Tag Archives: Guyana’s two-headed presidency

Guyana’s two-headed presidency – an obvious monstrosity, a real embarrassment – Opinion By GHK Lall

   By GHK Lall

I knew that problems lurked, a national embarrassment waited.  This was the result of the slick work of a political cardsharp that dumped a leadership arrangement on Guyana, which is now this aberration of a two-headed presidency.  Every time it raises its head, Guyana is made weaker, looks lost, and appears as a bigger global laughingstock.

This was conspicuous at the United Nations.  There was the President and Vice President of this poor little nation sitting together, and their global political contemporaries wondering why both of them are there at the same time.  It was virtually unprecedented in international forums, prompting the foreigners to ask themselves who was the real Number 1 at the UN, and who was minding the store in oil-flushed Guyana.  Since the VP is overseer for oil, then he should have more than enough on his hands pursuing the best deals for this country, and engrossed that removes him from his role as chaperone to the president.      Continue reading