The Guyanese Online Blog celebrated its Tenth Anniversary on February 9, 2020


Introduction: Welcome to Guyanese Online

February 9, 2010: This blog and its Monthly Newsletters have been created by Cyril Bryan for Guyanese individuals, Associations and groups worldwide.  It is done as a public service, and is not affiliated to, or supports any political party or group. Our first blog entry is today – February 9, 2010. We will start our monthly  newsletters  in March 2010.

Cyril Bryan

Cyril Bryan 2010

We have a large database of Guyanese worldwide.  Most of our readers are in the USA, Canada, and the UK.  Our Blog and Newsletter  would not only carry  articles and videos on Guyana, but also other articles on a wide range of subjects that may be of interest to our readers in over 200 countries, many of them non-Guyanese  We hope that you like our selections.

It is estimated that over one million Guyanese, when counting their dependents, live outside of Guyana.  This exceeds the population of Guyana, which is now about 750,000.  Many left early in the 50’s and 60’s while others went with the next wave in the 70’s and 80’s.  The latest wave left over the last 20 years. This outflow of Guyanese, therefore, covers some three generations. This outflow still continues today, where over 80 % of U.G. graduates now leave after graduating.  We hope this changes, and soon.

Guyanese, like most others, try to keep their culture and pass it on to their children and grandchildren.  The problem has been that many Guyanese have not looked back, or if they did it was only fleetingly.  This means that the younger generations and those who left at an early age know very little about Guyana since many have not visited the country.  Also, if they do get information about Guyana, it is usually negative and thus the cycle of non-interest is cultivated.

This Guyanese Online Blog, along with its monthly newsletter, aims at bringing Guyanese together to support positive news, increase travel and tourism in Guyana and, in general, foster the birth of a new Guyana, which has already begun notwithstanding the negative news that grabs the headlines.  As the editor and manager of the publication, I am committed to delivering Blog entries and Newsletters that are politically balanced, and focused on the positive ideas we wish to share and foster among Guyanese.

Remember, every country has negative politics and negative news, and making negative news the main focus prevents the rebirth of the Nation that was once our home, or the home of our parents.  When the really big changes in developments occur in a few years, would you not like to be aware of what they are and how you may be part of that new Guyana, even though we live overseas?  We want to hear and receive positive reactions from others when we say we are Guyanese, so the image improvements must continue.

This Blog will, therefore, feature information from Guyana, especially historical and cultural facts and information that younger Guyanese may not be aware of.  It will reach Guyanese worldwide who would like to communicate using tools of the information age – electronic newsletters, blogs and social networks.   We expect our readers to read the contents of our Newsletters and Blogs, and pass on their contents to others.

As well, we offer you here the opportunity to publish your articles, or to suggest articles that may interest readers.  If you are an author you could send in book reviews and availability for publication.

The focus will especially be on Guyanese Groups and Associations who would like to let others know what they are doing to keep the Guyanese culture alive.  Everyone, especially Associations and Groups, are asked to submit articles, announcements and contact information for inclusion in the Newsletter and Blog to our e-mail address: guyananeseonline@gmail.com

There is no charge for advertising by Guyanese Associations. We also feature book reviews in the newsletters at no cost.

Of course, Guyanese Online accepts commercial advertising to help us continue our work.  Just write me at cybryan@gmail.com if you are interested in advertising your products or services. Thanks!

Please pass on this Blog address and Newsletters to your friends.  You could also “subscribe” or “follow” by filling in your name to receive blog entries when published.


Cyril Bryan, Publisher and Editor

February 9, 2010:  Updated May 19, 2012



Blog website – Guyanese Online – started on February 9, 2010

UPDATE: May 28, 2013. The blog attained a million total views at March 2013.

UPDATE: March 2014: The Blog attained 2 million total views at March 2014. This was the fourth anniversary of the Blog and newsletter.

Guyanese Online has been publishing the Blog and Newsletter since March 2010. It was decided in March 2014 to suspend the newsletter as most of its content was already in the blog website.

UPDATE: March 2015: The blog attained 3 million total views on March 21, 2015. It also has over 2,000 followers who receive all entries as they are published.  The blog now has over 5,000 entries…. increasing by over 100 entries per month.


UPDATE: January 01, 2016.

Guyanese Online achieves a record 1,000,000+ views in 2015

January 1, 2016 – 12:02 am

Guyanese Online achieves a record 1,000,000+ views in 2015

We would like to thank all of the contributors of articles to Guyanese Online, as well as the viewers and commentators of this blog for helping us attain a record of 1,012,455 views for the year 2015.

According to the WordPress.com statistics ….There were 760 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 264 MB.  The busiest day of the year was May 12th with 31,241 views. The most popular post that day was Guyana Elections Results 2015 – Statements of Poll – Stabroek News.

Total posts = 6230 Total views in 2015 = 1,012,455. Total Views since March 2010 = 3,745.788

Where did our viewers come from? They came from some 219 countries in all!
Most visitors came from the United States and Canada. Guyana and the United Kingdom were not far behind.



UPDATE:   March 2016 marked the sixth anniversary for the Guyanese Online Blog. It was also the month when the blog reached 4,000,000 views.

We thank all the viewers and contributors of articles, letters and comments for making this blog a success.


AWARD from GCA – Guyana Cultural Association of New York Inc – August 31, 2016

1368 E. 89 STREET SUITE 2, BROOKLYN, NY 11236 TEL: 718-209-5207

July 25, 2016

Cyril Bryan receives GCA Exemplary Award 2016

Cyril Bryan receives GCA Exemplary Award 2016

To Cyril Bryan – Editor Guyanese Online

We are honored to announce that you have been selected as a recipient of the 2016 Guyana Cultural Association Exemplary Award. Congratulations. You are recognized for your outstanding editing and cultural enabler role in social media. Your cultural sensitivities provide information on Guyanese worldwide. A distinctive characteristic of Guyanese Online is its features of historical and cultural facts. You have attained a highly impressive viewership in the millions through the presence of balance and authenticity. We know that you are inspired by your rich Guyanese cultural heritage.

The Guyana Cultural Association Folk Festival Award ceremony is an annual event in Brooklyn, NY, on August 31, 2016; we will celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of our organization. Read more: gca-award-cyril-bryan

Citation from the Borough of Brooklyn NY.

Click to enlarge

Here is the Citation from the Borough of Brooklyn NY that was presented to Mr. Bryan by  Ms. Michelle Scaley who represented the City of Brooklyn. Pictured above with Mr. Bryan is Ms Scaley and GCA President Dr. Vibert Cambridge.

Here is a copy of the August- September 2016 edition of the Guyana Cultural Association of New York e-Magazine which features the various events that encompassed the celebration of GCA’s 15th anniversary as well as various GCA projects.  gca-august-september-2016-e-magazine



February 9, 2017: The Guyanese Online blog celebrated its seventh anniversary today.

On this day the Blog showed the following statistics:  Over 4,655,000 hits to date;  8,644 blog entries and 2486 followers who receive copies of blog entries as they are published.  There is also a mailing list of some 10,000 names who receive a list of the latest entries every 4-5 days. Send me an email if you want to receive this list.

We thank you for your visiting this blog as well as your comments.  Most of all we thank those persons and Associations who have submitted articles and advertisements for publication.

  • Cyril Bryan. Publisher and Editor  
  • cybryan@gmail.com


Guyanese Online -Celebrated its 10th Anniversary – February 2020.

Guyanese Online Celebrated its 10th Anniversary – February 2020. 

         Published by Cyril Bryan – cybryan@gmail.com

  • The first entry in Guyanese Online was published on February 9, 2010.
  • At midnight on February 8, 2020 the total hits to date were 6,620,655. Total Posts or Entries were 13,254.
  • This website and the regular mail-outs are viewed by thousands of Guyanese and others, especially in the Diaspora.
  • We hope that Guyanese Online has been helpful in advertising the work of Guyanese Associations worldwide.        
  • We also hope that you have enjoyed the news, articles, and  commentaries on various subjects that relate to Guyana, the Caribbean Region and Internationally

Cyril Bryan 2020

We thank all those who have contributed to make this website a success.

Most of all we thank the Associations and individuals who have made donations to ensure its viability over the years.

Much has changed in the last ten years, especially in social media. Most organizations now have FaceBook pages but they may not have the reach that Guyanese Online provides. We are now planning how best to expand and present Guyanese Online in the future.

Contact me by email if you would like to make a donation to help us with our expansion.

Cyril Bryan, Publisher/ Editor  cybryan@gmail.com

February 2020

View comments at: https://guyaneseonline.net/2020/02/09/guyanese-online-10th-anniversary-february-2020/


Guyanese Online Newsletters

Monthly newsletters were published from March 2010  to March 2014

As noted above, the first monthly Guyanese Online Newsletter was published in March 2010, as a part of this Blog-Website. The last newsletter (#43), was published in March 2014.

The newsletters and this Blog are the creation of Cyril Bryan, as his contribution to the Guyana Diaspora who want to be informed about news from Guyana, as well as the historical and cultural articles that keep us all connected to the “Guyanese cultural experience”.

These newsletters are filled with news from Guyana as well as news from Guyanese Associations worldwide.  There are also articles in the Arts and Culture category, history, education, tourism and cuisine.  Most issues have a theme and you should find them very interesting.  Enjoy!!

Here are the Newsletters published by Guyanese Online (latest at top):-

Link to the newsletters published from March 2010 to March 2014.



  • Rehana Kennedy  On 03/19/2010 at 3:52 am

    Very good article. I left Guyana in 1972 at the age of 17 to come to Canada. Now 38 years later I have such feelings of sadness whenever I think of our family and friends scattered all over the world. We all thought we were running off to a better life. Well, in my opinion, we left behind a wealth of culture and traditions not to mention our wonderful people. The different races, and religions and the fact that we blended well as a nation, regardless of the racial conflicts, was a blessing.

    We were raised in a Muslim home but, yet we participated in the celebrations of Easter, Christmas, Paghwa, Deewali, etc. I remember my cousins and I running behind the hindu wedding processions and dancing behind the steel bands.

    I miss the delicious fruits and vegetables we enjoyed as children. They can keep “the ice apples” and grapes and give me some star apple, guava, soursop and ginnip just to mention a few. Oh what would I give to go back in time and savour the good life we were blessed with in British Guiana.

    The many religious groups of Guyanese living in Canada and United States do not mix like they did all those years ago in Guyana – very sad indeed.

    • Rudolph Rogers  On 11/27/2011 at 6:04 pm

      I read your article here and supports your point of view. We all left Guyana with the thoughts of living abroad and experiencing a better life. I myself left Guyana in the 70’s with the same intention, now I reflect on old times and I do wish Guyana was still under the British Crown. To live a good life overseas a person needs a firm education and seriously it takes endless nights working hard to achieve whatever you need to get yourself in the position to live the ‘Good Life’ I’m ending here with “I Fell You” Thanks for putting it out there-well said.

      Rudi Rogers still serving {U.S Army} started 14 March 1979 to present.


      • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 10:58 am

        a word of caution here….we can look back with “nostalgia”
        but the world has moved on…
        I did my time also in BRITISH AIR FORCE now retired…
        GUYANA must move forward and change must come from within …of course influenced by people like us…(OUTSIDERS) and we should not have the right to VOTE unless we are DOMICILED in GUYANA
        and paying our TAXES….my political convictions are “THATCHERITE”…and she was also a trade unionist !

      • Sgrft  On 10/20/2012 at 4:00 pm

        I quite agree with Rehana and it really is very sad, but my family never went back. We left in 1989.

      • ricki  On 12/14/2016 at 8:56 pm

        I left my birthplace, my home, my family and friends back in 1973 for a better life abroad, and you know what I did accomplish my dream. I shed tears for my beloved Guyana, the corruption, a government unable to protect its citizens is a dereliction of its basic function.
        A country with less than a million people and with all the natural resources, agricultural, mining, lumber, etc. and is now classified as poorer as Haiti. Who are these people running this country, which is equivalent to a small city in the USA.
        So many corruption and never heard of a politician going to jail ever, there is no hope….and you want overseas based guyanese to invest….

    • Maureen Geborde-Knutson  On 02/26/2012 at 1:00 am

      Well done! I missed the old British Guiana. I left before my country gained their independence and change it’s name to Guyana. I have visited after it’s independence and was sadden to see the division of races. When I was a child, everyone was either Mr, Mrs, or aunts and uncles. I had do many aunts and uncles that I did not know the real relatives from the neighbours. I truly miss the food, greens, fruits and vegetables. Also, regardless of your race, we all cooked each other types of good. Like everyone else, I also left British Guiana for a better life, and, I must admit, it is better for me. However, I wish that I could afford to make more visits back “home”, as there are so many things I miss. I am retired now and presently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I do enjoy reading everyone’s comments, and I am proud to learn that we all share true love for our country.
      Maureen “Mo” Geborde-Knutson

      • de castro compton  On 06/15/2012 at 10:03 am

        in a word “nostalgic”…..our first “love” is usually always be our “last” love….
        bob marley songs hits the heart….”one love” !

        I share your sentiments but remain positive about my eventual return to de father-motherland.

      • walter nehaul  On 05/03/2013 at 7:19 pm

        Not from Alberttown are you?

    • Suresh Paryag  On 02/20/2014 at 2:57 am

      There will always be a place here for you sister– 23 rd Feb Guyana of all walks will dance the streets of Gt , come and enjoy
      God Bless

      • de castro  On 02/20/2014 at 11:29 am

        Remind me…23feb…why 23feb ? 26may was independence day…
        What happened on 23feb and what year….

    • Goordial Hemraj  On 01/03/2018 at 9:56 pm

      I could not have said it better, Rehana! I too left Guyana but in 1969 to the US with the intention of returning and contribute to the betterment of Guyana.
      However, in the process things changed where I had to come to a decision that, not only I cannot return but I must move all my family out of the country just so that they can be safe and hopefully have a better life. That had been accomplished but as one gets older and have time to reflect; do you really have a better life than the one you had growing up in Guyana under the British Rule? I would say not!
      My childhood was the best and it is a shame that my kids born in the US would never had a chance to experience what my seven sisters and myself experienced. It made us what we are today and if things changed for the better I would not hesitate to give up the comfortable life and all worldly possessions here to return for that life again. You can never forget where you come from.
      I was lucky to spent some time in Guyana in 2013-2014 working in G-town and noticed that the younger generations do not have the respect and friendliness we conveyed when I was growing up there.
      We did not hesitate to invite total strangers into our home to share a meal and stay a few days; and yes, we called everyone Auntie or Uncle as a matter of respect. The now generation says that they are starving because they or most of them have relatives abroad who are sending money to them, so in retrospect, they figured out why should they farm or fish when they can get a handout.
      Don’t talk about traffic jam; it is the worse I had seen in my travelling days. It is hard to figure out why most of the folks in G-Town has two to three cars per family.
      I also noticed that no matter who is running the Country, they are all crooks and making no contribution in making a change for the betterment of the Country.
      Anyway, I am ranting…but my heart is still in Guyana.

    • TREMBLAY, Yves-Jean  On 11/04/2021 at 11:49 am

      Could you tell me how I can get information on a family born in British Guina

      Family name: MUNRO,
      First name: Malcolm McIntock
      Born in or around 1900

      Father born in Scotland.

      Many thanks for your help

    • Kumar Canal  On 12/25/2021 at 8:55 pm

      In many of the conversations -reflections on life in GUYANA/aka British Guiana, it appears that many may need to exchange their other passport for GY passport.(lol). However, whilst changing the passport is no guarantee for a better life UNLESS you are prepared to work as much as you have successfully done in your adopted countries, the real satisfaction comes from SHARING your continuing work ethic, cultural tolerance, and highlighting your human impulses!!! to influence others !!!

  • Ann deSouza Kennedy  On 04/02/2010 at 7:34 pm

    It would be nice to return to Guyana and enjoy what was built for us by the British. Although our culture is mainly African, Asian Indian, Chinese and European, we sometimes forget this and fall back into what cultural or ethnic group we most likely associate with. I do not think that there is any other group of people that are so ethnically diversified.

    We celebrate Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Chinese, Native Indian and European Traditions and Religious Festivals. They were done with lots of tolerance for others. Today in Guyana there is very little tolerance and respect among the various peoples of Guyana.

    While growing up in British Guiana during the forty’s, fifty’s, and early sixty’s we all spoke English and were heavily chastised by our parents if we spoke broken English. Today I am embarrassed at the way the new arrivals of Guyanese into the U.S and Canada speak. I sometimes don’t understand what they are saying.

    There are lots of changes that need to take place in Guyana. Some people there always seem to want handouts. No one in Guyana should go hungry. There are many rivers, creeks and a big ocean full of fish and there is lots of land to plant on. The jungle is full of animals to hunt. As a child I loved going into the country during school break to hunt and fish. I grew up with four brothers and we all had fishing poles made of bamboo, string, and a pin hook. Bait the hook with some worms from the yard and off we went to fish in the Demarara River near the Transport and Harbours Dept wharf.
    Forty feet was a reservoir, but lots of us used it for swimming and fishing.

    Guyanese wake up and smell the roses. It is time to get off your rear end and do what ever it takes to put food in your stomach. Be proud and take no more handouts.

    • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 11:04 am

      an excellent “wake-up-call”….
      hope it happens “sooner than later”

      “nostalgic” indeed 1

    • Suraiya Z. Mohammad Lopez  On 07/27/2012 at 7:34 pm

      I came across this very interesting website. I approve of it. I do share the comments of Ann Desouza Kennedy immensely. I too am sad as to the outcome of the new generation of Guyanese. Respect, speech and conduct is a thing of the past. Though I was not born in the earlier years as 40s or 50s, I am in total agreement with Desouza Kennedy’s comments as to being embarassed with today’s Guyanese. I am a 60s child/woman and know the true value of living. Unfortunately the mentality of Guyanese (more than less) show no sign of proper upbring as we were all taught as children. I was always proud to represent where I was from and recieved compliments for my speech and that of my children’s conduct and manners. By no means was any of this learnt here in the USA. I was taught in Guyana the proper manner in which to speak and conduct one’s self that commands respect for one’s self as well as others. Guyana leaders need to make those changes. We are the only english speaking country in South America and spoke English! Now with an english accent, but a refine dignified Guyanese accent. Those days of quality and standards of living needs to be enforced in early childhooh education as it was in us as children ourselves. Guyana leaders, whether young or old have to find a way to bring the new generation into a world of quality living.

      • Alex V, Benn  On 03/07/2014 at 4:40 am

        I Think you are forgetting their parents. Parents or guardians should be the first ones to teach their children to speak correctly, to teach them table manners, etiquette, to prepare them for adulthood. I still remember mine correcting my English, and I did the same with my children. then we can look to others for help. I does take a village to raise the children, but like I said, it starts with the parents.

    • Joe Persaud  On 09/20/2013 at 12:47 pm

      Just wanted to point out to Ann deSouza Kennedy, that the British did not build anything in Guiana for the Guyanese, it was all for the British, robbing our country of all its riches, the same as they did to so many other countries around the world, and shipping all our wealth and riches back to England to improve their country.

      • Deen khan  On 02/07/2014 at 6:01 am

        Let’s analyze the condition of Guyana under British rule and post independence. I was born in 1952 in Skeldon and to the best of my memory our schools were in very good condition, hospitals were staffed and clean, our currency had value, food was abundant and I felt very safe and secure. Let’s analyze Guyana post independence and we see crime in abundance and reckless lawlessness, drugs are rampant, people leaving by the thousands and many more would do so if given a chance and above all, Guyana has been labelled a ” barrel economy with people depending on overseas relatives for their survival.” In summary, if given a choice of British rule or independence then honestly independence sucks and I would trade it any day for the good old days when GT was the garden city of the Caribbean. The British did not leave Guyana in a shamble my friends, instead it’s our own flesh and blood Guyanese political leaders who has made Guyana what it is today. And let’s not forget the Burnham days………nothing in my memory of British rule can compare with what Burnham did…..

      • Michael  On 04/04/2014 at 10:02 pm

        I share your sentiments.. Despite pseudo ideological anti-colonial arguments, the British left a sophisticated infrastructure.and advanced educational system under which, I suspect most imminent imminent Guyanese have benefited from.

        On completion of O’Levels,I worked as primary school teacher for two years before leaing Guyana in 1972 during the Burnham Government that introduced a socialist curricullum alphabet e.gl A for alligator and C for cassava.

        Fortunately I was sacked when I protested which resulted in me leaving to train as a Psychiatrist. Nonetheless, my heart remains in Guyana – a country I am unlikely to see again before my death but still grateful for a colonial education.

      • compton de castro  On 04/05/2014 at 2:24 am

        What happened prior to 1966 independence from Britain should be “forgiven” but never “forgotten”

        The BRITISH EMPIRE was on its downward trend only to be replaced with the AMERICAN EMPIRE post WW2

        EMPIRES all collapse eventually but its “creators” seldom accept this fact….CAESAR was playing his flute while ROME was burning.

        Today we see the creation of a New Empire….the EURASIAN empire…EUROPE/ASIAN As per comrade Putin’s ideological warfare….EAST WEST DETANTE…

        GUYANA S INSIGNIFICANCE in all this seems minute but am sure it will be influenced by what happens globally….prior to Guyana’s “freedom” from Britain rule/influence it was a colony of GREAT Britain which included Ireland Scotland Wales and England…. An immigration bill was being passed in Houses of Parliament to “close the door” of mass migration from the colonies of the EMPIRE….economic migrants… This was reality 1962…British Empire in decline.

        I am rewriting history here but its important that our Next generations of Guyanese understand where they come from to know where they are going….

        Our roots are intertwined in colonialism …our recent history after 1966 independance we are all aware of. Why even USA s history is colonialistic…USA was once a colonly of the British Empire….that’s another debate.

        Today I read below Michaels comment of his gratitude for a colonial education…and Joe s rebuke for the rape of de fatherland….but with a smile on my face.. Why ! The Romans invaded Britain in 55 BC and even today some of their burried treasures are being unearthed…. London sewers and infrastructure under Roman construction still remain today….Britain was a colony of the Roman Empire.

