Tag Archives: partnerships with Guyanese

GUYANA: Oil pushing rush for Guyanese citizenship but government being cautious – Vice President Jagdeo

By OilNOW – February 5, 2022

Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

OilNOW is an online-based Information and Resource Centre

With massive developments set to take place in the energy sector, specifically as it relates to the multi-billion-US dollar oil and gas subsector, there has been a rush for documentation for Guyanese citizenship says Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

Jagdeo said, “We made it clear that the people of this country must benefit from the industry and that issue has been ventilated extensively about how we are going to protect Guyanese businesses and Guyanese persons in getting jobs. But we have to be very cautious because too suddenly people are coming in for passports and (other documentation).”        Continue reading