Tag Archives: Trinidad immigration

GUYANA – Latest News from various sources – November 17, 2015

GUYANA – LATEST NEWS – 17 November 2015  –  Kaieteur News 

         (see other News sources at the end of this entry)

Tragic death of a woman – by Freddie Kissoon

Tragic death of a woman


When you read about the tragic dimensions of the lives of our fellow Guyanese in foreign lands, trust me, these things break your heart. You are deeply hurt. I once met a young lady from a respected family whose life was almost destroyed over her sexual relationship with a visa officer. She told me she thought he would have given her the visa, but in the end all he wanted was all types of sex.

She entered UG after her disaster, graduated, applied for Canadian self-sponsorship, married and is now a happy Canadian resident. Why didn’t she do that in the first place? Carpenters were holed up in Barbados, living in primitive conditions, only to be rounded up in the night under the Thompson Government and deported back to Guyana.   Continue reading