        QED History repeats itself …only fools forget and repeats its mistakes.


    • Suresh Paryag  On 02/20/2014 at 4:08 am

      Dear Ann I respect the upper part of your comment but in every country there will be some who live on hand outs (social security) etc.

      A little about current Guyana : when the world economy went reeling and the great USA bankrupt Guyana showed a growth rate of over 5 % for the past 10 years or so, we are supplying almost all Caribbean with rice including Venezuela and still have in excess of 100 tonnes from last year to export

      We have 3 national pack house that is loading fresh fruits and vegetables daily

      Mr Khan does this sound like a barrel economy who ever is dependant on overseas hand outs are either clumsy, stupid or on crack, you peal eddoes drop the skin and it grows talking about self sufficient

      Supermarket price list : G$.. 1 tin Delmont sweet corn (432g) $ 195.00 less than US $ 1.00 — the cost for you to send a barrel and for them to clear it will be more than US 500.00, and I know the agony you guys go through to earn, so Google SBT Japan buy a car for US $ 500 ( they have a clearance sale ) and send it for them to make a living working it as Taxi

      Please do not send the wrong message about our beautiful Guyana, research your facts then speak

      God Bless and have a great day

      • de castro  On 02/20/2014 at 8:30 am

        Every story not unlike a coin has two sides……

        Guyana and Guyanese are both beautiful….past and present.
        Guyana must also move forward…forgiving its past but without
        forgetting it….peace and reconciliation way forward.
        GEORGETOWN certainly a city that has “past its sell-by date”
        A new city on higher ground up the mighty DEMERARA river a
        possibility. Build the infrastructure with Roads Rail River links
        to GT and its other cities, create the jobs and people will follow.

        Sometimes it is more “cost effective” economical to bulldoze
        and old building and rebuild it than to refurbish it.
        Am not suggesting that GT should be bulldozed.

        It could become the city of love….Venice comes to mind …gondola et al…

        I will personally negotiate with GUYANAs neighbours or internationally
        for the planning and building of the NEW CITY…..gratis !


      • Ben Khan  On 02/20/2014 at 11:41 am

        Mr Paryag, If Guyana is so great, I hope you are still living there
        and not overseas.

  • Laurie E. S. Talbot  On 04/12/2010 at 5:23 am

    Very interesting.

    Mr. Laurie E. S. Talbot

    • Mrs. Joseph  On 03/19/2011 at 1:48 am

      It’s so true of many Guyanese has came abroad and has lost their roots thinking it’s a better way out but, wrong, America is no longer paved with Gold and as a born Guyanese who came to the Americas in my teens has never forgot my country and would give back to my country more exceedingly one God permits my life to go on. My area of interests are to help enhance the younger population in Guyana through Higher Education, Continuing Education by having to open 1 or more schools enhancing Growth, Empowerment, Motivation for our upcoming generations who would take our place as we pass on in life’s journey. So far I have never lost my Culture and have also instilled my culture towards my children though they were not born in Guyana, they will remember their Roots rather than be a lost individual for example Pocchantis? Who was a lost American Indian who became lost in England. No I have great memories of my country. I have learned a great deal regarding the values of education and other significant things in life which have honed me as an individual who is a change agent with a belief in Life Long Learning. Peace and Blessing

    • de castro  On 04/08/2014 at 11:23 am

      Wonderful prognosis indeed…..education education education…way forward.
      In order for me to return to Guyana on a permanent basis “security” would be top priority…..am retired and won’t wish to spend much time in city of GT.
      Crime and corruption overrules law and order…..policemen are not respected
      too poorly paid and not enough uniformed unarmed police personnel visible in
      the streets……would certainly want reassurances from the mayor/mayoress
      that it is safe to live in GT…with statistics to prove it….crime ± ….etc
      Let’s see how the election goes for the selection of new mayor for GT.

      It is just a matter of getting the timing right….

  • Patricia Persaud  On 06/07/2010 at 5:36 pm

    I left Guyana in the mid 60’s before its Independence. I returned for the first time 27 years later for a visit and was shocked at the adverse changes in Georgetown: the buildings in disrepair, the shanty towns, the dirty streets and stagnant water covered with weeds on Camp Street, Kingston. That Avenue used to be so beautiful with its magnificent flamboyant trees.
    The stores replacing Bookers and Fogarty’s were great disappointments, as were the Botanic Gardens and Seawalls. What happened to the Garden City I remembered? I did see, with some hope, signs of economic recovery and improvement. I loved the bridge over the Demerara river connecting Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop that cut down so much on travel time to Canal #2 and Parika. But lots more work is needed on the infrastructure, the road to Linden.
    I took a tour of Kaiteur Falls (I hate flying in a small plane) but that’s not what made it a miserable trip. I couldn’t believe the condition of the “resort area” designated for our luncheon. I chose to eat in the plane – need I say anymore? But after all these years I still think of Guyana as home.

    • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 11:10 am

      a very truthful and honest comment …. hope GUYANA listens
      as I did experience the “desire for change” in my last visit
      in april.
      Change must come from within influence by people like us….


    • Mike  On 05/31/2012 at 2:31 pm

      any relations to Ronnie Persaud, Missisagua Ontario?

      • Patricia Persaud  On 08/05/2019 at 3:50 pm

        Mike: Sorry I’m only now reading this message. I have cousins in Mississauga, Ontario but am not sure if one of them is named Ronnie.

  • Joseph Persaud  On 07/08/2010 at 6:55 pm

    2010/05/15 at 7:07 pm

    I enjoy reading Guyanese Online immensely. Too bad I am 87 years old. I would have enjoyed returning home (Fyrish Village, East Coast Berbice, Corentyne, British Guiana–still BG to me– and start a construction company building affordable homes for the poor population of Berbice County and giving them low cost mortgages.

    I have written a book “Across Three Continents.” In it you would find a lot of information about our ancestors who came to B.G. as indentured servants.

    Keep up the good work, Guyanese Online.

    • K.Yardon  On 12/27/2010 at 6:08 pm

      How can I purchase a copy of this book?

      • guyaneseonline  On 12/28/2010 at 3:44 am

        Joseph Persaud says:

        The cost of my books are as follows:
        “Across Three Continents: An Indo-Guianese family Experience”–$16.95
        “Florence and Adam: A Love Story”–$14.95
        “Beguiled, Again”–$14.95
        As a Christmas promotion, you can purchase any of them @ $10.00 each.

        Joe Persaud.

    • Xavier Dias  On 12/28/2010 at 2:37 am

      Could you please tell me where I may purchase your book as I am interested in reading about the indentured servants.

      • guyaneseonline  On 12/28/2010 at 2:46 am

        I will try to contact Joseph Persaud so that he can address your questions regarding his book.
        Cyril Bryan

      • guyaneseonline  On 12/28/2010 at 3:37 am

        Joseph Persaud says:
        The cost of my books are as follows:
        “Across Three Continents: An Indo-Guianese family Experience”–$16.95
        “Florence and Adam: A Love Story”–$14.95
        “Beguiled, Again”–$14.95
        As a Christmas promotion, you can purchase any of them @ $10.00 each.

        Joe Persaud.

    • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 11:23 am

      even at 87 it is “never too late” …I am 68 and am considering returning to GUYANA as am now retired with plenty of time on my hands…yes have also written a book…titled “HOOKERS”…
      GUYANA needs change and our influence for change will
      certainly go a long way in “influencing” the change that is neccessary…GUYANA will change and the change will come from within influenced by people like us…as sure as night follows day !

    • Janet Carpenter( nee Persaud)  On 07/30/2012 at 12:05 pm

      To all like minded persons: I left Guyana, Alexander Village, 1968. Went back to visit 1976 and 2006. I consider that those who are so minded to improve the typical Guyanese innocent “bad” behaviour should produce a simple list illustrating the things and actions etc. that need to be changed – the Negative List – and another list to replace these – the Positive List – and , explaining where the Positive advice is coming from, e.g. in the USA, UK, and Canada this is how it’s done. The simple shop assistant should be told to smile. The boss should be told to treat his staff with dignity and respect and encourage the staff to be open etc. Simplicity might work.

      • Derek  On 09/26/2012 at 8:09 pm

        Janet, Alexander Village have 5 Streets. Can let the readers know which street housed your residence. Each street had it’s own unique way of life (e.g. 1st Street was known for the jewellers and the Muslim Mosque, 3rd Street had a good cricket team and a Mandir and musicians, etc). In the USA, your employer will remind you of your performance annually. In Guyana, there are no performance measurements in the “small” establishments. As a matter of fact, I worked at Barclays Bank, The Royal Bank of Canada, Banks DIH and Customs & Excise Dept and those “big” and foreign corporations did not not give feed back to employees during the 70’s early 80’s. The “bad” behaviour and broken english the older Guyanese are experiencing in the USA, Canada and England should be blamed on the extensive migration and the outside influence (e.g.for some unknow reason a Guyanese want to talk like a Jamaican. Remember the Tradewinds song – Copy Cat? Dave Martin hit the nail on the head with that one. During the British rule, the schools taught the boys all about handicraft and the girls..home economics, the schools congregated and said prayers, sang hymns, recited passages from the Bible, go on field trips during Guyana week and this allowed the kids to gain experience of the different life styles, cultures and most of all the geographic landscape of Guyana. There’s a lot to wrie about. The standard of life 40 years ago is very differnt now. There are no leaders that’s why the kids are all going astray from there roots and upbringing.

  • Ken Corsbie  On 07/21/2010 at 7:30 pm

    Thanks much for posting Dave’s “almost eulogy”
    it’s encouraging and flattering when you get such good words particularly from a well admired peer.
    Your work is also excellent and necesssary..
    keep it up man
    well, at least he publish it before I dead.

  • Patricia Persaud  On 08/25/2010 at 3:14 am

    Dear Joseph Persaud:
    I just finished reading your book and found it most interesting particularly the immigration information as my grandfather could not tell me where his parents came from in India. We are from Canal #1, W.B.D.
    Pat Persaud

  • Jd  On 10/08/2010 at 8:52 pm

    MI Love Guyana Bi Cyril

  • Andy Ninvalle  On 11/05/2010 at 3:52 pm

    This is all new to me. I recently became acquainted with Cyril after pretty much chastizing the contribution he made on our QC Alumni forum on Yahoo.com. Decided to take some time off to investigate this site which he posted today, to acclimatize myself with the goings on regarding Guyana and Guyanese living abroad. Fascinating to embrace this virtual community whilst life as we know it continues striving in a parallel dimension. I love Guyana bad bad and contrary to what someone posted here I believe in the power of the identity of broken English. It’s what makes us unique and not puppets of the colonists. It of course helps to know any European language in a grammatically correct format. Not much to say. I’ve just been out of Guyana for about 20 years. Been back to Guyana 3 times since and only learned to appreciate it last Xmas. I’ll be reading and absorbing and contributing where necessary for the maintainence and continuation of this Guyanese experience. Yawl be blessed and keep yuh head up. Nuff nuff gyaf fuh come. One love, Andy

    • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 11:32 am

      I detect a bit of “rebel” in your comments above..
      I usually thank my “contributors” for their “disagreement”
      rather than their “agreement”…I am neither PASTOR (shepard) or “sheep” (goat) but very politically aware…GUYANESE 100%
      feel free to e mail me at anytime as i usually respond to every e mail I receive…all be it eventually…

      I have just returned from a flying visit end April and have
      enjoyed many “spins” on Guyanese on line…thanks to Cyril we have a forum for change !

      VIVA GUYANA VIVA GUYANESE wherever they are…

      nice read

  • CJ Miller  On 12/04/2010 at 8:26 pm

    When is that CBS video boosting Guyana will be on TV. Anyway, I enjoyed it. Like many of us, I too left Guyana very early in age – approximately 36 years and just this year, 2010 I have come to enjoy my homeland. So far I have been back there three times this year and might be going back for a 4th. For the 1st time I was really getting to know Guyana and there is alot there for us. Unfortunately, Guyana needs help – help with the water, sewer and road systems – Guyana would be so much better. Starting with the water and sewer 1st.
    As stated, so are so many of us have left and never looked back and that is a major obstacle for our beautiful country. We lived abroad and building out lives, not realizing that people, places and lives change. Look what is happening in this Great USA. No one could have imagined.
    Yes, many have taken the opportunity for a betterment of life for ourselves and families, but then we pencil in being busy and have no time for other things and then we forget.
    However, I believe it is never too late for anything. Whether, we the babyboomers are around or not, to see the growth and change for a better Guyana, all we can do is to encourage the next generation to. Once we believe in our hearts that it can be done, it can be done. We just have to trust that their hearts do speak, which will eventually cause them to do the right thing.

    • de castro kamptan  On 05/18/2012 at 11:37 am

      a very “moving” observation CJ Miller…
      I listen to my heart and mind and then decide with “both”…

      GUYANA is our first love and hopefully GUYANA will be our last…

      forever the optimist
      kamptan…I respond to every e mail I receive…all be it eventually. feel free to e mail me…thanks for your contribution above. Cyril deserves every credit for such a wonderful forum!

      • Brenda Marius, UK  On 06/12/2012 at 12:55 pm

        I was born in the UK but spent 10 happy years as a child in Guyana from the mid 70s to the mid 80s. When my parents, my dad actually, decided to move his family ‘back home’ we were horrified to find out that there would be no TV we could not imagine what we would do. Truthfully I never missed it one day. We may have had to walk for miles to get where we were going and we may have only had one meal a day but I have never loved a place more. I fear that if I returned (I have been away for 28 years) it will not live up to my memory and that saddens me. In my heart I am Guyanese, but things do have to change, but change for the betterment of the country is paramount. We cannot live in the past but we can help build an incredible future for an incredibly beautiful country.

  • Bernard Ramsay  On 12/10/2010 at 1:31 pm

    Guyana has so much to see and enjoy that it is just a wast of time languishing under the negative aspects of its many situtations.
    Guyanese have such a great sense of humor, we have the ability to make the worst situtation seem funny,even bearable. “We dont tek on” too much. Perhaps it is for this very reason that we leave these wonderful shores. A good friend of mine used to put it aptly, “Guyana is a nation intransit”. If the new wave of Guyanese can “Hold Strain” for a bit longer I truly believe that we will turn the corner and behold a place far greater than what we left/inherited. 44 years is hardly any time for a nation who has had our political experience to transend. We are getting there albeit slowly and maybe this is a good thing as we will be able to make better judgements. Guyanese are seperated by different cultures and religions and are naturally more comfortable with “We own” Once we learn how to accept this and not take it personally we will transend what we call racial barriers. Beautiful waterfals,rivers, flora and fauna does not make a country. Some of the most troubled spots on this planet are among the most stunning but ultimately is “we de peple who gat to mek de difference”.

  • Forbes Skinner  On 12/28/2010 at 2:23 am

    O boy. Just found out about this site. I love it. No one can drag me away now.

  • Kamala Persaud Gupta  On 01/07/2011 at 5:27 am

    Hi Cyril:
    Again a giant thank you for the excitement your elicit from our heart when I read everything about our fellow Guyanese. My son Sanjay Gupta,shortly after an extensive trip to S.Africa, India, U.S.A and Canada,went to Guyana.
    He was thrilled to see and to understand the potential wealth of Guyana. His pictures taken,of the lively people,the market places,wedding-day festivities,their struggles,and some interior mineral exploration sights, tell volumes of ‘The Dear Land of Guyana’.Some of these pictures will certainly be used to promote interest in Guyana. May all Guyanese take an active role to something noble for this enchanting country .

  • guyaneseonline  On 01/07/2011 at 1:33 pm

    Hi Kamala:
    Thank you for your comments.
    We would be pleased to feature some of your Guyana pictures on our Blog.
    Please feel free to submit them to us at your convenience.
    A Happy New Year to you and all your family.


  • JERRY BACCHUS  On 01/09/2011 at 12:08 am



  • tom Ali  On 01/20/2011 at 4:13 pm


    I left Guyana in the early 60s and have never been back. I grew up in the East End of London and am working as an IT Manager in the City of London.

    A couple of years ago I was on a contract in Curacao for an investment company and planned to visit Guyana. However I was informed that a guarantee could not be given for the connection from Trinidad so I did not go. What a shame.

    • divina  On 10/10/2013 at 1:38 pm

      I love guyana the food etc.but when its time to move on it move.I leave guyana 9 years ago.never went back,but I hv to 1 good day gods willing

  • PAMELA GONSALVES  On 01/22/2011 at 8:31 am

    I left British Guiana in 1966, two weeks after Indeplendence. I have returned home three times since. Once for my brother-in-law’s funeral Anthony Phillipe in 1976. I later returned for my brother’s funeral, he was Claude V. Worrell, Sr. a Criminal Lawyer in Los Angeles and was Consul for Guyana in California. He moved to Washington DC and was named Sr. Political Counselor and was a frie3nd of Burnham. He was replaced by my younger brother Joseph D’Oliveira who took the post as Consul for Guyana in California.I went back in 1995 for my nephew’s funeral, my sister Waveney Phillipe. The last time I was there was to assist her after having heart surgery while visiting her daughter in Alabama.
    I went to Kaiteur and was so embarrased with the condition of the latrines there. We took a tour of the rain forest and then to the Beautiful Kaiteur Fall. I walked all the way to the top. I was on Water Street “inside a taxi” when someone stuck his hand through the taxi window and ripped the chain off my neck. I was surprised at how people lived and the conditions of the place. Fogarty and Bookers who I used to work for had changed. The homes left empty and in need of repair. I remember when Bel Air Park uses to be the richest city, my sister lives there. Donkey carts going down the street. I even saw a very large cow go down her street every day. People selling food, hand made items everywhere and oh how Main Street changed.
    I had two children at the Georgetown Hospital. Almost every building or house needs paint but no only most of the Government buildings looked good and they still have the Parlament Building. The seawall we used to visit a couple of times a week especially on week-ends, the kite flying. My cousin used to make box kites and take them there tested them before he sold them. People have to barricade their homes from thieves and live in jails.
    I have lived in the U.S. since 1966 and when I was there I could not find any of my friends. My girlfriend was a Kirton and there were many others. Some have moved to Canada and New York, but there is no place like home My Guyana.
    Anyone reading this can reach me at e-mail – pame940@sbcglobal.net or facebook. I attended St Joseph, St Winefred, Carmel R.C. and Prestonville Commercial College (known as Ms. Osborne.
    Happy New Year ya all.

    • Mrs. Joseph  On 03/19/2011 at 2:03 am

      Hello Ms. Gonsalves I am aware where you are coming from with the snatching of your Gold Chain in Guyana. But, don’t get me wrong every country has crimes, thief and GHETTO areas. London, America, Toronto and all over the world. This is a World Crisis so please do not BASH on Guyana. Once there is an Economic Crisis all of the above are liable to happen. You are not safe anywhere, you just have to Pray and God’s Angel will protect you but, remember to be Wise as an Owl and choose your Battle Ground and keep your Antennas up at all times. God helps you but you also have to help yourself, come on girl Self-Defense or the Law.

      • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:07 am

        enjoyed that bit of advice tremendously…
        I sometimes pray to “god” but if things dont change
        I then pray to the devil…


        VIV la VIDA

      • Janet Carpenter( nee Persaud)  On 07/30/2012 at 12:27 pm

        to de castro compton: Your comment advice to Pamela Gonsalves was atrocious. You seem, certainly, to be encouraging and glorifying in the criminal behaviour of those Guyanese snatchers and their other behaviour. You should be having a forum to preach to them to change. People go to Guyana and bring back the horrible traumatic news and I can tell you it put other people off from visiting. I went with my English partner to Guyana and he was challenged at ‘big market’ but he was capable and this was noticed and his assailant went off. So do not exert such platitudes . What are the police doing? There are stories that relate to them as well, not, good. Janet C

  • AMD  On 02/06/2011 at 12:17 am

    Greetings My Guyanese Sisters & Brothers>>>>>>>>>
    I was born in Guyana June 1952and came to London to meet my parents with my two sisters in August 1965. I returned to Guyana in 15 yrs later with my daughter and other members of our family. We all had a good time. I/we then returned four more times until 1999 when I took my retired father home. He left us in 1955 to travel to the UK ‘for a better life’!!!
    Anyway since 1999 I have returned twice a year to see my father whom I let with my sister who returned to Guyana from the UK as soon as she was able. She has been ‘back’ 16 years and has never wanted to return to live in the UK. Yes life is sometimes difficult, but tell me where in the world’there is NO strife’. Anyway, as I say, I returned twice a year with either my son, grand son, partner and sometimes 10 or 15 members of our family. My grandson, when asked says he is Guyanaese and he knows more about Guyana that I do, as he often does a project for school on different aspects of Guyana. My two daughters and two sons love Guyana. We have built a house off the Linden Highway and when we go there, it is sooooo peaceful and we have the time to ‘recharge our batteries’. We do not go there to ‘show off’ but to appreciate what Guyana has to offer.
    Yes Guyana has changed since I last left it and it is not as I had explined to my children, however, they could see beyond the ‘negatives’ that are often associated with Guyana and Guyanese. You see we forget that in the West, we suffer ALL the ill that I hear ‘the visitors’complaining about in the UK, USA, Canada, Barbados, T&T etc. I have traveled to Egypt, France and other European countries and Africa and EVERYONE is complaining.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My father died recently, but everytime I go to Guyana and ask him if he wants to return to the UK he said NO and wished he had listened to me eariler and returned home years earlier.
    So what I want to say to all you Guyanaese’outside’ go home if you can with an open mind even for two weeks. I know it is expensive, but I am sure you spend the fare equivalent over the year on things you neither need or wanted. So stop knocking Guyana unless you are living a honest, secure, healthy and fulfiled life where you are.
    I LOVE Guyana and even though I had a short stay over Christmas due to the snow in UK and USA, I am planning my next trip. Hope to see you there. Best wishes to you all.xx

    • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:12 am

      dear amd
      my next trip is in december-january on my way to BRAZIL BOA vista
      WOULD LOVE TO HOOK UP so please stay in touch…

      kamptan (compton) de castro world traveller

    • Jennifer Huntley-Omisade  On 07/16/2012 at 4:17 pm

      Dear AMD,
      It was great to read your comments.
      I left Guyana in 1969, and although I’ve lived in the UK, Nigeria and now the US, Guyana is home. Returning home for me is a must, on average about every 3 years. It rejuvenates my soul! My children have visited several times and they have had a wonderful time. Due to medical issues of my children, it is not possible to return to Guyana permanently. Like I said I’ve been back several times, sometimes twice a year. So far have have had no bad experience. The only complaint is that the visits are not long enough to enjoy the fresh fish, fresh fruits and the relaxed, laid back atmosphere. When the plane lands, the sound of Guyanese pigin or creole is music to my ears. I’m headed home in a few weeks., bags already packed!!

