Tag Archives: Local Content Secretariat- Martin Pertab

GUYANA seeks more diaspora involvement in advancing oil & gas economy – Opinion: OilNOW

By Dr. Terrence Blackman and Utamu Belle – OilNOW – May 8, 2022.

Guyana’s leadership wants Guyanese and its members in the diaspora to play more significant roles in the country’s developing oil and gas economy as its key players work on advancing the industry forward.

Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud.

Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud, emphasized this commitment during conversations with members of the diaspora at a seminar titled “Opportunities for the Diaspora in Guyana’s New Economy,” hosted by the Natural Resources Ministry in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The event was conducted at the Hermandston Lodge in Georgetown and virtually.

Speaking at the event, Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud, stressed the need for more participation and Guyanese to take up leadership positions within the industry. He pointed out that the government is working to ensure that they can play more key, significant roles.            Continue reading