Tag Archives: Another find confirms Guyana’s oil deposits

Another find confirms Guyana’s oil deposits larger than envisaged

Another find confirms Guyana’s oil deposits larger than envisaged

March 31, 2017. Kaieteur News

The Stena Carron drillship

Another discovery by United States (US) oil and gas giant – ExxonMobil, has confirmed that Guyana’s oil deposits are larger than what was previously envisaged by experts.

The Stena Carron drillship has moved back to the Liza area to drill the Liza-4 well. (File Photo)

The ExxonMobil Corporation, as promised, yesterday announced positive results on its sixth well – Snoek – located offshore Guyana, confirming a new discovery on the Stabroek Block. Drilling targeted similar aged reservoirs as encountered in previous discoveries at Liza and Payara.   Continue reading