  • PAMELA GONSALVES  On 02/13/2011 at 7:45 am

    I am trying to locate two sisters Mignon and Lynn Kirton from West Ruimveldt, also a brother Monty/Montague he used to lift weights. and he left in the late fifties or early sisties for England. Anyone knowing their whereabouts can contact me. … pame940@sbcglobal.net

  • Bibi Chapman  On 02/16/2011 at 2:55 am

    I recently visited Guyana with my daughter (who has never been) after leaving the country in 1964. I went back to where I last lived and received a culture shock. Not only was the apartment boarded up, part of the staircase was missing, the occupant of the above apartment looked over her platform and asked ‘are you the new landlord’ I told her we were not, she was disappointed as she said since the person purchased the property he has not done any repairs to it, I felt as if her apartment will collapse. I was appalled at the disrepair of houses. Re some comments on Fogarty and Bookers – as a child I do remember it to be the highlight of going to town. It was such a superb beautiful and enjoyable place to be especially at Christmas. However, I was amazed at the new developments. I wish I could bring back the wonderful time since my birth 1946 to the time I left 1964 but it is lost and if you try to imagine it again, it is only fogged up with the trash, animals wandering around, all the beautiful lilly ponds replaced with junk and garbage and people living squalidly. My old school, Bedford Methodist School in total shambles, my still on-going Central High School has somewhat deteriorated as well as the surrounding area. What has happened to Guyana? If anyone reading this and remember me from both schools when my name was Bibi Alli and my family called me Zell, please get in touch. I went to my best friend’s home in 61 Cummings Street, Albertown, but that house is no longer there. Where did they go? Their name is Sue-Ling and my friend’s name is Rosemary.
    My e-mail is :Bibi_chapman@yahoo.com

    • de castro compton  On 06/15/2012 at 10:25 am

      wow wow ! with all the negativity …. it is “reality”…..
      GUYANA will change
      GUYANA is changing
      today tommorrow next week next year ……fact….
      as the saying goes “change or die” !

      forever the optimist !

  • Bibi Chapman  On 02/16/2011 at 2:59 am

    My former name was Bibi Alli.
    I just posted a mail, if you wish to reach me anyone who knows me from 24 Agricola Village, EBD, and I referenced the schools in my blog, please send me an e-mail to: Bibi_chapman@yahoo.com


    • Rabyha N Khan  On 09/05/2018 at 5:00 pm

      Hey Bill, greetings!
      I am looking for a class mate , Elvira Deen, she’s from Windsor Forest on West Coast Demerara. She left Guyana maybe in 1981.
      Thank you in advance if u can help.

  • Emerson & Sylvie Kierstead  On 03/08/2011 at 12:34 am

    to guyaneseonline@gmail.com
    date Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:08 PM
    subject Thank you!!

    Dear Cyril,

    I left Guyana in 1967, and never did I keep in touch with what is going on in Guyana like now, since I requested your newsletter. Bravo!! You are doing a great service to your fellow countryman and for this I want to say a big “Thank You.”

    I guess I am at an age with a little more time on hand, hence, can spend more time on the computer. I really, really do enjoy reading your articles and can’t wait to see what is in my mailbox when I wake up in the morning–you make my day.!

    I feel pride when I see the progress made in Guyana and only wish the Guyanese people the very best life has to offer. I wish you all the best as you continue to serve your fellow patriots. You are doing a great job and we love you for that.

    Wishing you a blessed day and God’s speed.

    Yours Truly

    Sylvie Kierstead (DaCosta)

    • guyaneseonline  On 03/08/2011 at 12:47 am

      Hello Sylvie:

      Thank you for your e-mail and your kind words of encouragement.
      I left Guyana in 1966, and I do know your feelings regarding the sense of loss one feels at sometimes in relation to the country of our birth. It was for this reason that I decided to share my research and readings regarding Guyana and other subjects with others.

      I my glad that the Blog website as well as the newsletters have been well received by thousands of Guyanese and their friends around the world. It is indeed hard work but I get my satisfaction through knowing that my work is appreciated.

      Thanks for your thanks!

      • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:23 am

        great work … I will ask HRH QE2 to knight you in this her JUBILEE year…

        SIR CYRIL BRYAN….hey we have to keep her busy !

        We can then replace Queen Victoria (first to free slaves)
        with a statue of SIR CYRIL BRYAN in front of the LAW COURTS !

        Our history is in the making my brother …
        HISTORY is being re-written today….
        I used to say “history was written by the victors”
        I now say “history was written by the “victims”

        Now history is written by “visionaries”..like ourselves…

        congratulations to you and your bloggers…

    • Bibi Chapman  On 05/16/2011 at 2:26 pm

      My fellow Guyanese, after publishing my blog on February 16, 2011 – re my visit last year 2011 with my daughter to Guyana, I have some wonderful and great news to report, the long-lost friend Rosemary Sueling’s cousin who is a regular visitor to this site read my request in seeking the whereabouts of Rosemary Sueling and responded immediately, copying her mail to Rosemary and I am so delighted and privileged to be attending Rosemary’s 65th birthday and reunion party at the end of July in Canada where she lives with her family.

      The opportunity that Cyril has created for us to reach the unreachable proves the most important and hard work that has been put into this newsletter and I would like to thank you and your readers immensely for the wonderful contribution and results that this newsletter generates. Thank you Cyril. May God bless you and for Guyana to flourish. My desire is to once more return with my son as he needs to see his roots too.

      • guyaneseonline  On 05/16/2011 at 3:28 pm

        Hello Bibi: I am glad that the Guyanese Online was able to help you to find your friend Rosemary Sueling. It is my pleasure to be of service to you and all Guyanese in the Diaspora in re-connecting with our long-lost family and friends and the beauty of our wonderful country – Guyana. Regards.. Cyril

      • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:27 am

        bibi and cyril
        I salute you both ! in GREATEST RESPECT ..
        your exchanges “moves mountains” wonderful to read…
        thank you both for the inspiration GUYANA needs.


    • Pamela Gonsalves  On 06/14/2012 at 5:53 pm

      Hello Bibi, My name was Pamela D’Oliveira and married a Gonsalves. I last lived on Sussex Street across from the YMCA. I was born in Kitty and lived in Alexander Village and West Ruimveldt. I attended St Winefred, Carmel R.C. and Ms. Osborne in Kingston. I worked at Pitamber Dyndial, Marics and Co, Alec Russell and Bookers Shipping. I am 72 years of age and now live in California for the last 46 years. You said you attended schools as I did but you are much younger than I. The last time I was there was about five or six years ago. I went to the Kaiteur Falls and Rain Forest cause I had never been.

      I wish I could afford to return. I still have a sister who resides there and a few cousins. Most of my relatives live in Canada and an uncle who moved to Puerto Rica.

      Well, take care and God Bless. Pam

      • ulric pestano  On 10/07/2012 at 10:06 pm

        Hi Pamela,i think i do know you and your family,if your husband is Michael,and he had a good friend named Alfred Gonsales(deceased) then i do know you,My name is Ulric Pestano

  • Nizam Khan  On 03/16/2011 at 7:08 pm

    Keep up the good works Cyril, I will always be a proud Guyanese.

    I am roped and hog tied here in Canada but would love to return as soon as I can.

    I usually visit Guyana twice a year. I am looking for potential business opportunities so that I can visit more often.

    There is simply no place like HOME

    • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:32 am

      “business opportunities” abound in GUYANA ..
      my brother RUPERT DE CASTRO arrived in CANADA in 1963
      penniless … today he just gives free advice to anyone who has the desire for wealth creation..HE MADE IT “moneywise”..
      yes in real-estate…feel free to contact him or me if you wish !
      kamptan (compton de castro) doncomdecastro@yahoo.co.uk

    • Pamela Gonsalves  On 12/18/2013 at 5:12 am

      Dear Ulric Pestano,

      I really don’t recall your name but I am in my seventies. I did marry a Michael Gonsalves. He was a weightlifter and worked for the bus company and Bookers Taxi Service and a Petrolium company. I knew two Alfred Gonsalves. One worked for Bookers Taxi and the other was a mailman who came to the States and worked for a college after graduating. He married a Cunje and passed away a few years ago. He had a brother who was a fireman in Guyana. The taxi driver as far as I know stayed in Guyana and passed but they had two other brothers Michael who is in Canada and the other Edward works in security at one of the banks on Water Street. My ex still lives in the States but has several sisters who live in Canada.

      Happy Holidays, Pam

      e-mail – pame940@sbcglobal.net

  • Mrs. Joseph  On 03/19/2011 at 2:36 am

    Great Job Cyril
    I wish others thought about their Native Land in a positive way as you, myself and others think of our country. I would never lower my talks about my country or bring it down such as others who came abroad and forget where they have came from. Culture is great but, it can ruin a nation. That is for others who hypothetical wanna be, as per say, so called foreigners. You are most likely to be SUCCESSFUL when you are YOURSELF!

    • de castro compton  On 05/19/2012 at 9:40 am

      mrs joseph
      excellent synopsis … I try to remain “positive” on GUYANA
      sometimes even considering myself an “alien” but it is people like us who can “influence” change in DE FATHERLAND but the
      change will have to come from “inside” GUYANA.
      what happens in the ROW (rest of world) will influence the neccessary change but “interferance from outside” can also
      distort the change that is neccessary….GUYANA is in its embryonic stage of development so change must be
      evolutionary…not revolutionary !
      Change peacefully…

      enjoyed your comments

  • Menes De Griot  On 05/09/2011 at 2:40 am

    966 Jazz,is a historic Jazz venue in the Republic of Brooklyn,that continues to promote and promulgate the Jazz tradition,on the 22nd MAY,it will come alive with the music of Maxie Gouevia ,some renditions of Karibbean Jazz,known in Guyana as Kreolic,will fill the air.On Piano will be Frankie Mc Intosh,known as the maestro,Mr Jeff Grannum on Alto Sax and Rashid Thorne on drums,Menes De Griot and the Shanto Family on hand drums and percussions.Poetry,masqurade dance,storytellin,hip hop,and more.Bring the family,walk with your drums and shac shac,and be part of the drum circle,call a friend and make it a date.

    Celebrate Guyana 45TH Indepedence with Shanto and friends,on 22nd May 2011,966 Fulton st,bt,St James and Grand.

  • reyaad  On 05/27/2011 at 11:57 pm

    Well it nice reading about people relocating their lost friends. I am tryin to contact one Andrew Lloyd Hansraj that used to live in Spring Garden Essequibo. Anyone with information please email me at : sweetguy20072000@yahoo.com

  • Saniya  On 05/28/2011 at 3:47 am

    Thank you for creating this site, it is much needed to keep our culture alive. I am 2nd generation Guyanese (born in the US). As a younger person with an interest in learning more about our history and culture I genuinely appreciate your efforts! I started an online community to help Guyanese and other South Asian (Indian origin) women plan their weddings, so they can talk with one another and share info. Please visit if you have a chance, and share my website with anyone you know who may be interested in joining: http://www.desibridemagazine.com. I will help spread the word about your site also! Thank you, Saniya.

  • guyaneseonline  On 05/30/2011 at 1:28 am

    Yes.. Guyana has tropical forests… Cyril

  • Sharon  On 06/21/2011 at 1:07 am

    I am from the fourth generation – grew up in the 80. Love the history of Guyana. I migrated in my mid 20s. I have a lot of problems about how the Government is running the country after living in the most advanced country in the world it makes me realise that Guyana is so far behind. I rather Guyana was still under the British, where law and order of the government and citizens in placed first.

    There are so much proverty in both the urban and rural areas. I had the opportunity to visit some small villages. My heart hurt and I walked with tears in my eyes. No education!!! So uncilivised. The poor people have huge hearts. I am praying for Guyana strongly. My heart goes out to the new generation of today. Guyana is so broken and may never be fixed in this life time. I am ashamed to take my friends back to visit the country I called home. Not much to see or learn from.

    The few things that bring joy to my heart are the beautiful sunsets, the full moon, the dark starry nites, warm breeze and all the beautiful flowers that bloom. I guess mother nature is not controled by any one. That is priceless to me.

  • PAMELA GONSALVES  On 06/21/2011 at 6:38 am

    Hello all,
    I especially want to let Mrs. Joseph know that I am not bashing GUYANA cause it is my birth home. I was just making a statement about what happened. I left Guyana to come to the US to further my education which did not happen as I wanted. I had a good life in Guyana but could not live there for anything now. I went back home five times and the last time was to assist my sister who had heart surgery here in the States and could not travel alone.
    I went to the rain forest and Kaiteur Falls which I had never seen and enjoyed myself emencelly but would not do it again because I do not like small planes. I would rather do other sightseeing areas. My sister and daughter still live there and my brother visits two to three times a year. I have been in the US for 45 years. I have a lot of relatives in Canada and have been there about four times.
    Cyril, I enjoy reading your newsletter, keep up the good work, stay healthy and God Bless.

    • Alex V, Benn  On 03/07/2014 at 7:07 am

      Pamela dear, you do not have to apologize to anyone for the comment. You expressed your feelings and what you experienced. I left Guyana in the 60’s also. I visited in the 70s for a funeral so it was a short stay. I visited again in 95 and went up to Linden, camera in hand to take photos to show my children where I grew up. I was so surprised at the condition of the place, the dilapidated homes, the 3ft high grass; I forgot about the camera in my hand. I returned to GT on the same evening.
      I must say the area looks better now. The lawns are still un-kept, but I can see a little progress.
      I asked one of the politicians who visited us here in Atlanta about conditions in the area and he explained that there is not much taxes coming from the residents to pay for the services.
      Besides the services that government should provide, if the people maintain their property, that would make a big difference. They should not wait for things to fall apart. A coat of paint can revive a building. Even the vendors at the marketplace should have certain standards. Little kiosks in standard sizes and colors will look better than their little stalls of any size.
      Its not that we want to criticize we just want prosperity for the country that we still love, and we remember it being in better condition before we left. Guyana has natural beauty, we know, but when we visit our neighboring Caribbean islands we know that Guyana can look even better.

  • Sharon  On 06/21/2011 at 1:31 pm

    No one really cares about any one private lives. I think when some one speak about hand outs that really depends on who you talking about. We are the ones who really make believes that living abroad is easy. I witnessed to a lot of stupidity in the past. Giving uneducated people the wrong impressions. So when some one look forward for handout it’s because of your own impression. Needless to say they brag and boast of their life overseas. Just not to think they make a couple hundred dollars per week.

  • Charlotte Worrell  On 06/28/2011 at 12:24 am

    I see my Aunt Pam has posted about Guyana. My name is Charlotte Worrell, I don’t remember much about Guyana – as the last time I was there was for my father, Claude Worrell’s funeral. I’m seeking any information/stories about Claude Vibart Worrell and his family. If anyone has any to tell – I’m listening!

    • jado graham  On 10/01/2012 at 7:41 am

      Good Morning: I don’t have any information about Claude, but I am a Worrell from Panama . My Grandfather was from Barbados and he had many brothers and sisters some left Barbados and went to Panama and after the Canal was build some went to Guyana. His name was Charles. Do you know any family history regarding the Worrell Family. Because I am told we look alike. Awaiting any information. Thank You

    • David Blue  On 02/04/2016 at 4:45 pm

      My grandmother is Hyacinth Blue (Worrell) She left Guyana with my Grandfather Neville John Blue in the 1960s.

  • jb  On 07/01/2011 at 4:06 pm

    Guyana – at times my ‘home’ country makes me proud other times it is not something I cared to share with others.

    When we arrived in Canada in the early 80’s for a better life … things as I remember them in Guyana were the best for me as a child … now I cannot fathom ever living there again.

    My parents traveled back and forth to Guyana yearly and the stories there always coming back with are the same-“money talks – US $$$” even more so than before … this is what the people want and will do anything to get.

    We now have in Guyana anything you desire/need and want as we can in Canada today 2011 – Guyana have everything. Not like in the 70’s when what was an apple or piece of chocolate. These items were unheard of unless someone is visiting from ‘outside’.

    So, regardless of stories / suffering / politics etc … the bottom line is that my generation will not be able to survive in Guyana today. Regardless we can visit and treasure the full moon / starry nights / sunsets and sunrises as someone mentioned in his email above.

    Today Guyana is not a country that my child i know for fact will be able to survive in – this North American attitude and lifestyle is very hard and difficult to forsake for kids these days.

    That is all I wanting to share, some thoughts and feelings as a Guyanese growing old in North America/ Canada and seeing how the ‘WE OWE THEM’ generation is excepting everything from their parents old or young today.


  • Sharon  On 07/05/2011 at 7:34 pm

    Mother nature is a blessing!!! the beauty of a full moon or rising of the sun or a golden sunset is beyond one’s imigination. The real North Americans travells as far to see something so beautiful. Because of where the advance people go to study the dark starry nights etc. we can all be educated by what they discovered and put it into hard copies, movies etc. when someone says ” oh my child cannot go back to Guyana to live” is so narrow minded. What if he or she commits a crime and the court system believes that, the person should not live in their country anymore and sent them back to their country respectively I wonder if they have a choice ??? most of all I saw that happen over and over. Where people says oh I or my kids cannot go back to guyana to live and guess what they are there. One never knows. Be smart the the unreal can become REAL!!!!

  • Sharon  On 07/07/2011 at 1:19 am

    In regards to people who think that they cannot survive in another county or their child cannot survive they need to think out side the box. The facts are every one who migrated to another country has the same dreams and goals. For a better life for the future generation.

    It is needless to say how stupidity play out in one mind by saying my child cannot live in another country espically where their true roots are planted. People have this thing in their head ” I cannot go back to live” . I have a really touching story to share. I was vacationing in Barbados where I met a retired Judge who left her native country, the great America, and choose to gain residence in Barbados and so proud to say its was blessing. I had a long interesting conversation and was so eager to see Guyana. Interestingly enough we made friends quickly. The following year she and I met in Guyana for a short stay. Well amazingly How God works. That lady was so proud of the people she met on her visit. And had many good reasons to be proud of.

    It did not end there …She belongs to a ministry group and introduced many more American/ North American (or the real north Americans) to visit Guyana. It was beyond how they felt by just watching the sun setting over the river from their hotel balcony. The true North Americans are gracious, understanding and kind people who do no take life for granted and be more grateful for what life has to offer or thrown at them.

    One thing should be clear as of who call themselves North Americans. A child parents must be born in North America and that child is a North American from a Guyanese back ground. Some people are very confused and called themselves what they think they are but are really not. Its like an Italian born American, their grand parents came from Italy. So people do not forget, read up on history be smart educate yourself .

  • Jeannette Foster-Gaskin  On 08/13/2011 at 4:15 pm

    I’m very glad I was introduced to this site. I enjoyed reading all the comments. I’m Guyanese and left my country in May 1972 to work in Zambia, Africa. I visited Guyana several times, my last visit being 1996. I enjoyed all my visits. I have been residing in Canada for 30 years. I lived and worked both in Georgetown and Mackenzie. I travelled to Georgetown quite frequently to visit my Mom and always booked my ride with “CHARLIE BROOKER”. He was very popular and many people used his transport from Mac City to GT and back. It would be appreciated if anyone reading this can help me to make contact. My e-mail is jfoster37gaskin@gmail.com

  • Maude Bullen-McKenzie  On 09/10/2011 at 9:53 pm

    Hello Cyril,

    Good work here – congratulations! I tried to send my reactions to the article on Ms.Holder’s condition and the urgent need there is for treatment, not being fully acquainted with these electronic gadgets I am not sure that it has reached its intended destination, but my prayer is that GOD continues to guide, guard and prompt all those who are involved in this recovery mission as HE feels fit.

    This is an honest, apolitical position – one human being expressing caring for another.

    With every good wish,



  • Ram Tiwari  On 09/13/2011 at 3:20 pm

    Dear Cy,

    Your entries keep getting better and better with each publication. Keep your unique masterpiece going.
    Your Blog is a gem of rare quality among blogs I have seen and read. Congratulations and Best Wishes.
    Ram Tiwari.

    • guyaneseonline  On 09/13/2011 at 3:22 pm

      Hello Ram:
      Thank you for your compliments.
      I am glad that my work is appreciated.

      All the best to you as well!
      Kindest regards

  • AMD  On 09/15/2011 at 3:14 pm

    People complaining of how bad Guyana is. You ALL have family there, how are they bringing up their children and grand children both females and males? How are your fathers, brothers and uncles treat the women in their household and the general community? Why is your sister, niece, granddaughter feel that it is ok to dress and behave like women who have NO RESPECT for themselves and those around them?
    Why do ‘they’ feel that they can liter the street AND complain how the streets are dirty? How can you not upkeep your house but complain that is has not stairs or windows?
    Why are you sending money to ‘the family’ when YOU KNOW that they are misusing it? I can go on…………………… Don’t lay the blame at the Government’s door, we the Guyanese people ALLOW these immoral behaviors to continue by colluding with ‘the family’ and their unacceptable (slack/ worthless) behavior.

    Right now in Guyana, they are many hard working people who are making a living legally but they get PUSHED about by “the BOYS” who are purely greedy and want to amass money ‘by any means necessary’…..

