Tag Archives: Amaila Hydro

Amaila Hydro was structured as a gigantic rip-off – Gaskin

Amaila Hydro was structured as a gigantic rip-off – Gaskin

AUGUST 31, 2013 | BY  |

“Were it not for the insistence of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) that Government obtain parliamentary approval for two peripheral pieces of legislation relating to Amaila, no information would have been made available to the parliamentary parties.”

This was the contention of Financial Analyst, Ramon Gaskin, who in his most recent addition to the raging debate over the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric project, said that had the information not come out the project would have gone the route of the Marriott.

He said that like the Marriott, Amaila would have been “burdening consumers and taxpayers with a flawed project costing.”
Gaskin said that this would have been backed by a 20-year guarantee “that if as consumers Guyanese cannot meet the payments to the promoters, then as taxpayers they will be forced to do so through taxes.”     Continue reading