Guyana Election 2015: GECOM to make declaration on Saturday May 16, 2015

 GECOM to make declaration on Saturday May 16, 2015

Gecom imageMAY 15, 2015 | BY KNEWS |

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has said that no final declaration for the 2015 results will be made today (May 15, 2015).

Instead, the body said that the results of Monday’s elections for a new Government, will be revealed tomorrow (Saturday May 16) after midday when the period for which parties may raise objections would have elapsed.

The results have been declared by the respective Returning Officers for the 10 electoral districts, GECOM said.

“The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is quite aware of the anxiety that prevails at this time in relation to the final declaration of the 2015 elections results. GECOM wishes to inform the public that it shares that anxiety but is constrained by the legal requirements, which it has to observed,” GECOM said.

Already, several members of the ruling People’s  Progressive Party/Civic have reportedly conceded victory to the opposition A Partnership For National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC).

On Thursday, former Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud, conceded defeat and urged for new shift in Government- inclusive governance.

Former Ambassador to Kuwait, Odeen Ishmael, a long-serving diplomat, yesterday urged the PPP to concede as no recount can change the outcome.

Former Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, has also reportedly told foreign news outlets that he is disturbed by statements that the PPP will not concede.

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  • 10128  On 05/16/2015 at 1:16 pm

    The hyphenated terms describing the Guyanese of different origins should no longer be used. If a group of people cannot be naturalized and have a sense of a Guyanese identity/nationality after 177 years, then they should all be repatriated to the India where they belong.

    • 10128  On 05/17/2015 at 6:57 am

      An indian identity trancends religious and other ethnic cosiderations . The ” indian ” considers himself a race apart from the “afri an” in guyana. He does not consider himself ” black ” and is more likely than even a caucasian to refer to blacks using the ” N ” word.
      This presposterous behaviour is very rampant
      in communities in the UK, Canada, and the USA – especially gueens, ny – where they consider themselves genetically/andropologically superior to those of afro origin. The term ” indo – guyanese ” is meant to uneqivocally say, “I am not black”.
      I say, that if 177 years of benefiting from the life blood of GUYANA does not make one a GUYANESE, one should be repatriated to their country origin.
      As an afterthought, have you ever heard of indo nepalese, or an indo burmese, or an indo
      malaysian …you get the drift. There are no “africans” to be distinguished from.

      • Thinker  On 05/17/2015 at 7:51 am

        But of course Blacks and Indians consider that they are different from each other. Is that news? I have in my CD collection music by people calling themselves Afro-Cuban and Afro-Peruvian and those are places where there is more cultural integration. On another score you should try to get young Blacks to desist from referring to themselves by any derivative of the N-word.

      • richinds.RH  On 05/17/2015 at 9:39 am

        Ghandi has taught expatriate indians well: never be equal and always be separate. The ppp introduced the “aa paan jaat” ideology which seems alive and thriving today. Referring to one`s self derogatively using the “N” word is an exercise in folly – if not self-depricating gest – similar to guyanese “indians” sometimes jokingly callng each other “coolie”. What about being an un-conditional guyanese for a change? I don`t give a damn where anyone`s foreparents came from, or what words were used to describe them when they arrived  in Vreed-en-hoop/Berbice in May,1838 – or in the case of “negroes”, a couple of centuries earlier. Maybe, I might just be a different type of guyanese who hopes to someday stop roaming.

        Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S™III, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  • Thinker  On 05/16/2015 at 1:49 pm

    Nonsense. We recognise that there is cultural heterogeneity or we perish even faster.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 05/16/2015 at 5:54 pm

    There are huge gaps in my visits to Guyana, as much as 20-year gaps – but I noticed a significant difference in the people in Demerara, in particular Georgetown. Indians and African-Guyanese are evolving into a hybrid and unique cultural identity, we outsiders may call, Guyanese.

    They could call themselves whatever they choose to – the Indians and the African Guyanese – beyond the ethnic physical looks, do not relate much to their origins before Guyana. Just talking to people here in Canada, I introduced a Guyanese to someone and after the Guyanese walks away, the person turns to me and says, “He may not know this – but he is Pakistani.” I honestly never thought of it myself, but some of the Indians in Guyana originated from what is now Pakistan.

  • Thinker  On 05/16/2015 at 9:57 pm

    The person didn’t know what he was talking about. Indo-Guyanese originated largely in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and to some degree Bengal. Islam is what made Indians “Pakistani” and this took place in places like the Punjab, the Sindh, Kashmir, etc.
    There were Afghan Muslims who came to Guyana but Pakistan did not exist at the time.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 05/17/2015 at 2:04 am

    Thinker: I understood what that person was saying and I understand what you are writing. The land and the people were there prior to 1947, and are still there. I just checked this out on the internet and scrolled down to “Post World War II Trends”.

    “A minority emigrated from other parts of South Asia, including present-day Pakistan and Bangladesh.” – There are other indicators the last time I checked.

    – Check this out:

  • Thinker  On 05/17/2015 at 7:39 am

    Sorry to belabour this point. There is no record of any organised immigration, as opposed to individuals or particular families coming later from any part of what is present day Pakistan. I know someone whose grandfather came from the Punjab so the wiki entry can be technically true but wjhen we are dealing with history one cannot put the Punjab on the same scale as the other states mentioned. Sindhis came as business people. Anyhow, tell us how your friend could meet an ordinary Guyanese and after a brief interaction declare that he is a “Pakistani” unaware of what he is.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 05/17/2015 at 10:57 am

    Thinker, you wrote “There is no record of any organized immigration …” – I could add to what my friend and other non-Guyanese associates have observed by the name and physical features of Guyanese … but I would be spinning my wheels.

    When dealing with diverse ethnicities, people from that culture can tell …. For example, Koreans could tell Japanese, from Chinese, etc. – you and I – not from that environment or culture cannot. To them, all Africans or Europeans look alike. You get where I am going with my thinking, Thinker? On this one, I trust my friend’s judgement and accept my friend’s assessment – he is right!

    • Thinker  On 05/17/2015 at 11:17 am

      Let your friend remember that Pakistanis come in all shapes and sizes (tall Pathans, etc.) and that there are no Guyanese Muslim names that would be exclusive to Pakistan. But it’s best to bring him to this forum to explain.
      The Japanese (the dwarf people, according to Chinese) tend to be shorter than the Chinese and the women tend to use a sort of whitening creme heavily. So I too might take a shot at guessing. But I have known Asians who could not distinguish each other’s nationality at first sight.

  • Thinker  On 05/17/2015 at 11:04 am

    To R. RH
    Gandhi didn’t have to teach anybody a damned thing. Indians find themselves in different parts of the world through the domination of European powers. They know and are proud of their own civilisation, religion,culture, etc. and they arrive in numbers that allow that culture to be sustainable. Must they suddenly give it up because the people around them are predominantly European or Europeanised? Did Europeans (apart from the individuals who were known as having “gone native”) ever given up theirs in any major way? We have to respect peoples’ cultures. You can’t have a Guyana National Service camp for instance where there is never an alternative to beef or pork and expect everyone to miraculously become “Guyanese”. Get real.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 05/17/2015 at 12:31 pm

    Thinker: I was hoping you would give it a rest, that is why I did not continue with what I had in mind – So, let me start again:

    “There is no record of any organized immigration …” – In other words, there is no tangible and verifiable evidence or documentation to support the identities.

    Therefore, you are asking me or my friend to substitute tangible and verifiable evidence with hearsay evidence – and convince you. When I was younger I would have gone down that road – lately, I would rather save my breath or keystrokes for something more fruitful.

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