    Guyana is a beautiful and wealthy country who needs honest people to develop it worth. It is happening, s l o w l y, but change is going to come because ‘the man outside the country’ is waiting to swoop and take control, then we will have something else to complain about.

    Money is in Guyana, see ALL those newly built houses along the highway. Also you should take a detour in some of those villages and you will be surprise how many houses are being built NOT only be returnees but Guyanese who have never left the country.

    Go visit Guyana, no it is NOT the same as you left it, if it was you would complain also, go see with different eyes. Go visit as a project and return to your home with additional information that leaves you inspired. You can. Yes you can.

    Be good to yourself and ask you people in Guyana to DO THEIR BIT TO MAKE GUYANA A PLACE WE all CAN BE PROUD OF.. I cannot wait for my next visit in four months and appreciate what it have to offer before returning to the West and All IT HAVE TO OFFER!!!!!

    Guyana for EVER.

    • de castro  On 05/13/2012 at 12:19 pm

      very positive input indeed…more please…

  • Joan Persaud  On 09/15/2011 at 10:15 pm

    Hi Bibi,
    I was reading your blog and you mentioned you used to live in Agricola Village.
    My name is Joan Persaud nee Baharally I also used to live at 26 Public Road
    Agriola Village.EBD.
    I now live in Calgary Alberta, My uncle used to own Sonny’s Shop.
    My email address is joanpersaud@hotmail.com
    Take care.

  • Desiree Price  On 09/21/2011 at 6:17 pm


    I recently set myself up to receive the guyaneseonline updates. As a Guyanese living abroad I find it very informative and a means of keeping up-to-date on the current affairs in Guyana. Thanks for initiating this venture, very good job and keep it up.

    Desiree Price

    • guyaneseonline  On 09/21/2011 at 6:22 pm

      Hello Desiree:
      Thank you for joining as a subscriber so that you get everything we send out. As you know, the newsletter is published monthly around the third week. It was put on the blog today, so you should get it.
      Kindest regards

  • Armond Mc.Dougall  On 09/30/2011 at 8:14 pm

    I would like to get in contact with Cyril Bryan

  • Benfield Munroe  On 12/05/2011 at 9:31 pm

    Great work.

  • Helena Martin  On 12/26/2011 at 9:27 am

    Hi Cyril,
    Seasons Greetings to you, hope you were able to enjoy some ‘jinja beer’ or mauby! This is the first time I’ve seen this blog and I enjoyed reading all the comments. I recently befriended Joe Persaud who was kind enough to post all of his wonderful books all the way to me in Australia so I could enjoy them. I especially recommend ‘Across Three Continents’ if you are interested in the history of the indentured labourers from India.
    My memoir titled ‘Walk Wit’ Me…All Ova Guyana was published this month by Balboapress.com, also found on Amazon.com, it’s an account of the first twenty-one years of my life growing up in Guyana (from 1947-68) and includes the preservation of our vernacular. I was Helena DaSilva before I married a Martin. Nuff laughs and a worthwhile trip down memory lane!
    Keep up the wonderful work Cyril and thanks for allowing me to tell my fellow Guyanese about my book.
    Cheers and all the very best for 2012
    Helena Martin (DaSilva)

    • guyaneseonline  On 12/26/2011 at 3:09 pm

      Hello Helena:

      Thanks for your e-mail and the info on your book. Please send me some more info on it and where it could be bought so I could include it in the January 2012 Newsletter. regards, Cyril

  • Samuel Singh  On 01/07/2012 at 4:55 am

    I came across your site before and though I would check it out and I finally and am now following it, I have some questions to ask about a few things, is there a way I may do so without my words being published on the site?

  • Naraine Datt  On 01/07/2012 at 1:52 pm


    My Guyana is cricket also man!
    With Basil Butcher and Soloman
    The star batsmen from Berbice
    When Guyana was at real peace
    Rohan Kanhai in cricket held the spot
    With his famous falling hook shot
    Who sometimes unfortunately ran out of luck
    An overnight’s batsman got bowled for a duck
    This wasn’t for his fans a very good scene
    Much to the chagrin of the whole Corentyne
    My Guyana is Ted Braithwaite as a teacher
    With his novel, To Sir with Love as a writer
    Sydney Poiter’s portrayal of kids bad and loud
    Ted’s English experience made us very proud

    It also includes JWChinapen teacher and artist
    His Albion Wilds at that time ‘twas the best
    And not forgetting the late great dynamic
    Revealing to us of politicians so slick
    He turned the darkness into light
    Martin Carter’s poems were right
    With his Poems of Resistance so powerful
    Uniting a people and making it so crystal
    Who literally planted the struggle and need
    To fight bad politics, racialism and greed

    My Guyana is honored to have great boons
    The likes of the lordly Cedric Vernon Nunes
    And the wisdom of the late J R Butchey
    Teacher and councilor with humility
    Philip Moore our famous artist
    His art was on all visitor’s list
    With his art and sculpture so unique
    Making Guyana reached its peak

    What would Guyana be great Scot
    Without Stalwarts like Derek Walcot
    The Daybydeens, Bhagwandin a fine man
    Indomitable A J Seymour, Clem Seecharan
    Nesbit Changur country western singer
    Whose Tain the Beginning a bestseller
    Made us laugh and cry some in shock
    That we’re alive through all that havoc

    (276 words, 46 lines)
    (To be continued)

  • Naraine Datt  On 01/07/2012 at 1:49 pm


    (Part I)

    The land of many waters is my forever Guyana
    Sandwiched between Brazil and Venezuela
    Also called the land of six peoples
    Although some behave like weevils
    Including the Blacks and Indians
    And our neglected Amerindians
    We live on the flat coastlands
    From Point Playa to Springlands
    Mesmerized by racial politics
    Still using the race card tricks
    It appears as if we’re bloody cursed
    With some of us stuck in reverse
    Just to stay sober and keep alive
    Whilst some are in forward drive
    Some myopic and so stubborn
    Some hope for newborn morn

    My Guyana is Raleigh, Sir Walter
    The fearless Elizabethan explorer
    He sailed up the Orinoco
    Hoping to find El Dorado
    Around campfires his saga is told
    How he came looking for our gold
    Dr.Walter Rodney is in My Guyana
    The stalwart historian, and teacher
    He cleansed their eyes of many from boo-boo
    And on Bent Street he met his tragic Waterloo
    My Guyana is Cheddi Jagan
    Who showed the world he can
    After 28 years in theopposition
    To the infamous Machiavellian
    He found peace and sanity
    And brought back democracy
    Eventually we got independence
    After bitter struggle so immense
    With Forbes Burnham the dictator
    Who became misguided later
    But I’m thankful to that Kabaka
    When I couldn’t take the pressure
    I left Guyana and came to the USA
    And then later settled in Canada

    (To be continued)

    • Suresh Paryag  On 02/20/2014 at 4:22 am

      Thanks Naraine Datt … this is the best about Guyana I have read

  • Naraine Datt  On 01/19/2012 at 2:02 am


    So when you are being political
    Sowing seeds of distrust so hateful
    Joining the highbrows helping
    To divide us and keep on ruling
    Know ye well! fellow man we are
    Good peoples we don’t think of war
    Living in small towns and tiny villages
    Enjoying the same salty sea breezes
    Once never divided living like chums
    Not by race or politics or bully hoodlums

    My Guyana is for all the six major races
    The Amerindians who made the first traces
    The sons and daughters of the blacks
    Who came after camouflaged attacks
    Of the slaves uprooted from Africa
    To build the plantations of the bakrah
    And the East Indians shipped from India
    These are the people who made Guyana
    These coolies really deserve our cheers
    What it is today built by these pioneers
    And they all have a democratic right
    To govern peacefully in this fight

    In my Guyana you positively move forward
    Throw off our shackles but keep up our guard
    Stop and think not of the race card game
    And neither the old ever blame game
    About the past we cant do anything
    But from it we can learn something
    Take the good dump the negative
    And move forward think positive
    Like when we were British Guiana
    When we fought the bad bakrah
    We thought bad things would cease
    And all the races would live in peace
    When all the religions were respected
    Not where some men were subjected
    When we all used to work together
    Played and laughed with one another
    And sometimes loved each other
    Yes that’s my kind of Guyana

    239 words 46 lines
    (To be continued)

  • guyaneseonline  On 01/20/2012 at 6:34 pm

    Sharon Maas:
    The guyaneseonline@gmail.com should be OK
    You could also contact me at cybryan@gmail.com

  • arunasharan  On 01/22/2012 at 7:25 am

    Thanks, Cyril! I resent the mail to both addresses. The guyaneseonline one bounced again, but the other seems to have gone through OK.

  • Jacqueline James  On 02/03/2012 at 8:00 pm

    Hi Cyril – I was able to read your “blog” today. Having put it aside for many many weeks. It was interesting to read what others had to say. I am searching for a friend of mine, a Patricia Williams (she worked at the Income Tax office). I left Guyana in 1966. We met and then regretfully lost touch of each other.

    Thank you to anyone who can help me. My Name was – Jacqueline Williams in those long ago days.

  • Maureen Geborde-Knutson  On 02/26/2012 at 12:37 am

    I was born and raised in Guyana. I left Guyana in 1962 and have only gone back 3 times. It has been over 30 years since my last visit. I lived in many states in the United States and currently reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am interested in receiving Newletters and other information pertaining to Guyana. Thanks, “Mo”

    • guyaneseonline  On 02/26/2012 at 5:05 am

      Hello Maureen:
      You have now been added to our main mailing list.
      Thanks for your support.We hope you enjoy the newsletters and Blog entries.

    • Kelly  On 05/18/2012 at 4:41 am

      Hi, My mother left Guyana in the 50’s. She live in 79th village. Do you remember a highschool principal with the name Jane King – that was her maiden name.

  • Thelma Douglas  On 03/22/2012 at 1:24 am

    I returned to Guyana for a visit for Christmas, December 2011(1st Christmas in 30 years). I stayed for 2 weeks and I had an enjoyable time. I think those who are complaining, are the Guyanese who went with high expectations; you have go with an open mind. Of course nothing stays the same, and times have become tougher all over the world and Guyana is no exception. I see slow progress in a positive direction and the only thing I see that needs immediate attention is the trash around the Beautiful Garden City. I stood and watched workmen clean some up, and within the next five minutes, someone was throwing trash in the same place. They need to arrange and maintain a weekly schedule for removal of trash and residents should be aware.

    I have travelled to many countries in the Caribbean, and I must say that there is still no marketplace like Bourda and Stabroek Markets. Fresh vegetation of all kinds, fruits of all kinds, fresh fish and meat. I also enjoyed talking with some of the vendors. coconut water in abundance and the vendors really make you feel welcomed. I enjoyed traveling around in their local transportation and mingling with ‘my fellow Guyanese’. The ‘welcome’ at the airport (masquerade band, steel pan and refreshments) set the tone for the rest of the season.

    Early morning jogging in the National Park was something my husband really enjoyed. Dining out to creole foods was different from the American experience at Christmas time. Looking forward to returning for another Christmas in Guyana!!

    • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:37 am

      interesting and so TRUE !
      my experience was similar …
      traffic and pedrestians mingling in stabroek market square…
      have they never heard of BUS and TAXI terminals…!! situation even worse when the GODS are sitting in parliament !
      if ones expectations are too high one becomes disappointed..
      my previous stay in GUYANA was third a lifetime ago…30 years!

      GT is certainly more populated but like any city a “population” explosion can be disasterous !

      I remain optimistic for change in GUYANA as I noticed the “desire” ever present…
      forever the optimist and I share your sentimnts

  • Nehru  On 03/29/2012 at 11:05 pm

    I agree with most of the comments & submissions.
    We all came out of British Guiana for some reason or the other, but we cannot dwell on the some of the reasons forever. Think of the great times we had during our time back home, because they will never return.
    It took me 20 years to return and I was very disappointed when I could not find any of my friends in Kitty. I was able to see a few of my co-workers at water works (GSWC) next to the zoo.
    I visited Guyana last October, 2010 and would advise anyone if you return home, visit the Kaieteur Falls and the Interior. Kaieteur is breathtaking, and I was able to jump on top of the first boulder as the water was low.
    I was fortunate to visit the entire Courentyne up and down, took the speed boat to Suddie as I was following the 5 stage cycle race, saw a few cyclist like Hassan Mohammed who is now the National Cycling coach, had a few beers like old time.
    For those who can remember the old cycling days and the cycling clubs, well I was one of the founder members along with Claude Baptiste from David Street, Kitty to form Kaieteur Cycling Club. We use to promote grass track races in Long Road, was fortunate to be on the Cycle Federation, rode upright races on most of the tracks in Guyana. Some of our members were Kenneth Joseph, Aubrey Gordon, Randolph Toussaint and many more.
    I remember the days when Barry Massey & Pirate Alexander were promoting track events, and I was fortunate to see the Late Barry Massey in 1984 @ the Olympic games here in Los Angeles, California. Eon Dornellas was here representing Canada at these games.
    Here we now have the North American Guyana Cycling Federation led by Guyanese National champion, Neville Hunte. This organization recently held their 2nd Cycling Reunion Dance in Brooklyn, NY. and I was there and met cyclists who I have not seen for over 30 + years. Aubrey Gordon, Victor Rutherford, Desmond DeCaires, Kenneth Joseph, Bruce Camacho, Stanley Boyce and many more.
    If you have family visit them and see the progress in Guyana, including the streets and the sites, some regrets being the sea walls that really need some work.
    Miss the good old day, and all my friends from Kitty..
    Nehru Sheow

    • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:30 am

      nehru (wonder what your parents had in mind naming you NEHRU
      mahatma has a much sweeter message….
      hey only joking ! seriously a very nostalgic read indeed

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 04/17/2012 at 3:36 am

    I agree with the sentiments of all our Guyanese compatriots who found the time to give expression to their feelings since they left the dear land of Guyana. Some have left in the early 1960’s and others after Independence. We have indeed missed the land of our birth and as the saying goes you can see the light only in one place where you were born, as a baby you opened your eyes to see the light in the land of Guyana. we have all left our homeland for several reasons and because of the courage and determination to live and struggle and to accept life’s challenges we have made it wherever we are today. My last visit to Guyana was in September 2011. I deceded to visit the Essequibo coast for the first time. I was born in Campbellville and grew up there until the age of 19 years when I went to India to study medicine. I love the waterways and the trip to Essequibo. I also visited the homes constructed by the Charity mission Habitat.Guyana will always be with you no matter where you go. Your families and friends do mean a lot to us, but they too have since migrated somewhere. I attended the Campbellville Govt School and later the Guiana Oriental College. My friends are no where to found in Guyana today. My first cousin who attended the Campbellville Govt school is always around to comfort and cheer me up whenever I do visit the country. She is Raj and is in charge of the Sherrif enterprizes on Sherriff street. All our hats off to Cyril for creating this facility for us to blog on as we can still be in touch with our near and dear ones. My e mail is Cyril_balkaran @yahoo.com.Cyril.

    • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:25 am

      interesting read
      stay connected

  • Julian Rodrigues  On 04/20/2012 at 8:37 pm

    Hi Cyril,
    Super job. I only just became aware of this site and I’m wondering if it would be possible to reconnect with some (old) schoolmates. I graduated from BGET (Trust) in 1958 and immediately left for New Amsterdam to work for Royal Bank of Canada. Names that readily come to mind are: Doreen Persaud, Leila Sharma, Indra Singh, Alphonso Cuffy, Lillman Dwarka, Winston & Julian Rhodius to name a few. (note I mentioned the gals first!)

    Julian Rodrigues

    • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:21 am

      I echo your sentiments …and take it further..
      GUYANA shows its desire for change and change it must or “DIE”
      the change will take some time yet as a minority government
      usually takes longer….as PER UKPLC
      change will eventually come from WITHIN with outside influences like ours of course…and thanks to cyril for this “forum” for change !
      kamptan de castro …feel free to e mail
      in andalucia south spain

    • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:23 am

      am in touch with Bryan Rodrigues …maybe u r a relative or from a similar CLAN

      compton de castro

    • Sati  On 10/08/2013 at 10:58 pm

      There is a Dr. Lillman Dwarka (Originally from Guyana) who lives in Michigan, I am not sure if the is the person, but here is his Office Phone:586-268-3600.

      Good Luck

  • compton de castro  On 04/25/2012 at 10:56 am

    dear guyanese on line
    just returned to UK from a visit to de fatherland via Barbados….
    after a 30 year gap.
    1. Why no direct flights from GT to UK. ?
    2. Why the GUYANA brand name is not being exported. ?
    3. Why do I have to buy most products manufactured outside GUYANA ?
    feeding others unemployment/economy.
    4. “organised chaos” in downtown GT …traffic mixing with pedistrians.
    where are the bus taxi mini cab stations/locations.?
    5. why export “raw materials/products” when it can be converted to “MADE IN
    GUYANA” end product….
    6. why are there so many “old fogies” still in politricks…status quo !
    7. why is GT “littered with rubbish” !

    and the list goes on and on !

    “wake up GUYANA” or the world will leave you asleep/behind.
    and I do not wish to vote in elections as am a non resident of my beautiful GUYANA and its peoples.
    world traveller retired
    compton de castro

  • Mary  On 04/29/2012 at 9:57 pm

    it was a pleasure when guyaneseonline was born. it brings us up to date with all the latest news in guyana

  • compton de castro  On 05/01/2012 at 11:01 am

    Dear Guyanese Online

    I am back in Spain after a flying visit to GT and Lethem (bon fin Boa Vista)…border with GUYANA and VENEZUELA.
    I am “not” a political activist more a political aware person
    so this comment will be very “debateable” “contraversal”

    I thank you in advance for this “forum”….

    1. GUYANA needs to move forward with the changes neccessary
    for people like me to return “domiciled” permanently.
    2. I see many politicians who have the “desire” to change
    so I remain optimistic for the future.
    3. question
    as a non domicile of GUYANA I feel it is unfair for me to have the right to exercise my franchise “VOTE” in local or national elections.

    just three of the most important issues that remain with me after my short visit…

    I will comment further after reading the blogg as my “opinion”
    needs the publicity and I am sure many others may have similar feelings about their country of birth “Their FIRST LOVE”..hopefully their “LAST”…
    I listen to my “heart and mind” and decide with both.
    I will return to GUYANA “eventually”.

    Once again thanks for your “forum”

    compton de castro
    in Andalucia south Spain

  • Hylton Fernandes  On 05/08/2012 at 2:30 am

    A friend introduced me to this site and it is truly amazing to read the different stories about Guyana. I left Guyana in 1964 and have never been back, in a way, I prefer to remember Guyana how I left it. Great People, Vibrant Economy & Racial Harmony. It’s a great place to call home! I would love to hear from a few friends.eg. Jean Bourne worked at Demerara Tobacco, Patrick Persaud worked at Fogarty’s and later at Pegasus Hotel. Cheers!
    Hylton Fernandes.
    My e-mail is; hyltonf@videotron.ca

  • de castro  On 05/11/2012 at 10:15 am

    my guess is you may be a relative of the CHRIS Fernandes Clan….
    compton de castro of SPAIN and UK among other places.

    met up with Chris in GT on my way to Lethem and his hospitality says it all….GUYANESE are always welcomed in De Fatherland…
    GUYANA for me shows the “desire” for change but with a minority
    government this wont happen for some time yet….
    hey I am looking at GUYANA in the mirror …
    change must come from within but with the influence of people like us “outsiders” even “aliens” in todays language !

    would love to exchange “opinions” with as many “aliens” as possible…in the hope and wish for change !
    cyril log is an ideal “forum” for such influence.

  • Nehru  On 05/13/2012 at 1:05 am

    My grandfather named me Nehru after Jawarlal Nehru, the prime Minister at the time, Mahamat Ghandi was his father.

  • de castro  On 05/13/2012 at 12:13 pm

    thanks for the historical input
    message has not changed

  • de castro  On 05/13/2012 at 12:18 pm

    poetic indeed …but too sentimental for me !

    however 2nostalgic2


  • Kelly  On 05/18/2012 at 4:36 am

    Greetings from the Windy City (Chicago, IL.) USA – My mother was born in British Guyana in 1930, May 24th – She was one of two girls attending high school back then. She lived in 79th village and went to high school in Springlands around 1945. It was she and her best friend Jane King – Jane King later became a high school principal – but because she probably married – we can not locate Jane King. My Mother is 82 and I would like help trying to locate Jane King who would have been a similar age. Mother’s last name was Chung-Tiam Fook – Her father was Charles and her Mother was Indian (sukya) was her name. They owned the Palladium Theater in 79th village until her father died when she was 8yrs old. Then her Uncle took over the theater, so we’re told. He father also sold refreshments that they made (like sode drinks?) I know many of my relatives are in Canada – but is there a year book from the mid 1940’s that would show the students names to help us find Jane King. Thanks for any info – Warmest Regards, from Kathleen’s daughter Kelly

    • molly w lespoir  On 06/04/2014 at 1:22 am

      clarence and mitzie live in montreal canada near my home.i too am guyanese. my name is molly w lespoir. most of their kids live here too.

    • Barney  On 10/30/2014 at 1:21 pm

      Hello there Kelly, I live in Singapore and my late mother, Gertrude Chung Tiam Fook came from British Guiana. She met and married my late father, a Singaporean, when they were students in London in the 1930s. I have been trying to trace and learn about mother’s side of the family. I recall she had an uncle Peter who owned an aerated soft drinks factory in Georgetown . Would this be your mother’s father? Do you have much information on the Chung Tiam Fook family? My mother’s father’s name was William Chung Tiam Fook.

      • D Tiam Fook  On 04/30/2015 at 3:30 pm

        Hi Barney
        My father is a cousin of your mother. I can share more information with you. Contact me at dccom@sympatico.ca

      • Joy  On 08/05/2019 at 1:14 pm

        Hi Barney,
        My great-great-grandfather was called Paul Cheung Kum Sau and he had a brother named William Chung Tiam Fook. I have been looking for information about the family for a long time and meanwhile know that William’s descendants are also known by Tiam-Fook / Tiamfook. I know little about this branch.

