Tag Archives: The robots are coming…. your job is at risk – By Martin Khor

The robots are coming, your job is at risk – By Martin Khor

The robots are coming, your job is at risk – By Martin Khor

Martin Khor

By Martin Khor – http://www.caribbeanlifenews.com/

PENANG, March 15, 2017 (IPS) – Last year Uber started testing driver-less cars, with humans inside to make corrections in case something goes wrong. If the tests go well, Uber will presumably replace their present army of drivers with fleets of the new cars.

Some personally owned cars can already do automatic parking. Is it a matter of time before Uber, taxi and personal vehicles will all be smart enough to bring us from A to B without our having to do anything ourselves?

But in this application of “artificial intelligen­ce,” in which machines can have human cognitive functions built into them, what will happen to jobs? It is estimated that in the US alone, 4 to 5 million drivers of trucks and taxis could be rendered unemployed.   Continue reading