Tag Archives: Prime Minister of India- Narendra Modi.

Rise of Modi’s Hindutva isn’t good for Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad – Commentary

By Ray Chickrie

The respect for one’s natural rights like religious freedom and freedom of association in the Caribbean are protected. There is no written or unwritten law that stratify us into permanent ranks in society. We are free to choose our names and our religion; who we associate with and marry. In some places this is not possible. But in Modi’s India a skewed understanding of the caste system has led to growing intolerance of minorities.

This is no secret. In 2002, the world watched the Gujrat genocide of Muslims under the former chief minister of that state and now Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

Hence, the communal relations in India have had repercussions in the Hindu and Muslim Caribbean communitiesContinue reading