        I am a descendant via the line of Paul’s son Peter Chung A Keung. His oldest daughter Millicent Marie was my grandmother.

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 05/19/2012 at 1:15 pm

    It is amazing to learn that close to one million people of Guyanese ancestry now reside in the major countries the world over. This phenomenon has its origin in the pattern of outward migration that the forces of national instability created in the year 1961 and onward. The country that Britain was responsible for was to be rid of a Communist regime under Cheddi Jagan and his PPP who were promised Independence from Britain should they win the general elections of 1961. Lo and behold the victory that was given to Cheddi in 1061 was a massive one and Britain failed to honour the promise of Independence, instead they brockered an agreement with the USA under the late John F Kennedy to withold the promised Independence and instead set in place a plan to destabilze the Government of Cheddi Jagan and the rest is well known to all those Guyana lovers who had to leave British Guiana then. The migration occured in waves at periods that can be described as follows. The Pre independent exodus of 1961-1964. During this period the following events led the road marches and whipped up a political frenzy that created massive crowds of people that roamed the streets in Georgetown and protested the 1962 Budjet that was named the Kaldor Budget and was presented to the National Assembly by the then Finance Minister,Mr Charles Jacob Jn. The august opposition parties then were the PNC under the LFSB and the UF under the business tycoon Peter D’Aguair of the D’Aguiar’s Imperial House. It was not any fun to see these crowds nor was it any more fun to hear the inflammatory speeches by the Orator LFSB and thye ignomous businessman of Portuguese ancestry. It was downright frightening night after night to see,hear,and read what was supposed to be the anti-budget arrangements that lasted for 80 days and nights. The country was under siege and Jagan was adamant not to withdraw this budget that was called the anti working class budget. The fear Syndrome had hit home and people began to run with their families out of BG.Fist it was the rich and famous, then it was the upper middle class Indians, then it was the peace loving and upper middle class Africans and until the 1964 general elections under Proportional Representation the exodus continued unabated. Next time we shall talk of some events that created the will for those who still believed that they can reasonably see changes in the minds of the 3 political stalwarts of that time, Cheddi,Forbes and Peter ! Have a productive day folks! my greetings to our Editor Cyril Byran, we love you ! God’s Blessings to you and your family!

    • GTRealist  On 05/20/2012 at 7:11 am

      Thanks for your history lessons according to you. However the country has not changed much since then as people like you are still in charge… people who are reliving the past. Today some 70% of Guyanese in Guyana are under 50 years old. This is your history and NOT ours. We know about the CIA and US getting rid of the Communist Jagans at all costs. We know about D’Auguir being double-crossed and Burnham -rigged elections and all the rest. However how is the PPP different -still using Burnham’s constitution, still controlling the radio waves with one station PPP controlled; still getting rid of opposition and stifling progress of Afro Guyanese.
      If things do not get better for poor people you will see more unrest and crime. This Ramotar government is really a Jagdeo clone as Jadgeo controls everything from his Pradoville palace. Jagdeo wants unrest so he could shoot Afro Guyanese. But it is no longer a strictly Afro-Indian situation as everything and everybody mix-up.. It is about $$$ and the tiefing government that is denying the rights of people especially in Georgetown-Mahaica Region which they lost in the elections. They have cut the money for the region – the largest, by over 60%. Look for trouble ahead.. if things don’t change fast. There has to be BALANCE and FAIRNESS or Guyana is doomed!

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 05/20/2012 at 5:23 am

    The History of a people in evolution will one day be written by some unbiased and independent author of Guyanese fame, and those who have doubts of the political and social evolution of this country of 83,000 square miles on the South American Continent, should see two films that were made by BBC Editor GUS Macdonald and released on BBC Prime time in January 1969 in time for the Commonwealth Conference of that year at Marlborough House. FILM 1. The Making of a Prime Minister and FILM 2, The trail of the vanishing voters! Good night folks!

    • kamptan  On 05/20/2012 at 10:14 am

      will certainly try to get hold of the two BBC films by GUS Macdonald…have made a MUST VIEW in my diary….

      my brother 1969 is a “looong” time ago …. I enjoyed the
      calypso queen “miss chapman” version of “history” …
      her song “nancy” was indeed a revalation to our younger
      generation…check it out !
      I did enjoy your final words and echo it !
      good morning !

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 05/20/2012 at 4:42 am

    The history of British Guyana during the immediate Pre Independent Guiana from 1961-1964 laid the ground work for the Political Freedom granted to Guyana in 1966, May 26th.that is 46 years ago. It may not matter at all what happened to British Guyanese people then but the immediate post independent period 1966 to 1968 laid the foundation for what was to become the mass exodus from the Independent Guiana and Cooperative Republic of LFSB. The next period of 1968-1972 is fraught with economic and security dangers for a people living in despair and in mental depression and in other illnesses for which a cure was always in the distant future. Rumour mongering had replaced the official news papers and the Caribscope television of the Caribbean region looked to make publicity of everything that was dark and inside of Guyana like the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Vincent Teekah, the one time Education Minister and confidante of the late LFSB. 1972-1982, during this era long lines were the order of the day and Guyanese were made the laughing stock of the region. They slept at airports awaiting the next flight home. The shopped in other Caribbean countries and were lucky to be landed in places like Barbados! They traded in all banned commodities and secored a tax or customs slip at airport in Timeheri to ply their trade on the streets of Georgetown not to mention the role of the GDF in seizures of all stocks that were banned and found in the Stores of Georgetown later to end ut in a place named Guyana Stores and operated by the then Government! 1982-1992 saw the last years of the ruling elite. Hamilton Greene was there also to share the largesse of the ruling elite and so were the Luckoos,the Shahabudeens, the Sase and Steve Narains, the man Sony Ramphal who gave Guyana and LFSB the first Presidential model of a Constitution that was never tried anywhere in this world . It was for the Guyanese people and their first executive president LFSB. God’s Blessings!

    • GTRealist  On 05/20/2012 at 6:54 am

      Mr. Balkarran you seem to be an intelligent man, however you are stuck in the past and unable to be fair and see that the PPP , especially under Jagdeo,, have used the same Burnham constitution to suppress freedom and empty the treasury e. g NICIL. The PNC could not steal and sell out the country to their friends… They formed co-operatives which have now been disbanded and the lands sold cheaply to the thieves. The real situation is now being revealed.

      Burnham screwed up royally by going socialist .. but did the PPP change the trends, and heal the racial divide.NO!. You, like them, are a racist it seems, who feels that Indians who supported Burnham should not have been there. What about the Afro Guyanese who support the PPP?
      Your long boring diatribes are a pain to read as you keep repeating the same anti PNC 28-year crap. Talk about today and the PPP murders of hundreds of Afro Guyanese and the destruction of our institutions as they milk the country’s resources for personal gain. Let us get your opinion on these matters.

      Stop taking advantage of this forum – talk about what is happening now and contribute to solutions… people are still leaving GT in droves… why are they still leaving, if the PPP were doing such a great job? We do not want to hear why they left in Burnham’s day… We know… our parents told us that whole story.. Get real and relevant, if you are capable… Mr. Balkarran

      • kamptan  On 05/20/2012 at 10:06 am

        excellent “rebuke” …I hope comrade Balkarran takes it on board…
        I accept history “factual” and “fiction” but I can only learn from “history” and not repeat it !
        The true History is more written by the “Victims” rather than the “Victors” …every story has “two sides”..
        I read both but believe neither !
        History is being written “today” and “tommorrow” not “yesterday”…please lets all be as “positive” as possible so that we may move forward…
        I have decided to only answer the “recent” bloggs now to demonstrate my attitude towards the “past” !
        Hey I enjoyed “history” as a subject in my formal education…
        especially HENRY VIII…but it fed my male machoistic ego …

        My favourite was CHARLES 1st and Cromwell…

        The KING said “my power comes from GOD”
        Cromwell said thats blastfeamous … the KING lost his head…
        literally !! ha ha !

        On GUYANA s history I consider myself “educated” but will leave an open mind to as my opinion can change !
        I am still learning !

        thanks for reading this “long” epitath as I am a man of simple words with a lifestyle just as simple !
        I thank you and others and Cyril for affording us all the oportunity to “express” our opinions…FREELY

        FREEDOM once obtained-granted ..it should never be surrendered !
        or sacrificed ! many have given their lives in the past so that we can all enjoy that “FREEDOM” we have today…

        thank you all
        Compton (kamptan) de castro
        Andalucia southern spain-

  • de castro compton  On 05/22/2012 at 11:04 am

    my dear brother
    words of wisdom indeed!!

    did not like the last word however as it has too much of an AMERICAN
    STATESMEN are not always good leaders….

    JESUS MOSES GHANDI MANDELLA to name a few…were not “statesmen” but BORN LEADERS…
    GUYANA leaders may be here already or even in their embryonic stage of development of the leadership skills ….of that I am certain….GUYANA is changing and will change….hopefully for the better….and not for “changes” sake !

    I thank you for your input above and share your “hope” for GUYANA s future generations to come !!

    peace and love

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 05/22/2012 at 8:26 am

    The Plurality of the Guyanese people is what makes us a rainbow country. Politics aside, the ordinary people would like to live in love and unity and in love and harmony. We have always been a hospitable and charming people. The economy and the people have remained poor due to lack of a desire to move away from the ethnic divide. The way ahead will remain one of challenges but we must endure and keep faith that another day will dawn and things will get better. This is not wishful thinking but is real for those who will think and act positively at all times. Remember Rome was not built in a day. and rebuilding a nation devastated by the storms of anger, hatred and jealousy will take time. The healing must begin from within. The potential of the Guyanese people to endure is tested in times of economic despair, natural and human disasters and the inability of their leaders to become STATESMEN!

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 05/24/2012 at 6:58 am

    My brother, Robert Frost, a great poet once wrote” The lives of great men do remind us that we can make our lives sublime. and departing leave behind us footprints on the sands of time. Do have a pleasant day and continue the dialogue for the benefit of our citizens and bloggers!

    • de castro compton  On 05/24/2012 at 11:14 am

      I thank you for the “invitation” …it is always a pleasure to receive kind words
      of encouragement even in the far off “andalucia” south Spaña…the internet is changing the way humans behave (interact) with each other even in negativity
      …it is a more formal way of communicating where the “writer” has a certain amount of “annominity”…prejudices then become secondary and not an issue !

      “my world” will become “our world” and as BOB MARLEY sang “ONE WORLD”
      “ONE LOVE” etc etc

      forever the optimist

  • Bob Outar  On 06/01/2012 at 9:16 am

    Dear All; Today I became aware of this forum so far only one person went back to recall the days of uncle and auntie and I am really surprised at how every one rants and raves about their Guyana and those who left without looking back.
    Well I want to add my two cents worth. Here goes, How do we remember and what do we remember?
    So far only one person went back to the days of uncles and aunties we had without being able to explain them. they were from all they were from all races we knew then . Yet we were able to exist in HARMONY AND LOVE. it was not until one morning in 1953 did we awake to find that there was a colour and race difference that was going to tear our PRECIOUS COUNTRY APART. This was perpetrated by Two individuals whom we (not us but our parents) looked up to.
    These were the two men our Fathers and mothers followed blindly creating two distinct races. Negroes and Indians. These racial divides never existed in our Psyche. If only the older4 GENERATION who has this knowledge shall endeavor and Educate the PRESENT generation in and out of BRITISH GUIANA about this TRAGEDY that befell our COUNTRY the situation in Guyana SHALL change.
    It shall change because the elections shall be based on NOT RACIAL DIVIDE but ON A GUYANESE CHOICE. It is only when the people can come together and be as one like the UNCLES AND AUNTIES DAYS can real and GENUINE change be effected.
    Now some of you may call me stupid and a dreamer of may even say I am a SHIT DISTURBER, feel free to do so. I have left British over Forty Five years not because I was running but to study and return. Well I achieved my Doctorate and returned. What did I find ? Nothing but insult. was a Civil Servant before I left, making $350.00 Guyanese and was being offered $500.00 on return. Man did I hightail it back to my job at the Belleville in New York City?
    So my dear Friends we all dream of our HOMELAND and we all want changes but change won’t come until we all BAND together to form one STRONG NATION like the DAYS OF THE AUNTIES AND UNCLES. SO lets start by reeducating our younger generation. Then and only then can we return to smelling CHRISTMAS like we used to.B R I T I S H G U I A N A.

    RUDY OUTAR a British subject living in CANADA.

    • Ben Khan  On 11/17/2012 at 3:05 pm

      I believe Mr Outar has the right answer to getting Guyana together again.
      We have to let the people understand that Guyana is no Indian or Black country .
      It is “OUR” country, and we can only enjoy it through honesty, and by working side by side.”NOT” by blaming each other.

  • de castro  On 06/01/2012 at 2:42 pm

    dear fellow guyanese
    what you describe is only a “cosmetic” situation that any decent
    elected mayor cannot “change” …NEW YORK was changed in less than 3 years…so can GT…

    forever optimistic…I always try to be as positive as possible in my remarks of this blog!GUYANA will change and is changing and it must come from within influenced by people like you and I who have experienced other parts of the world…


  • de castro compton  On 06/02/2012 at 10:13 am

    thanks for those “words” which is coming from the “heart”
    in a word “BEAUTIFUL”
    I share your sentiments…
    After 5 years MILITARY service in RAF UK (visited several british
    “possessions”) I returned to de fatherland…
    With a wife and my first born daughter in UK.
    Lived and worked in GUYANA for 10 years in Esequibo Bartica
    Berbice Linden and GT. Three of my other children were GUYANA born. I returned to UK as my “equal half” was “homesick”
    “born in UK but bred in GIBRALTAR….of ENGLISH-SPANISH
    blood. I am now retired after 30 years work in UK in ROYAL MAIL as a TRADE UNIONIST.(elected) I receive three pensions RAF ROYAL MAIL and STATE …financially secure now at 68….
    I retired from work on my 60th birthday as Royal Mail would not
    pay me off earlier…I had planned to retire at 50….

    the best plan has hi-cups.

    sorry so long winded in the introduction hoping it gives all an insight on my background.
    I support your “vision” for “change” in GUYANA
    as it will happen…CHANGE OR DIE !
    but it will take “time” … I remain optimistic that it will happen in my life-time…hopefully 100 years.
    32 to go !
    It will have to come from within GUYANA influenced by people like us…and bloggs like this one…
    forever the optimist
    kamptan….ps just returned from de fatherland in april and I
    can confirm there is the desire for change…hopefully for the better.

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 06/03/2012 at 4:10 am

    Hi Kamptan,How I wished I too were in Spain. It reminded me of the time when I visited Vego, a coastal town in Spain on my way by ship to Southampton. UK. I was on board the MV Begonia from the Caribbean to Southampton via the Straights of Gibralter through Spain. The cool climate and the beautiful streets of Vego decked with naturally grafted and carefully nurtured road side plants and trees, looked very much like another garden city of the coastal Spain. This time was March 1969. Oh what a long time ago!

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 06/03/2012 at 4:49 am

    Everyone wants things to change in the rainbow country that is Guyana. As Kamptan the optimist says for the better. When we look around this troubled world we see real changes, look in the Middle East after Saddam Hosein has gone and now the entire middle East is a bloody War Zone, With this New World Order led by our great friend,the USA any thing can play. We have experienced the might of the CIA and their FBI. The Caribbean can never entertain another Communist Cuba in their Backyard and so the late J.FKennedy made his moves to prevent this. The two Asian Giants are competing for the Nuclear Supremacy. India and China. Africa has become the Prized Gem for Chinese exploitation after the ruins left by the former colonial masters and the USA, and French. It is politically unstable and economically volatile. Latin America is in the doldrums of ignorance and Chavez is no longer a loose canon, tempered by his ill health. Europe is reaping the results of its economic union and is in the bail out mode of billions of dollars. Thanks to the G12 group,world bank and the IMF
    Changes will also come to the Guyana when we start to distribute the 83,000 sq miles territority that no one seems to want to hand out, Food security will rob us of our full night’s rest and our leaders should think of land distribution for each of the regions in Guyana. Let a sound plan be put in place in each region for Agriculture to develod, then we will get real change. Unity of purpose behind the agricultural Plan to feed the nation will bring about the changes in the country. These are positive developments and only the Agriculture minister can act now to ensure such positive changes! These are the needed long term developmental plans that must be put on the drawing board for the experts to examine and bring forward the feasibility studies. There is no shortage of fresh water in Guyana. for the soon to grow crops of fruits, sugar cane, rice, ground provisions and cash crops that we grow year round. With some degree of good planning, short, medium and long term goals anything good is possible.Good Luck Planners!

  • de castro compton  On 06/03/2012 at 10:39 am

    WORDS of WISDOM my brother ….you must be in your 60 s…
    46 years ago GUYANA (the name only) was born !
    TODAY ask anyone where is GUYANA and you either get a “blank”
    face and silence then a “negative”….
    GUYANA needs to “rebrand” itself …and I have suggested
    DEMERARA …. in my travels I usually speak to the “natives”
    of the land and when they ask me where I am from mu response is
    GUYANA …then its another 100 words to explain where that is !

    GUYANA needs re-branding but for the RIGHT reason.
    not “jonestown” or any other “western world” inuendo !
    My brother PROFESSOR of ECONOMICS (retired)
    told me 20 years ago that the “first world” will become “third world” and visa versa ! I have to admit he was “correct”
    as I was like “THOMAS” my twin brother the “non-believer” !

    SPAIN is now a thirdworld country within EUROLAND and so are the PIIGS (portugal ireland italy and greece)…
    ECB and IMF will see to that !

    GUYANA must look to its neighbours for future development…not the IMF or ECB…or even CHINA.
    On my visit to BRAZIL the ordinary Brazilians who I spoke to
    had this to say….
    CARDOSA (before lula “thatcherite”…planted the seeds
    LULA picked the fruits
    and now WILMA will market the fruits !

    Hey BRAZIL defaulted twice on the IMF WORLD BANK
    why ..33% interest…
    they could not even pay the interest…

    today BRAZIL is a money lender !

    I do not wish to take up this forum so will end now and give others a chance to voice their “opinion”…
    GUYANA must change will change and is changing…
    forever the optimist

    kamptan enjoyed your “prognosis” tremendously..I thank you !

  • de castro compton  On 06/03/2012 at 11:02 am

    having read your “porognosis” again ..
    I support land “reformation”…but for what reason !
    HENRY VIII wanted to have several wives so we have
    Some things we can change but the reason is usually more important.
    LAND reformation why !…the government can “lease” land to individuals after they have been “means tested”…cannot afford to buy !
    The government remains the land owner and the people who lease it must “use it” or “loose it”….
    My land here is SPAIN is “FREEHOLD” but the government still
    has the last say on what i do with it…
    my objective is simple…
    “self sufficiency” !
    I am already 70% self-sufficient
    FREE water
    FREE electricity (solar energy)
    FREE phone MOBILE
    Land TAX of 1 euro per 1000M2
    When I introduce animals and birds I will be 95%
    self sufficient…but as its in Temperate climatic location
    southern spain I can only grow TEMPERATE climate crops…
    storage becomes an “issue”…
    A greenhouse will assist me in this respect.
    The scientist reckons that 500M2 land is all we need…
    I have 10.000M2 so only use about 1500M2
    Hey GUYANA has 83.000 miles 2 and they import
    food….crazy !
    I visited a supermarket and 75% of the products were imported-packaged.
    FORBES LINDEN FORBES BURNHAM not unlike HITLER had the right idea…..they both went about it the wrong way…

    HITLER could have TAXED the JEWS
    BURNHAM could have TAXED the IMPORTS.

    QED hindsight teaches fools

  • Nehru Sheow  On 06/03/2012 at 7:08 pm

    Thanks Rudy for sharing your thoughts.
    I have the same opinions as you, and it started when elections were being held. It separated the races and I hate nothing more that what it is still doing to our country. I lived in Kitty and enjoy harmony with everyone who knew me, we limed at the street corner as kids and the bongo squad would run us down, but it was all in good fun. We would steal the fruits and get caught, whipped and that was that. Today they kill people over nothing and separated us more.

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 06/04/2012 at 4:34 am

    Hi Kamptan, sometimes philosophy allows us what the politics will deny us. SInce we must engage in the re-branding exercise of her Majesty’s only former British possession on the mainland of South America, we must also come up with a plan to re-educate those 65 special elected members of the August people’s Assembly of Guiana. We must also create a desire in the minds of the domiciled people of that land of Demerara what it means to be the owner of 83,000 square miles. Where there are fewer square miles of land mass, the people are grabbing by the square inch. It was not I who said “Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth” I will also not bless two loaves and five fishes” to give any lazybone in the motherland who after 3 or 4 generations still depend on the foreigh hand out Syndrome. This being said let me proceed with my original intent and that is to put this Psalm of Life (1839) written by W. Longfellow.” Tell me not in mournful numbers,
    Life is but an empty dream
    For the soul is dead that slumbers
    And things are not what they seem.
    Life is real!Life is earnest!
    And the Grave is not its Goal
    Dust Thou art to dust returneth
    Was not spoken of the Soul.
    Not enjoyment and not sorrow
    Is our destined end or way
    But to act,that each tomorrow
    Finds us further than today.
    Art is long and time is fleeting,
    And our Hearts though stout and brave
    Still like nwffeled drums, are beating
    Funeral marches to the grave.
    Trust no future howe’er pleasant
    Let the dead past bury its dead
    Act,act in th eliving present
    Heart within and GOD overhead!
    Do have a good night and let’s digest this Psalm for what this visionary wrote in 1839!

  • de castro  On 06/04/2012 at 10:28 am

    wow wow ! written in 1839….who wrote it I cannot help but wonder….
    shakespeare also wrote many plays my favourite JULIUS CAESAR.

    hey brother …we can only learn from history but not repeating it…
    but we are human and will make mistakes…we can only learn from them….

