,” Butts shares.

“I was hungry and determined to learn, so I would go to other secondary schools such as Central High School and Queen’s College and speak to the art teacher and sit in on their art classes.  

“When I’m into me I get into my thoughts. I could be looking at a plant, but I’m seeing life, design, art and store it in my brain,”

Butts beams with delight as he looks at a nearby plant.

Read more: Guyanese Artist Reveals the True Essence of His Art _ thecaribbeancurrent

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