Tag Archives: ExxonMobil’s Country Manager- Alistair Routledge

Exxon says it will take its money elsewhere… “If that is a threat, it will not work” – Jagdeo

– Govt. will continue its due diligence; we will not be rushed – Vice President Jagdeo

“…Guyana is one of the better opportunities for us in the ExxonMobil portfolio (but) it is not the only one. And indeed, if we don’t get the agreement as we are looking for on Payara (the company’s third Field Development Plan), the investment money will go elsewhere in ExxonMobil’s portfolio.” Those were the words of ExxonMobil’s Country Manager, Alistair Routledge, during an online interview yesterday which Kaieteur News and other media entities were not invited to.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

Since making the comment, many local and international transparency advocates expressed concern that the American oil giant is issuing a threat to a Sovereign State while it exercises its right to review all aspects of the Payara plan. But if the company intended to send a threat to Guyana, Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, categorically stated that it would not work. During an invited comment with this newspaper last evening, Dr. Jagdeo stressed that the position as noted by the company will have no effect on the quality of due diligence being carried out by the government on ExxonMobil’s Payara Field Development Plan (FDP).    Continue reading