    However it does have a very “religious” message ….

    will think it over my friend and comment later…my lament


  • de castro compton  On 06/13/2012 at 10:58 am

    my guess is you are now a “guyanese british european” on paper….
    I consider my passports “flags of convenience” and Iam no “pirate” !

    nostalgia is what we all feel but when asked if we will return permanently to de fatherland …most will have “conditions”….
    If you love “unconditionally” and can afford to GUYANA needs are greater than UKs am sure….the decision is yours
    goodluck and “bon voyage”

  • de castro  On 06/15/2012 at 9:08 am

    FACEBOOK was “dumped” on the market …. hope you dont follow but “lead” ! I am still awaiting my recommendation for your KNIGHTHOOD from HRH QE2 in this her JUBILEE year !
    Her ancestors “colonised” GUYANA then “returned” it to its peoples
    all be it “illegally” via USA and the IRISH dynasty “KENNEDIES”
    when the TITANS clashed over “ideology” and “weapons of mass destruction” !

    could not help the political historical “plug”…hey keep us informed !

  • cherene pereira  On 06/19/2012 at 6:41 pm

    Needs the rain to stop. I acknowledge its God’s work. Enough is a lot

  • de castro compton  On 06/20/2012 at 10:34 am

    lucky you…..here in ANDALUCIA southern spain…we dont see rain until late
    september or october now…..clouds a respite !
    UK needs all the rain or you have hose pipe ban in the summer.
    patience is a virtue
    virtue is Grace
    Cherene is a lil girl that never washes her face….

    joking !
    …..the saying goes that country girls only wash when it rains !

    country boy
    kamptan…believer in GOD and his excomrade satan

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 06/20/2012 at 1:23 pm

    Hi Kamptan, did you forget that the British Empire no longer exists. The might and power of the people wreaked havock on the Empire and it was compelled to fall into pieces bits by bits. India was the first to be freed in 1947, the year of my coming into exixtence too!The only real estate outside the UK is the remaining Falklands Is. for which a war was fought for ownership between the Crown and Argentina. So your recommendation to HRH for Knighthood will not be entertained as no longer do such civil awards exist. I cannot remember who was last knighted in Bukinham Palace. I visited the British House of Parliament in December 1976 to listen to the debate on the Coastal Boundaries and Maritime Law of the Sea.
    The 200 miles Maritime rights only benefit the larger countries and not places as the Caribbean where there is serious overlapping of such rights and entitlements. Barbados always fighting over their fishermen are entitled to catch the Flying Fish in the same waters as Trinidad and like the fish en like their quarrel so all fly away to Tobago and our fishermen have a fields day! This is what the Maritime boundary and Law of the sea has done for the Overlapping maritime boundaries for the Caribbean. May be the same fiasco is also happening elsewhere in the other archipelago of Islands! Negotiations always show the way forward but this is not the domain of Politicians. Next time round thers should be hired negotiators as the special advisers that once sat in the palaces of the Royalty of Kings and Queens! They were also called the wise men to whom the kings turned for advice in moments of need.

  • de castro  On 06/21/2012 at 8:56 am

    absolutely hilarious
    ROYALS in UK have a role to play….entertain the millions (mainly americans) who visit year after year…the queens role is more a ceremonial one ….CHARLES her heir will be a disaster !..he is too political and his PR in dealing with Diana has been a disaster !

    As for your KNIGHTHOOD it will only be “ceremonial” ..even more ha ha!
    The ROYALS have a lot of “hangers on” but some do very good charitable work ! I am no ROYALIST my friend !

    We have similar problems with “fishing” disputes here but some control is neccessary or the “dogs will eat all the fish” making
    them an endangered species…if not “extinct” !
    But the bureaucrats are working on it !!
    It may be too late !

    Intensive fishing farming seems to be a solution…although only temporary…
    GUYANA has some in operation off the coast of demerara.

    As for empires they all eventually “colapse”..roman austrian et al…they become too diverse to administer !



  • de castro compton  On 06/21/2012 at 10:09 am

    read u message again..
    falklands has OIL hence the interest by both UK and ARG
    The ARG president is fostering her political career by her political
    comments…she would be better served to “think silently”….
    UKPLC has GIBRALTAR JERSEY et al as TAX havens for the RICH
    ….they are used to “laundry” money by DRUG CARTELS DICTATORS et al..
    dont see that situ changing !

    The falklands war was to foster THATCHERS determination to be re-elected
    as PM….she was “sure” about REAGAN so much safer gamble !

    OBAMAs war must remain “WAR ON POVERTY” if he is to be re-elected.
    there are a lot more “poor” in USA with no “safety net” or “NHS”….
    HEALTH and WEALTH must remain high up on the political agenda !
    Am sure he is being well advised as his “plusses” are a lot more than his “minuses”….also Michelle does influence many of his decisions.

    forever optimistic

  • Fredell Rose  On 07/17/2012 at 1:02 pm

    Hello everyone I myself left Guyana when I was 14 yrs, I visited when I was 16 yrs now I’m a mother of 3 children and grandmother of 1…I shared many great memories with my children and grandchild…if anyone out there know how I could buy a particular reading book we read in in kindergarten …I don’t remember the name but it was red with stories of “mr. mike goes to school on a bike” and several other stories…if anyone knows what I’m talking about, please post…thank you .

  • renisha smith  On 07/23/2012 at 1:06 am

    I’m not a Guyanese but I live in the Caribbean. I must say I don’t know much about Guyana except that fishing is done there and gold mining. This is my question though, would there be any trouble if a person from a different island migrates to Guyana? I know it is a vast country, but I’m just wondering. The person would not be a nuisance but a benefit to the country.

    • guyaneseonline  On 07/23/2012 at 4:43 am

      The Guyana Government has a website that has all the details regarding immigration.
      People from all over the Caribbean have emigrated to Guyana over the years.
      Also make inquiries at the office of the Guyana consulate in your Caribbean island.

  • de castro  On 08/01/2012 at 11:33 am

    I have recently visited GUYANA my country of birth after 30
    years….It was a bit embarrassing to see Georgetown the capital
    …so congested and chaotic…
    I managed to travel to LETHEM to Visit BON FIN a border village
    in BRAZIL literally on its borders…met a few GUYANESE who actually live there now…I intend to visit again and stay longer
    as I wish to see BOA VISTA (half hour by airconditioned coach from BON FIN. Also I wish to visit a town in VENEZUELA on the GUYANA border ….””GUAYANA”” … as it has a hydro-electric dam
    that can produce electricity for the whole of GUYANA…if they want it.
    GUYANA must look at its neighbours for its future and not focus so much “attention” on the ROW….USA EUROPE ASIA et al…
    “neighbours” are important wherever you are and “good-neighbours”
    are better than “distant friends and family.”

    BRAZIL VENEZUELA AND SURINAME s futures are interwined with GUYANAS.

    • indra  On 08/07/2012 at 2:10 am

      I agree with Guyana looking to its neighbours. Big American corporations are already involved in the pineapple agriculture in various countries across South, Central America…Guyana needs to distribute land to farmers for nationwide consumption and export. Food will always be a rich commodity for all humans. There has been an upsurge of organic foods and herbal medicines that are being sold all over the world, and only the rich can afford them b/cause of the high prices. The amazon is the healing port for the world. Aggressive agriculture can make a recovery just like high food prices in the last couple of years. This god-given rich soil can put a simile on each child’s face in the future. Guyana needs to return to the land for the fruits of this earth.

  • de castro  On 08/08/2012 at 8:34 am

    wonderful “call” which I support 100%.
    please let me add……
    LAND REFORMATION is neccessary everywhere on the planet …
    not only in GUYANA.
    When money change hands over land “corruption” infiltriates.
    My suggestion is simple.
    The government (electorate “people”) “leases” the land rather than give it or sell it…
    Dont “use” it you “loose” it…a small fee is charged for the leaseing.
    I am in ALPUJARAS southern spain on 10,000 M2 land which I
    bought from a local “land speculator” at 1Euro M2
    I have title to the land as it is “FREEHOLD” and I can do whatever I wish with it…90 % with OLIVE ALMONDS AND ORANGE
    trees fruiting…the government can make it a “compulsory purchase” anytime the LAND is needed for “non-agriculture”
    purposes….may add at “market” price ! which can also double every 5 years.

    I am no land spectulator but if the goverment makes it a
    “compulsory” purchase sometime in the future I can get 5 to 10 times what I paid for it.

    However if the land was the governments and leased to me the government (TAXPAYERS) keeps the profit….

    A subtle difference between “FREEHOLD” and “LEASHOLD”

    sorry took all those words to explain difference between freehold and leashold.

    In the developing world “LAND REFORMATION” is certainly the way forward.


  • John Gunn  On 09/24/2012 at 5:56 pm

    Hello everyone! I´ve just been recommended this place by a Guyanese living in Germany! I´m not Guyanese..I´m from England and I´m trying to contact a Guyanese guy I met in Brazil (Rio) in the mid-70s. He became my flatmate! His name was Peter (forget the surname ) and hid dad was also in Rio, a singer and former boxer. He had a sister who also visited. Peter did some English teaching and was a Shakespeare fan…he was about 24 years old at the time.
    My name is John Gunn and I spent a lot of time travelling around South America at the time. I´m now 60 and curious as to what happened to Peter and other friends at the time.
    Anyone recognize Peter here? That would be great!! Thank you
    John Gunn – wycsbar@yahoo.com

  • de castro  On 09/28/2012 at 9:54 am

    try CYRIL of GUYANESE ON LINE as he may know of PETER.
    BRAZIL which is 10 times the size of UK and with 3 times as much people
    doubt if PETER will be known !
    CYRIL created this blogg and is well informed on matters GUYANESE
    so suggest you contact him direct…
    my brother who has lived-taught in BRAZIL for over 50 years lives in BRAZILIA
    and has many guyanese friends….will pass on your request for info but
    BRAZILLIA is not RIO although it is the capital today.

  • nerissajpersaud  On 10/18/2012 at 12:12 am

    Hello Cyril,

    Pleasant article. I came across your online community by chance while browsing a few others and I’m certainly glad to feel at home with a community of my own. I too like many others live abroad but I left on my thirst to travel the world and now settled with my home in Alberta, I continue to do that. I am a proud believer in positive changes and thinking and I love that you choose to focus your energies in doing just that. Like you said, every nation has its woes.

    So, congratulations to you on the work you continue to do and I certainly look forward to reading and offering my own pieces as I can.

    Stay well,

    • guyaneseonline  On 10/18/2012 at 12:18 am

      Hello Nerissa:
      Thanks for your comment.
      Of course there are some negative things that I have to report so that people are aware of what is happening in Guyana, the Caribbean region and the world, as everyone is affected by what is happening elsewhere.
      We hope that by being aware that we could contribute solutions that make a difference in a positive way.
      We do publish the blogs, letters poetry and other writings that are submitted to us… so please feel free to send them to me.
      Kind regards,

      • Edward Prince  On 10/28/2012 at 3:31 am

        Have enjoyed reading the interesting comments on Guyana and Guyanese. No place like home, eh?

  • David Hazell  On 10/25/2012 at 5:59 pm

    Hi there this is Dave Hazell migrated in 69 to NY. I`ve tried to contact School friends from the 50`s. I attended Saint Mary`s RC School in G/town. Several years ago made contact with former student don’t have his name on hand lost info. in old computer. Thanks. dphazell@gmail.com

  • indra  On 11/20/2012 at 11:01 pm

    If anyone went to Campbellville Gov’t School forms 1,2,3 in 1970’s..let’s know, we have some people who went to the same school.

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 11/24/2012 at 10:12 am

    Campbellville government school is dear to my loving heart. I recieved my primary education there, in the years that Mr Miller was the Headmaster. His wife Mrs Miller was the teacher of standard two. Mr. Lewis, the music teacher was in charge of standard four.I left there in 1958 for High School at the Guiana Oriental College in Georgetown and later migrated to India to study Medicine. I lived in Seaford Street Campbellville. Today most of my school and college friends reside in Canada, UK and the USA. Churaman Doobay, Leila Singh, Beni Ram, and a host of others. Some have done well in Guyana as Raj who lives on Sherriff street and own the business that goes by that name.

  • compton de castro  On 01/16/2013 at 9:33 am

    happy new year brother…..always fun reading your comments…
    yesterday I attended the surgery here in REIGATE surrey UK
    My nominated doctor (do my 6 monthly check up in UK as I transgress the globe) was a DR NADAR….he was born in INDIA (south) and educated in INDIA
    before coming to UK 11 years ago to practice as a GP (general practioner) in REIGATE with his family….a wonderful humble person who exchanged personal
    experiences with me….10-15 minutes consultation time limit.
    For the renewal of his GP licence he must video his consultation with agreeable patients. Also doctors have to do a 6 months “post graduate” course to update them on what new drugs are coming on line.
    UK and EURO laws do not permit adminstering of new patents of drugs without a 7 years testing period. In USA and some other countries its 3 years only.
    I do not take any medication …not even an asprin or antibiotic but will accept surgery if I have a life threatening ailment. I survived cancer of the colon
    some 20 years ago loosing one foot of it in surgery …a life saving 5 hour operation….today i can tell the story.

    at 69 and counting I can only hope that I make the century (was always opening batsman in cricketing days) and can pass onto the next two or three generations the benefit on my experiences. I hope to visit de fatherland again
    in late 2013 and lets hope we can hook up with some eldorado or xm 10 YO.

    I lived and worked for 10 years in GUYANA Esequibo/Bartica/New Amsterdam
    /Linden and finally demico house GT. before returning to UK with my wife and 4 children…I retired at 60 and use my time to transgress the globe…mostly
    Latin America (guyana venezuela brazil borders) Canada Europe and hopefully
    USA (after OBAMA has addressed the GUN laws)…most of my family in Canada
    US now…

    lets hope we can all hook up in 2013


  • terrytrekker  On 02/07/2013 at 11:21 am

    Great Blog! I always miss Guyana on my travels!

    • Flattiesingh  On 12/17/2013 at 5:53 pm

      Guyana needs us and we need Guyana….good blog.

  • Ingrid Lewis  On 03/13/2013 at 12:39 am

    They are all making comments about the condition of our great land, reminds me of siblings arguing about doing chores at home before mom or dad arrive. If we, as Guyanese were to do our part, invest in real-estates and other economic development, employ those interested in working, and form an alliance which will benefit the country and its present state, changes will come and, the grumblers will eventually adapt to (become jealous) be of help. Talking about the country is as someone talking about your mother, when you see your mother dirty or in an poor state we/you will want to make changes for her, the same applies for our country, stop looking at the government, they are in need of help too. Once a Guyanese, always a GUYANESE. Peace.

  • graham rodrigues  On 03/15/2013 at 10:49 pm

    Nice to know and read about other Guyanese living abroad, who still feels like Guyanese. I feels the same even though i´m living in Brasil. Love and Peace always.

  • O. Samuels  On 03/22/2013 at 1:40 am

    Thanks for the invitation back to our Dear Land of Guyana. But there is nothing enticing for me personally to return for a visit or a vacation. I am appalled every time I read the news of Guyana and all the killings and shootings done by the drug gangs and the police themselves. It sounds as though the land of many waters have changed to blood now. I have a few friends there still but I have cut the navel string and ties to Guyana. I am sometimes ashamed to be associated in any way, especially how the present government handles situations. I am abroad and fear for my life but should I die, it will be with some dignity. Should I return for a visit to Guyana, I am not sure I am returning alive. And may probably be gunned down in the streets like an animal, as what is happening in our Dear Land of Guyana.
    I will remain here and see other parts of the world. Thanks but no thanks.

  • Cyril Balkaran  On 03/22/2013 at 11:03 am

    Where in this world is a safe heaven. Nowhere my friend. Life and living is about risk taking. When it comes to your own life this is another matter and its purely a decision for you and you alone. Like others I have risked my life whenever I visit the good land of my birth. I love travelling and was born in Campbellville. Over the years I have been to and fro and have seen quite a bit of the vast expance of our country. I wish to do more by going into the hinterland but this will take some planning and investment. Our Bajan counterparts have entered the Rupununi hinterlands with a Rice Plantation and are cultivating 1000 acres of lands there. May be we can followsuit and make Guyana the Food Basket of the Region.

    • Abert  On 03/07/2014 at 3:56 pm

      Late comer to the site. Interesting information. Wonder how they plan to do the other operations: milling, storing and transportation to which market?

  • de castro  On 04/08/2013 at 6:46 am

    In food production “storeage” and “transportation” are the two factors
    I was faced with on my arrival in Alpujaras southern Spain.
    The cost of both outweighed the production cost.
    The government must guarantee the price paid for its
    production (some say “subsidise it”) by purchasing all that
    is produced…it is then sold in the markets (world markets)
    for the best possible price/profit…how is sugar/rice marketed…
    who makes the most “profit” buyer or seller ?
    If you apply commonsense approach the “producer” should
    benefit the most ….incentive to increase production…

    My spin entirely …

  • Donna Lewis  On 04/08/2013 at 4:56 pm

    my, my what facinating reading….if all of you could start acting and stop talking, we would be allright….thanks

  • de castro  On 04/10/2013 at 5:32 am

    Agree it is a “talk shop” Guyaneseonline “”but isn’t “social networking”
    the future…expressions in writing is far more influencial than “bla-bla”
    illiteracy on our planet a major issue…we learn much more from the
    “Written word” of individuals than all the “brainwashing” we are bombarded
    daily on TV et all..individuals views expressed in writing opens the mind
    Especially when we disagree….
    sorry if I “beg to differ”

  • Donna Lewis  On 04/10/2013 at 9:30 am

    i agree, but we all have a brain…i for 1 cannot/will not be brain washed. we all can read the written word, watch tv and take in whatever else society throw at us, but we as adults have to decide what we do with whats around us…i always say to my children if you dont have anything good/constructive to say, then shut up.

  • de castro  On 04/10/2013 at 9:50 pm

    Ha ha !
    My children as they grew older would also tell me to “shut up”
    but only jokingly…if they were ever serious or tone was serious
    it certainly received the treatment it
    deserved……and the apology to go with it !
    I grew up with my two daughters/sons more like brothers /sisterrs
    with respect for each other…it was the right thing to do.
    Today I have no regrets !


  • de castro  On 04/11/2013 at 7:42 am

    Am now reading a book in which the author tries to explain the
    evolutionist theories …
    He defines the world as….
    Western Eurasia
    Eastern Confucianism

    Recommend reading…

    a short history of everybody for the last 13.000 years

    By JARED DIAMOND a scientist ecologist and evolutionary biologist

    Check out Amazon on line for paperback seconds for a pittance


  • Cyril balkaran  On 04/11/2013 at 7:08 am

    We are living today in a large global village as one large family. We must live to advise and tell to the world our stories be they good or bad. Action will come when we can collectively see the wisdom in the words spoken by others. It is not a case of the Blind leading the blind. We must take pleasure in our contribution to the solutions of world problems. it all begins with DIALOGUE, my friends. Let’s keep up the communication going!

  • de castro compton  On 09/20/2013 at 4:41 pm

    Wow my last comment here was April 2013

    A lot has happened since as it is now September

    Social networking is changing/has changed/will change our world….

    Hopefully for a healthier/happier/helpful one….

    My dream remains “one world one love”
    A world without borders….as per the new idea “one euro land” “one america”
    “One Asia” and “one Africa”…..a totally united world without wars…..
    My dream come true
    Forever the everlasting optimist

  • Dorothy  On 09/29/2013 at 9:05 pm

    Thank you Rehana you have voiced my thoughts and longing’s exactly, I wish I could go back one more time, but with things being the way they are, and the fact that, now my family is scattered all over the world, I feel I know more Guyanese on Guyana then & now, than I would if I went back, anyway it just would not be the same.

  • de castro compton  On 09/30/2013 at 8:48 am

    Repatriation to Guyana should be encouraged….
    Especially for people like myself who are now retired ….financially independent.
    Income from outside Guyana….

    Of major concern is “inflation” and/or “exchange rates”…..

    In layman’s language it works like this….

    If inflation is higher in country pension is paid and lower in Guyana it
    makes sense…
    in tandem …..If exchange rates is moving upward (more GYDlrs ) for
    POUND/USD/EURO ETC it is also favourable tore-patriate

    However as these are not guaranteed the GOG should encourage repatriation
    with other guarantees….
    Am sure many other incentives can be “implemented” to encourage repatriation…
    Just ask those who have lived outside Guyana now retired and dream of returning one day “permanently”….

    We do not put Guyana s nationals out of jobs …yet we spend our pennies
    in Guyana…..a win win situation for Guyana and Guyanese.

    My spin entirely

  • jabnaki  On 11/18/2013 at 9:38 pm

    Together with a friend I am learning Berbice Dutch Creole, one of the Dutch Creoles, which used to be spoken in Guyana. There was a Dutch Creole in Essequibo too, but the one from Berbice is better attested. We are looking for more people to learn with us. Berbice Dutch is nice to pronounce, with many vowels and labial consonants. It has many words from the African Ijaw languages and many Arawak words, so learning it can motivate people to learn more about Guyanese heritage.

  • jabnaki  On 01/17/2014 at 11:46 am

    I need help to learn what words and phrases Guyanese English and Sranan Tongo have in common. Then I could use the words directly in Berbice Dutch and translate the phrases word by word. For example ‘belly work’ is the same as Berbice Dutch ‘bolokori’ and Sranan Tongo ‘wrokobere’.

  • Naresh  On 02/03/2014 at 7:13 pm


  • Cyril Balkaran  On 02/04/2014 at 7:27 am

    Repatriation at this age of retirement may be good,on a voluntary basis. Where is the infrastructure that you are accustomed to for so many years of living abroad? At this age I am unable to face the music that a repatriation may involve. Instead of enjoying your retirement you may drop dead from a heart attack or you will face some bandits in your land of birth. If you want to live in a logie by the sea wall or seaside then its all ok. At this age we must look forward to the comforts of life at a terminal stage. We cannot expect to live 100 years, not in Guyana ruled by the Ramotar-Jagdeo clique except we all have a pradoville life style fully funded by government. Our money is precious to us and so is theirs to them.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 02/05/2014 at 6:28 am

    Clean up the city: U.S. Embassy Guyana Shines Project http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIU4OTlyTdI Dump it in the bin – Everybody can chip in!
    We are a very resourceful people – perhaps, we could build our own garbage grabbers http://www.instructables.com/id/Green-Garbage-Grabber,-Trash-Tongs,-pick-up-tool/

  • Joe Persaud  On 02/07/2014 at 9:29 am

    Dear Deen Khan,
    I too long for the Guyana I left in 1962 and to which I have never been back, but do not be all starry eyed about the British, the way things were back then had nothing to do with the British, it was just circumstances at the time, what you are referring to in Guyana today is happening in every single country in the world. I have lived in England for 50 years and believe me when I tell you that the British is only interested in the British and no one else. You can just as easily get murdered here in England as anywhere else in the world, you should see the drug abuse and alcoholic abuse that happens here, Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday nights you find the young British lying in the street drunk out of their minds, many are women who eventually end up pregnant not knowing who the father of the child is, also these same people take this disgusting habit abroad when they go on holiday to Spain, Portugal etc etc… and they are extremely arrogant about it, they advertise the fact that they are British and no body can touch them, this of course relates back to their so called British Empire days, so please do not knock Guyana, the British bled that poor country for all the riches they could get out of it, the same as they did to so many other countries around the world who did not have any means of defending themselves, they bled and stole from all these poor countries so that they could build their big palaces and castles here in England then they insultingly refer to these same countries that they robbed to make them rich, as third world countries or banana republics and the people from these countries get insulted when they come here.
    I give you and example, I was 16 years old when I came to England in 1964, having been here for about 3 months, I was out with my cousin and some friends one night just having a few social drinks, and English man approached us and enquired as to which part of the world we were from, we said British Guiana and he immediately replied, “Oh we walked all over you people years ago”, so this is what the British think of the countries they forcibly occupied, so please do not think for a minute that these people had your or my interest at heart, they were only out for what they could get from our country. Finally even though British Guiana was officially under the British, most of our goods and influences were from America, which is still and always will be the greatest country in the world.
    Joe Persaud

    • Abert  On 03/04/2014 at 4:20 am

      Joe I like your last line. America is indeed still the greatest country in the world. I also came to the U.S. nearly 50 years ago. Almost all the fellows and women I know who came in that period are professionals living in the suburbs, mostly retired. Their children, who think American and know little of Guyana, could be found in some of the highest positions in American society. Doctors, professors, engineers, lawyers, politicians etc. A few years back I spoke to a woman at a social gathering, who on hearing my accent and knowing I was from Guyana, said she was born in Guyana. I did not know then, but I discovered later she was a high court state judge. There are many such distinguished figures. The best of Guyana have fled and stayed abroad. What is coming now from the Caribbean and Guyana is largely the bottom of the barrel.

      • de castro  On 03/04/2014 at 9:58 am

        Your final sentence is although factual a bit “unfair” to the next
        generations of Guyanese.
        The fault is not the next generation s …but fault of the political
        decision makers….all 65 democraticly elected representatives.
        The “Brain Drain” will continue until this haemorageing is reduced
        or stopped….The population of Guyana will decrease not increase
        over next decades….encouraging neighbouring economic migrants
        replacing the missing educated …..
        Educated youths who decide to “walk the talk” are doing exactly
        what we did but for others reasons.

  • Clyde Duncan  On 02/07/2014 at 2:56 pm

    Please read, Globalization and Its Discontents, a book published in 2002 by the 2001 Nobel Laureate [Economics] Joseph E. Stiglitz – also read: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a book written by John Perkins and published in 2004. It provides Perkins’ account of his career with consulting firm Chas. T. Main in Boston. It may expand the discussion from the perspective of Joe Persaud.

  • de castro  On 02/08/2014 at 5:11 am

    Enjoyed John Perkins “confessions of an economic hit man” tremendously
    and will certainly read again….will certainly read Joseph E Stieglitz “globalisation And its discontents” as it was earlier publication.
    As I try to be more updated in my readings these days.
    Joe Persauds point in history is not untrue as the British Empire
    was at the time “passing over” power to USA….AMERICA post WW2
    military might was and still is a world leader/player.
    The USA (Obama s administration) would gladly relinquish
    some of its UN responsibilities as world peacekeepers as the
    military costs become a financial burden….”passing over” power
    to China Russia et all….passing the parcel on “world peacekeeping”
    only becoming involved in matters that are in “american interest”
    …described sometimes as “political correctness” !
    The British who gained from colonisation were not the
    “Working classes” but the “wealthy upper classes” of
    the British empire…post Victorian England….some of the
    Monuments and buildings major tourist attractions today….

    What Joe describes as “working class” arrogance is ever present
    today fueled by some of the left and right wing tabloids…..
    Today the same tabloids are feeding the “anti immigration”
    sentiments still remaining of the “empires glory” days.
    That should all remain “history” as our world has moved on…
    Certainly USA has had a great influence on how our world
    has progressed/prospered but maybe it is time to focus more
    on peacekeeping than warmongering….
    We certainly don’t wish to return to a “cold war” scenario….
    East V West detante….
    The Brits still have a part to play but more in an “economic” than a “political”
    role….odds are stacked against “Cameron” not from UKIP or others
    but from within his own senior party members….”rich members”…

    Our WAR should not be one of intervention or conquest but more
    on eradicating poverty and suffering worldwide……with the UN
    actively involved in this effort….

    my vision

    • Abert  On 03/04/2014 at 8:38 pm

      I can speak for the U.S. from experience and say there is no culture here as in the classical European sense. American culture is about money and business, period. It has become much more difficult to make it from the bottom. The projection for future well paid jobs in America seem to be pointing to the high tech area. This requires a lot more preparation in science and maths for the youths. The typical American youth has become too lazy for maths and science. The sample of young people I see coming from the West Indies, forget their lack of basic academic preparation, are not motivated enough to overcome the challenges they have to face.
      In the 60’s most of the foreign youngers were thinking of becoming engineers, computer analyst, pre med and the like. It don’t seem so anymore except for the youths from the Asiatic countries. I heard that the youths back home not even finishing primary school before heading to the American Embassy. I suspect there is an unspoken U.S. policy to let in youths from some geographic regions. Witness the large inflow to the U.S. from the English speaking Caribbean areas. The problem for countries like Guyana is that they are unwilling (not unable) to research and develop an effective methodology to encourage the transfer of managerial and technical skills acquired by their country men and women settled abroad.

      I use to be interested in such things years ago but the desire died down. Some 30-40 years ago Jamaica was having problems with Jamaicans abroad remitting money to their families in Jamaica. It seem the funds would take weeks to get to the receiver. At that time one could go to an ATM in Europe or even Moscow and get U.S. dollars. I research the system and gave the information to a high level member in the Jamaican Ministry of finance. He later gave me a long story of why it could not be done in Jamaica. That’s the politician for you. Money is easily remitted abroad now by private business to the Caribbean. If well done systems could be developed to encourage investments in Guyana by means of computerized accounting systems, but that’s another story.

  • Michael Cyril Cheeks  On 03/03/2014 at 1:11 pm

    Great articles and comments. They resonate with me .

    • de castro  On 03/03/2014 at 4:11 pm

      What we are witnessing in Ukraine today is as a result of the UN
      ineptitude to resolve the Syrian s matter. Putin backs Ashad
      for obvious reasons…economic. Arms sale.!!!
      Very few if any wars were fought for “ideological” or “political”
      reasons….more for an economic one…WW1 WW2 both were a
      combination of many “mini wars” combined in one great war.
      The sufferings of the peoples were not necessary.
      Prior to WW1 WW2 many wars were fought …wars of attrition.
      Revolutionary battles that can be described as “civil wars”…
      wars of conquest or religious wars….
      No war can be justified politically….
      The only just war is the one on poverty and sufferings of the peoples
      of our planet.
      My spin and belief.

      • Abert  On 03/04/2014 at 4:41 am

        I think Putin may have been pushed in a corner and had to react. The U.S. and Europe have pressuring Ukraine to come under the western umbrella. Then on seeing his friend as President being deposed he could not take chances. The pipelines carrying Russian oil passing through Ukraine brings in about a third of Russian foreign earnings. Since the breakup of the USSR Russia has become surrounded by western inclined countries, like Latavia, Estonia etc. All Russia now has is the oil, some steel but a strong military budget. Putin could not risk losing more control over Ukraine to western influences. I think he is playing a losing came in the long run. Russia is too poor to occupy Ukraine for any length of time and the country would be more inclined to turn to the west for aid.

  • de castro  On 03/04/2014 at 9:05 am

    Putin may loose the economic war but he certainly won’t
    “Back off” militarily. I agree that the solution is political/diplomatic
    with a mandate for free and fair elections monitored by UN
    observers. Let the people decide “democratically” ..one man one vote
    is way forward. Democracy in practice not saber rattling/political posturing
    …its not “martial arts”..ha ha

  • de castro  On 03/07/2014 at 9:38 am

    Today media says Obama spoke to Putin on “hotline”
    requesting his removal of his troops from Ukraine…
    wish I was “snowden” listening in…ha ha
    Putin knows what he has to do and will do it
    regardless…..he is in no hurry as neither sides
    are “at war at moment”…Putin knows what he wants
    and will get what he wants eventually ….a united and
    free Russia …free from west interference….in a way a
    freedom fighter….without the blood…
    My take an opinion.

    • Abert  On 03/19/2014 at 10:22 pm

      Kamtan “………..Putin knows what he wants
      and will get what he wants eventually ….a united and
      free Russia …free from west interference”
      Still have this view after the latest development? There are talking about Estonia. A U.S. military personnel said Estonia is under the NATO treaty. An attack on it is considered an attack on all NATO countries. Europe is required to go to its defense, which means the U.S. also will respond. Does Putin have enough vodka in his vein to risk this kind of war.

      • de castro  On 04/04/2014 at 4:50 am

        Sorry took so long in replying to your comment above…
        Just returned from southern Spain where I was busy planting / pruning
        trees on my farmland.
        In response to Putin’s dilemma…
        Not sure but think he is teetotaler..but certainly no a vodkaholic…
        Putin needs to sell his military hardware in competition with USA FRANCE UK et all…his dilemma is simply put “egoistic and nationalistic”
        Just observe the countries he plans to establish military bases…
        not to mention. Ashad s Syria….
        Arms sales is big business but very competitive….he will not be able
        to compete with other three major “arms dealers” not to mention
        “China” and BRICS countries entering the race…..as WMD suppliers/manufacturers.

        Putin is a Stalinist patriot who will sell his soul to the highest bidder….
        in that respect he is a “born looser” not to be trusted/respected.
        As for his nationalist stance …George W Bush comes to mind.
        He believed that “the friend of his enemy” was his enemy….
        the removal of SADAM ….”the friend of my enemy is my informer”
        Snowden et all…ha ha…
        Putin may yet end up like George W ….one of the most “ill advised”
        presidents of our time.



  • John Hillson  On 03/22/2014 at 9:52 pm

    Hi Everyone,I hope you dont mind the intrusion but I am interested in Guyana, it looks a country full of potential and beauty and by the comments thats very true. Im a British farmer and looking to emigrate, can you tell me if those are acceptable credentials or would I be disliked in Guyana because of the UK’s past record overseas, something that shames me but is certainly not my ideology. My love is farming, nature. Please fell free to let me know honestly what your opinion would be. I wouldnt want to live somewhere where I was despised. I believe in treating others as you would wish to be treated yourself.

    • Abert  On 04/08/2014 at 2:25 pm

      John hold on a while. Marajuana??? might become legal in all of America. Farmers are making millions, in some US states where its legal to grow the stuff.

      • de castro  On 04/08/2014 at 5:52 pm

        Love it ! when will the Guyana government legalise the growing of ganga
        “For medicinal purpose” only….until it is legalised and licenesed I
        would avoid cultivation commercially…..
        Or you may have the DEA (US government enforcement agency)
        knocking at your door…..ha ha ..
        USA is a power house in the area and wouldn’t hesitate in sending in
        its “troops” under some pretext….go easy on my English farmer friend
        American farmers can grow it legally but if Guyana farmers enter the market
        don’t think they will allow Guyanese ganga to flourish ….protectionist
        attitudes in “free trade” policy.
        Unlike the UK the american government puts Americans first…..
        with corporate lawyers making fortunes….
        Not wishing to “scare monger” … lets not rush into the ” gganga gold rush”
        Ha ha …panning for gold may be a better option….even more ha ha..
        If John wishes to leave UK Guyana has the advantage of English
        as its language but I would suggest he takes a eco tourist vacation
        into the Guyana jungle to see the beautiful Guyana amazonia.
        He may even later set up his own eco tourist resort….but it is important
        that he is aware that “corruption” is rampant in Guyana….its a minefield
        for doing business even with the contacts/money. Certainly won’t recommend
        it. But hey have an eco holiday and see for yourself my friend.

        I am in UK at moment but back to my farm in Spain end April to mid may
        you can get in touch with me via home number 01293 611909 mob
        0750 0658044….doncomdecastro@gmail.com
        If you wish to get in touch …you are welcome….advice is free and you
        don’t have to take it….
        Compton de castro
        Rh10 7Bq


  • de castro  On 04/02/2014 at 10:38 am

    if your interest is “farming” commercially “forget guyana”….
    if however you wish to “experiment” with tropical farming in southern hemisphere
    “why not”…..

    i retired 10 years ago and at one stage was considering returning to my native
    country to do exactly what you are suggesting.
    UK my home for most of my working life….
    i wish to set up a homestead on border GUYANA/BRAZIL/VENEZUELA:….not far from LETHEM….

    I have a farm in ALPUJARAS southern spain but grow mostly olive oranges and almond trees that originated in northern africa brought to spain by the MOORS
    before the CRUSADERS kicked them out….I also grow other fruit trees that do
    well in MEDITERREAN climate.

    As an expatriate the GUYANA GOVERNMENT encourages re-patriation but
    GT (georgetown) is a dangerous place more so than many other cities on the planet…..bribery corruption is endemic in the society.
    send me your e mail address and i will forward you some useful info for your
    viewing….people who have tried to do business in GUYANA.

    my e mail address is….


    feel free to ask any further questions from someone who left BRITISH GUIANA
    to follow a military career in RAF returning to live work in independant GUYANA
    under a dictatorship of a bully and a thug FORBES LINDEN SAMSON BURNHAM..brought to power in a “conspiracy” USA UK KENNEDY MCMILLAN

    am writing a book on my experiences in de fatherland which i can hopefully
    get a publisher to view and print.

    as for UK that is another “political dilema/debate

    feel free to ask any “sensitive” questions about GUYANA and I promise an honest and truthful response….the decision is yours

    compton de castro in UGIJAR south spain returning to UK tommorrow.

  • Joe Persaud  On 04/07/2014 at 11:59 am

    To: compton de castro
    Dear Friend
    I have to disagree with you about the United States of America. America has never been an Empire, and has never tried to be an Empire, America has never seized any other country by military force and then made the citizens of that country bow down to its King or Queen, only the British has done this. As a matter of fact the arrogant British, did exactly this to America, which at that time consisted of 13 colonies, and these colonies had no way of defending itself against the arrogant aggressive British. But unlike South America, China, India, Africa etc etc, the colonies, who had no army, no navy, no anything, just a nation of proud and brave people, made up of bankers, farmers, hunters, shop keepers etc etc, (“The land of the free and the home of the brave”) fought back against what was the most powerful military force at that time (The British) and gave them, the arrogant aggressive British, the hiding they so richly deserved and sent them packing back to the God forsaken land they call England. Then and only then was the United States of America, as we know it today, born, so America is only about 232 years old, and it has achieved so much in that short space of time.
    America ended world war one and world war two, and it is ironic that even though the British tried to strangle America at its birth, Churchill went running to America cap in hand begging the Americans to come and save England, because Hitler was about to squash England, like an empty coke can. And America did save England and the rest of the world by joining the war and sacrificing thousands of its sons and daughters in the process. So I can only say “God bless The United States of America”.
    Joe Persaud

    • Abert  On 04/08/2014 at 3:01 pm

      Joe…………..” because Hitler was about to squash England, like an empty coke can. And America did save England and the rest of the world by joining the war and sacrificing thousands of its sons and daughters in the process”

      Joe I am glad you put that “foreigner” in his place and let him know something about the history of this great land. I am not much of an historian but a good armchair military historian. The quoted piece above is not accurate. Hitler pulled back at the last moment in attacking England (for reasons historians are not sure) and turn his attention and military on Russia (through Moscow and Stalingrad). The invading German armies (including its notorious panther division)were soundly defeated by a number of factors. Bad decisions by Hitler, the Russian winter, Additional Russian troops and so forth.
      This was the turning point of the war which eventually led to Russia attacking and taking Eastern Germany and the US/England West Germany (Recall the Berlin wall).
      In fact the US President at the time was advice by President Kennedy’s father (then Ambassador in England) not to help England because it was going to fall to Hitler. After France fell to Hitler Churchill destroyed most of the French Navy docked in Algiers to prevent it falling into the hands of the Germans, killing hundreds of Frenchmen. France really never forgave England for this dark past in their relationship.The US President then changed his decision about England when he saw how committed Churchill was to winning the war.

      • de castro  On 04/08/2014 at 4:52 pm

        OK I am an ” alien” foreigner in american eyes….thanks for the compliment….
        But please get it right….Guyanese born and bred “alien” !!

        1. Reason Hitler decided to fight the war on two fronts was a
        tactical error of judgement…..he thought he was “invinceable”
        and could take England out later….
        Romans actually succeeded where Hitler failed in 55 BC.
        Invaded and occupied England but built a wall to keep
        the Scotts out….bit of English history.
        2. “the us president then changed his mind/decision about England
        when he saw how committed Churchill was to winning the war”
        So US president made the right decision to join with Churchill….
        Come on my friend……Churchill and Roselveldt were allies not
        enemies……at the time.
        Until Hitler betrayed Stalin and turned his attention on Russia.
        Stalin then became an ally of USA UK against Hitler.
        Hitler had promised/signed an agreement with Stalin not to invade
        Russia…..promising him a piece of the spoils of war “Poland”
        In war there are allies …in peace there are also allies….
        Seldom there is betrayal in peacetime.

        It was the destruction of the American fleet in pearl harbour that
        brought america into the war…..not as suggested Churchill s commitment
        to winning the war…..Britain paid off its war debts during Thatchers reign
        her special relationship with Reagan saw to that.
        Wars are not what they seem…..one must consider the
        profit and loss of wars…..economic reason four wars.

        3. Finally the rebuilding and re-arming in the aftermath of wars
        is where the opportunity to make fortunes lie.

        Yours truly
        Anti-war veteran ….unless its war on poverty.
        Kamtan PS next subject american civil war…winners/loosers.

  • de castro  On 04/07/2014 at 1:12 pm

    In absolute hilarious laughter…..
    “The land of the free and home of the brave”…..with 232 years of history.

    “The land of the “uninformed” and home of the “conscripts”…..mostly Latinos and aliens.

    I do go along with your spin that America did no follow on from British Empire
    but they have conspired with Britain to try and continue ruling the world…
    both militarily economically and politically….
    Hitler would have eventually invaded UK before turning on USA…..
    if Japan did not bomb Pearl Harbour…Hitler signed an agreement with
    Stalin not to invade Russia …then stupidly chose to attack Russia ….
    For this betrayal he paid the price ….Hitler could not be trusted.

    In hindsight if Hitler had continued his conquest of UK and Japanese did
    not bomb pearl harbour….the Americans would never had entered the conflict.

    But am sure make a deal with Germans Japanese Russian to rule the world.
    Wars are not what they seem my friend….
    How many countries has America invaded since WW1 AND WW2…
    EITHER COVERTLY or Militarily….even politically…not to mention
    economically or religiously…..

    When USA decides to go to war on “poverty” I will back USA….
    but when USA uses its economic might to impoverish ROW
    I will back the underdogs….poor of the planet…..economics has
    everything to do with politics and visa versa…..

    Whose sons and daughters lost their lives …..the rich and famous
    or the conscripts who were promised “glory in victory” ….
    today military service is rewarded with green card ….now with wives
    and families included…..put your life on the line and you are “american”
    Is that the best “deal” …..no thanks my friend….you can keep your
    Stars and Stripes of glorification…the only war I wish to join in is the one
    on poverty.

    I carry a BRITISH passport among other flags of convenience but I am no patriot
    or nationalist of Britain….or any nation state….guess that makes me an internationalist in my beliefs….open mind my friend.

    Hope I have not offended or damaged your belief in the land of the brave
    but not free….when your right to carry arms is rescinded I will visit paco American.

    Good luck in your belief

    • Abert  On 04/08/2014 at 5:56 pm

      Kamtan: “…………………………….2. “the us president then changed his mind/decision about England
      when he saw how committed Churchill was to winning the war”
      So US president made the right decision to join with Churchill….
      Come on my friend……Churchill and Roselveldt were allies not
      enemies……at the time.”

      Ah my friend, told you I was an armchair general. Research the history. Lots of things I read about that war also now surprise me. Always wonder why Churchill begged Roosevelt so long for help and was Refused. You should read some of those letters with Churchill knowing England was going to fall without US help. Election in the US was coming on and the public was against US entering the war. Roosevelt was afraid of losing the election that’s why the refusal.

      Then Kennedy, US Ambassador in England, saw correctly that England was no match for Germany, hence he advised against sending arms to England. I suspect Kennedy also saw a better financial opportunity with Germany when/if England fell.
      Did you know France had the second strongest Navy at the time? And that Churchill gave orders secretly to destroy it, after the French refused to bring it under British control, when France fell. If Hitler had taken control of the French Navy you might have been Speaking German.
      A retired US General, ( can’t remember his name now) in South Carolina has written extensively on these matters, researching both in Germany and Russia.

  • James Bamford  On 04/07/2014 at 11:38 pm

    Hi Joe,
    You seem to have a hatred of the British & anything/anyone British.
    This may have coloured your thinking
    You ought to spend more time in reading the real account of history concerning WWI & WWII –time well spent

  • de castro  On 04/08/2014 at 8:09 pm

    Ha ha me speaking German….prefer French much sexier…ha ha

    No I would not have left Guyana for England to join RAF…..1962.
    If I remained in Guyana I would have joined Guyana airways…
    as I wanted to fly….or join whicher air force could teach me to fly.
    HEY WAS BORN when the war was nearly over….
    Now if Hitler had won am sure he would have made a deal with USA
    even invade USA with help of Japan and Russia…..
    Then the Americans would have to speak German Russian or Japanese…
    Ha ha ha ….

    Seriously …eventually Hitler would have been removed/executed or
    replaced….most lunatics are….power corrupts ultimate power corrupts ultimately.
    Most of the planet would have had military dictatorships….appointed by
    Germany ….god help the Jews and ethnic minorities….Hollywood would have
    changed to holocaust….there would be no gays on the planet..
    Surprised no one has made a film on what the world would have been
    like under Anglo German/Russian/Japanese rule…

    Think that’s an idea for my next book…..

  • walter  On 04/08/2014 at 8:20 pm

    just saying.maybe you guys have too much time on your hands.

    • Abert  On 04/09/2014 at 1:00 am

      All I would say is that If you are a working man in the US I thank you for your 6.25 percent payroll contribution to my peaceful happy retirement life. I am a few years ahead of Kamtan put hope to live longer than him.

      • de castro  On 04/09/2014 at 2:27 am

        HHa ha..
        bro abert …me nah in no hurry to catch up wid u…..
        As opening batsman !
        As for uncle Sam’s pension ….don’t leave america as the USD
        may soon be TP (toilet paper) money….dem Russians Chinese
        and Arabs are gonna trade “oil” in their own TP money…
        ROW (rest of world) prefer EUROS…
        won’t be seeing you guys in heaven as all dem bad gal in hell.!!!


  • de castro  On 04/08/2014 at 8:49 pm

    We are retired old farts who are rewriting history with a spin…
    Don’t think we will change the world but hopefully influence it.
    And you are spot on “we have all the time in the world”…at 70
    with possibility of a century ….hope we did not bore you….

    • Abert  On 04/09/2014 at 2:23 pm

      Kamtan:………….”As for uncle Sam’s pension ….don’t leave america as the USD
      may soon be TP (toilet paper) money….dem Russians Chinese
      and Arabs are gonna trade “oil” in their own TP money…
      ROW (rest of world) prefer EUROS”
      Bai the US got some tricks up the sleeve. We almost gas and oil free. We don’t even want that dirty Canadian coal oil near us. In the next few years we will be among the largest exporter of energy. We don’t need dirty coal. We send it to Europe and China.
      I stop travelling outside the US because if my heart stop pumping you all 1940’s hospital wont know how to restart it.

  • walter  On 04/09/2014 at 1:04 am

    Well,it reminded me of talking over drinks,no end game,no conclusion.It makes you happy,then it’s OK

  • de castro  On 04/09/2014 at 2:30 am

    Thanks Walter….walk in de kana my friend.

  • walter  On 04/10/2014 at 3:39 pm

    This would be my last comment on this subject,I promise.Looking at the article of the IBM main frames,made me think. That ability that you and your friend have to discuss many subjects at length, is lost to the younger generation,mainly because of their obsession with computers.Being satisfied just by knowing they can go to Goggle any time,is changing them to sometimes boring and ignorant individuals.Why should they walk around with any knowledge,when it is easily available with the press of a button.Maybe you guys should tour the schools,and remind them,if someone pulls the plug,they might appear dumb as a bag of nails.

  • de castro  On 04/10/2014 at 4:21 pm

    Don’t knock the youths…they are more “informed” than us if they
    are inquisitive enough…..but some are lazy and don’t even bother
    to search for info….the ones that do bother to search will find the
    answers…..we cannot all be scientists my friend….someone has
    to do the labouring tasks others the theory.
    My spin in optimism

  • Rafiq Khan (in Jamaica)  On 04/14/2014 at 2:27 am

    Dear Cyril,

    I am a self-exiled Guyanese living in Jamaica these past 35 years. As I opened your latest Guyanese Online Entries this morning, it suddenly struck me that, maybe like other similar beneficiaries, I have been taking for granted the invaluable information service you are providing me unfailingly, week after week.

    I don’t know whence comes your amazing dedication, and I can barely fathom the amount of organization you put into this voluntary enterprise. Please know, however, that I applaud you and esteem you highly for it. I know I speak for others of my ilk, but who may not have thought to tell you how much you and your work are appreciated.

    Long may you have the strength and will to continue on your patriotic course.

    As we say in Jah, Walk Good.

    Rafiq Khan

    • guyaneseonline  On 04/14/2014 at 3:14 am

      Hello Rafiq:
      Thank you for your comments regarding my work to create the content for the Guyanese Online blog entries and newsletter.
      I must admit that although I have to do all the entries that there is help from the many persons who send me interesting articles and entries. I also re-blog from followers, like Rosaliene Bacchus, who have blog sites. There is also interesting content in the sponsored blog sites by Peter Halder and Dmitri Allicock.

      I must admit that it is a lot of work. However, I started this blog website and it has grown to a level I never expected. I enjoy doing it, but sometimes it gets overwhelming as I do have other commitments that are also time consuming.
      Thanks for taking the time to write me…. it gives me the encouragement to carry on.
      I do know that there are others who like what I am doing and have told me so. Many may be too busy to send me feedback, but that is not an issue with me. I do it because it fills a need, especially for Guyanese organizations worldwide.

  • Eydie Hamada  On 04/16/2014 at 8:50 pm

    My name is Eydie Hamada. I am living in Osaka, Japan. I was born in Georgetown Guyana and did most of my schooling there, my last school was Queen’s College. I spent most of my teen years however in Europe and America. I have now been living in Japan for the last 17 years, and the only Guyanese in these parts who still carry my Guyanese passport. I am a mother of four very active children. My Father still lives in Guyana and I hope that one day I will be able to take my children there. I am happy to be a part of this community.
    Eydie Hamada

  • bruce ghani  On 04/18/2014 at 9:29 pm

    Well,i read most of the wonderful comments about our beautiful ”GUYANA”.. I must put in my few words too..let me start by saying I am from the ”country area”known as the Parika [w c d] area.my father was a farmer who used to grow rice,sugar cane,mango,cashew,papaya,,water melon, ginnip,soursop, pineapple, sugar apple,custard apple, guava and so many more of the fruits that grew wild all over the place. Well what I want to tell my people is that I came to the USA in the early ”1970” and started driving trucks nationwide…in all the states, including Canada. Well my point is,,whenever i need a vacation i go to Guyana and whenever i go to Guyana I enjoy all of our fruits. I went to other countries on vacation and none were as enjoyable like going to Guyana. You would not believe that i am writing this note,i feel like going on online to check for flights going to Guyana where everything is so colorful and plentiful. I enjoy going to Parika market, Leonora marke. All the fruits are fresh and the people are so friendly… oops,,my space is runinng out..so long for now,,

  • not ammused  On 09/09/2014 at 10:59 am

    Guyanese people are only out for themselves, they destroy other people’s lives, I’ve been through hell and back with Guyanese so I know what they are like. No wonder people from India don’t want to associate with Guyanese. Guyana is not an enjoyable country, people will use you if and when they can – Guyanese are opportunists they don’t care what they do to get where they are going in life, even if that means destroying someone’s life.

    • Ben K  On 09/09/2014 at 6:03 pm

      It would be nice for you identify yourself like everyone else on the forum, and at least give an idea what happened. It’s hard to believe that any Guyanese person would upset you that much without a good reason. May I remind you that in every culture , there are good and bad people, and I’m sure whatever culture you belong to, there are worse than the average Guyanese. You may not be amused, but you do make some of us amused by your arrogance, and your ignorance.

      • de Castro compton  On 09/09/2014 at 6:17 pm

        Wisdom brother.

  • DONNA NURSE  On 09/09/2014 at 4:18 pm

    Who the F**K do you think you are….read your F***ING HISTORY BOOKS, we are some of the nicest people around….IF YOU DON’T LIKE US THEN LEAVE US THE F**K ALONE….carry your IGNORANT SKUNT.

  • walter  On 09/09/2014 at 4:50 pm

    At least one example,just one,of these “bad” Guyanese people,let us know what exactly did they do to you.thanks

  • de Castro compton  On 09/09/2014 at 6:14 pm

    Please you are not helping ..more hindering the situation..
    Walter quite rightly ‘begs the question’..?…not amused
    will be amused now….
    Lets try to examine the reason for the ‘not amused’
    derogatory comment…..
    Everyone has an opinion which in a free world
    they should be allowed to express….why they
    have this opinion is more important than the opinion
    Lets see if ‘not amused’ is amused or abused.


  • DONNA NURSE  On 09/09/2014 at 6:59 pm


    • de Castro compton  On 09/09/2014 at 7:26 pm

      Thanks….and I do admire your ‘gusto’….

      Its not what you say sometimes its just the way you say it….
      We learn more from disagreements or we are but sheep.
      Buenos noche

    • Lord Norman  On 12/14/2014 at 1:50 pm

      Well said Donna there are too many arm chair critics here, many real loving Guyanese too and lots of good memories.We can dispense with the bad memories and be positive, countries and isms all over the world are changing, Guyana will change one day too.. Meanwhile here are some of my memories:


      Always blasting the old coastland
      From Point Playa to Springland
      Daily taking the beating and all
      Was and is the good old Sea Wall
      Firstly built by the good old Dutch
      And now have some other’s touch
      Like Don Quixote she clasped the waves
      Reminiscent of Guyana Arawak’s braves
      With dirt and concrete so reinforced
      Battling the Atlantic Ocean’s course
      Eight feet below sea level still
      As the foaming froth try to fill
      The land with her muddy salt sea water
      Standing her ground and getting stronger
      Over spill sucked up by waiting crab-grass
      As the sea wall looks upon this as eye-pass
      And the waters shyly ebbs away
      Only to be returned another day
      The old man watching the brackish waters
      Heedless of the local bat and ball cricketers
      Waiting for the right time and tide
      To throw his cast-a-net far and wide
      As a gull flitters nearby as an imp
      For the discarded fish or shrimp
      And life goes on as farmers forge ahead
      Thinking of their crops and homestead
      Not knowing how much pressure it’d take
      Or when and where the sea-wall could break

      The sea-wall is alive as day is nearly closing
      Some come for walks others at their choosing
      Lovers holding hands and watch the sunset
      True and even taboo unions try to forget
      What will befall them with their confessions
      For then inter-marriage could cause fractions
      Partly the sea-wall is covered with graffiti
      As trustful hearts keep it out of boundary
      The wall can tell of broken hearts and tears
      Of peers and fears which fell on deaf ears
      And as you follow the sea-wall to the city
      You see lovers smooching in many an alley
      They are on bicycles or just standing
      Looking into one another eyes talking
      As the waters lash the sea-wall with sprays
      Likewise hearts and desires are in a blaze
      Looking across the sea each with dreams
      For life abroad hatching plots or schemes
      Concentrating on emotions so fervent
      Oblivious of all in that environment

      And you all Guyanese loving folks have a Merry Xmas and a prosperous New year.

  • Hilary Serrao DeAbreu  On 10/21/2014 at 11:33 am

    My Dear Guianese friends. I have read almost all of your blogs and must say that I am very happy to know how the Guianese so much love their country of birth no matter where they are presently. I was born in Pike Street, Kitty and `i left Guiana in the year 1958 with my family and travelled to Venezuela. I went back about 3 times on vacation and the last time was in 2012 so as to renew my passport which now expires in 2017. I will NEVER forget my loving Guiana even though for the betterment of myself and family I had to leave. I always wish that the name was still British Guiana. I studied my primary in St. Winefred’s R.C. School in Garnet St. Newtown and my secondary in Britons High School also in Newtown. OH GUIANA, OUR FATHERS FOUGHT AND DIED, THAT WE MAY STAND A NOBLE DEED IN HONOUR AND IN PRIDE.


  • walter  On 11/04/2014 at 2:00 pm

    Where is Kamptan?Anyone checked is he is stuck on his roof top trying to get free wireless from Italy?So many juicy subjects, so little time.Kamptan.

    • De castro  On 04/12/2016 at 4:43 am

      Ha ha
      Reply 2 years later..,
      Am in uk at moment returning to Spain
      later this month.
      Been v busy finishing my first
      book “hookers” and travelling.
      Finally got round to reading
      GOL past blogs..
      Have also started my “biography”
      which will leave as a reminder
      My legacy to my 4 children an 6 grandchildren on my exit.
      Yes am planning my after life
      at 72 if it does exist.
      My next trip is to Poland
      Warsaw to find out what
      the poles feel about Hitlers
      decision to invade today.
      Some 72 years later.
      Poland is now a member of the
      27 countries of the EU.
      Sorry took so long in responding.

      0943 Tuesday 12 April 2016

      • walter  On 04/12/2016 at 10:18 am

        Thanks for your reply KD. Check this out, Former Postal Worker.eh? Expecting a reply by 2018. All the best.

  • gerald robertson  On 11/15/2014 at 11:16 am

    Hello this Gerald I looking for the Barratt family that know Amillia Barratt now living all over the world tel. 34778276549

  • Barbara Duncan  On 12/03/2014 at 3:50 pm

    Dear Cyril,
    It is a pleasure to find this blog, very informative. I left Guyana exactly 46 years ago and I have returned several times, most recently May of this year. I would like to find my god sister Barbara Gunning (maiden name). Also Terrence Paryag who lived in Agricola. We are all in our sixties. Cheers! Barbara Bruce.
    Barbara Duncan – mercyan@hotmail.com

  • Mike  On 12/04/2014 at 3:55 pm

    Well Guyana for me sucks, it always has done and always will do. It’s still a Third World Country and people still get killed over here so really what has improved?

  • Mike  On 12/04/2014 at 3:55 pm

    People even from India look down on Guyanese and I don’t blame them.

  • Norman Tewarie  On 04/05/2015 at 4:03 pm

    BREATHES there the man with soul so dead,
    Who never to himself hath said,
    ‘This is my own, my native land!’
    Its great to hear that Guyanese abroad still have and are keeping their good memories and passing them on here. We are a proud and good people I am one of the very few real Guyanese, I was born in Demerara, lived in Berbice and worked in all 3 counties including at Anna Regina in Essequibo. (LOL)
    I have and still hope that change would come to Guyana one day, many called me naive but if other countries can change why not Guyana. I wrote 4 books, “A Lonely Voice, Drink from my Calabash, Roraima” and just published “A Garden of Happiness” all poetry. (over 315 poems)
    I want to share with my Guyanese friends this one called “The Big Hassar” It was about when a buddy friend and myself caught a “Cock” hassar, we made metagee and left the big hassar for last, bam-bye time. We couldn’t decide who should have the head or the tail. This is what happened:

    The Big Hassar

    I once had a bosom friend named Sylvester1
    Who worshiped the great Burt Lancaster
    He tried to even talk like him
    And to be boisterous like him
    He tried to be rough in love
    Yet could be as soft as a dove

    During holidays and good weather
    We had many bush-cooks together
    At his grandfather’s farm at his self-made hut
    Eating metagee and drinking water-coconut
    Pretending to be Tarzan he thought he could
    Swing from trees got bruised with the wood
    With the burning and stinging still walked tall
    Like Burt Lancaster as if it was nothing at all

    Once we went to the farm to bush-cook
    And to also study with our note-book
    In our metagee we had a large hassar
    Which we decided to eat quite later
    So after eating we climbed a mango tree
    To cram our very boring notes repeatedly

    After some time who should come
    But a very close good old chum
    Castanet in one hand and quake on shoulder
    He looked hungry and older than his father
    Lean with the neck like a gaulding
    An Indian tune he was whistling
    Seeing iuts us he leaped the canal
    Without a problem being so tall

    Perd took his cutlass
    Without looking at us
    He cut a large plantain leaf
    As we looked on with grief
    Out came the dumplings and cassava
    Plantains and then the very big hassar
    Feeling so sorry we had left it for later
    Only now to be devoured by this fella
    In a few minutes he devoured the whole meal
    Spellbound we could not believe this was real
    Licking his lips and fingers
    “That was nice of you fellas”
    He drawled as he took up his net and quake
    But we would’ve liked his long neck to shake
    For his merry good-bye we hardly heard
    ‘Cause we were too numbed to say a word

  • TEAJAE  On 01/12/2016 at 2:09 pm

    The people from Guyana and the culture is lovely. Peace to all. TJ

  • walter nehaul  On 01/30/2016 at 10:55 am

    Off topic,I know. Is it me or does Angelique Kidjo look and performs like The Mighty Sparrow?

  • The Caribbean Voice  On 04/11/2016 at 9:40 pm

    The age of consent in Guyana needs to be increased to at least 21 years to prevent the sexual crimes against young women which are perpetrated by businesses owned by mainly Guyanese drug lords and cocaine barons.

    LGBT and Feminist Activist Sherlina Nageer will help end prostitution by hiring some of the GPF to conduct search warrants on the premises of Guyanese drug lords and cocaine distributors.

    We at The Caribbean Voice will help end misogyny, homophobia and prostitution by petitioning to increase the age of consent in Guyana to at least 21.

  • De castro  On 04/12/2016 at 11:08 am

    Absolute hilarious laughter…
    You should have paid the correct
    fee if you wanted next day delivery.
    Better late than never…stop complaining…ha ha

    Walk in d Cana

  • Edwin George  On 09/09/2016 at 12:23 am

    Too many come to America and forget their roots of where they came from. I just want to remind them, don’t matter how far they go in life and how successful they become that they must remember that they are Guyanese

  • De castro  On 10/16/2016 at 9:05 am

    As luck would have it one legacy of
    British colonisation was a common language…aka “guylish” today. English
    with Guyanese dialect….
    A weh u a guh mi friend.
    Where are you going my friend.

    Today part and parcel of Guyanese
    culture…unique to Guyana.
    Not to mention the beautiful welcoming
    smile of the Guyanese people’s.

    Education was as important then as it
    is today …fortunately or unfortunately
    English (American) educated do not
    remain in Guyana …grass is always
    greener elsewhere.
    More of us living/lived outside Guyana today.
    This problem must be addressed
    by the politicians or the “brain haemoraging” will continue.
    Sad fact !
    Let’s hope decisions are made and
    laws passed to address this ASAP.
    Health and education of its people
    must be a priority in today’s world
    no matter where we are….
    Economic change must follow the
    Political one …not visa versa…
    It is for the political class to make
    the changes necessary to achieve
    a more prosperous Guyanese socially

    5 years may seem
    a lifetime in politics but it’s more
    than enough time to turn things/attitudes around.
    Let’s see how things develop
    Am optimistic

  • J. Persaud  On 12/15/2016 at 4:09 am

    I read your article here and supports your point of view. We all left Guyana with the thoughts of living abroad and experiencing a better life. I myself left Guyana in the 70’s with the same intention, now I reflect on old times and I do wish Guyana was still under the British Crown. To […]

    I don’t know who made the above comment, but it is extremely foolish. he British are the worst nation on this planet, I should know, I am a Guyanese who has spent 52 years of my life living in England, so I know what I am talking about.

    • Ramkumarie Singh  On 08/29/2019 at 7:45 am

      Hello, I am Guyanese who left Guyana in 1978, (41 year ago) for the UK. Still missed my home land. Only visited there twice and things have definitely changed. Would love to find my school friends, from Charlestown Secondary School, Ruimveldt Government School and Pitmans Business School ect. I know our lives have changed, but it would be nice to catch up once again.

      Thanks for reading this message.


  • Jagroop Rampersaud  On 04/30/2017 at 1:16 pm

    I must say hats off to you.God Bless you for doing this to the Guyanese community,outside.
    I just came across this,by accident,this morning while i was looking for the cassava pone recipe on the guyanese recipe site.
    I am an expat,too,living in Canada for the past 33 years but,i always say Guyana is my home.
    If you can get back to me i would like to ask you something concerning my ancestors.I will really appreciate this.
    God Bless.

  • memek merah meronacewek semok  On 08/11/2017 at 11:47 pm

    Thanks to my father who informed me about this weblog, this weblog is really remarkable.

  • Chandra Panday  On 08/29/2018 at 4:24 am

    Missing Guyana terribly came to UK with Parents in 1961.

    Since then Tragedy after Tragedy.

    Lost my Beloved Mother Recently.

    Planning to take my Son Rohan back with me to the Land of my birthplace KITTY Sandy Babb St, to experience and sample Guyanese Hospitality, the Richness of 6 Nations Culture, Roots, Food, Eldorado Rum Punch take him to Rum Factory, Sugar Cane Plantation, visit Amerindians lndeginous people and of course the Kaietur Falls. Bartica is where l spent my Summer Holidays.

    Went to Burnham School with my late Brother Bho,who sadly passed away 1985
    Aged 36, in a Car Crash In Cyprus.
    Law Lecturer in Ealing London UK.

    I am grateful for GUYANESE 💯 online
    It keeps me informed of of current events.
    Also with fellow GUYANESE across the Globe.

    Mudwata is a Hoot!!! (Though Highly CONTRAVERSIAL & little rough around the Edges) his report on Events are on Point.

    Finally, l am in touch with Guyana Talks and GHC UK with Dr. Jaunita and Rod Westmaas, in Tooting Bec

    This has helped me to keep in touch with other Disaspro from GUYANA and the Caribbean islands.

    We have had prominent speakers Ram on Crude Oil, Education, and Current Affairs Our Beloved Country of Guyana.
    Encouraging us overseas to help the Mother Country Guyana in which way we Can. Honourable David Lammy M.P.
    PARTICULARLY Touch My Heart with his Testimony as a 12 Year old without his Father and his Praying Mother keeping him in Check. The School Teacher who Mentored Him won Scholarship to SOAS and then HARVARD University USA.
    Now a Powerful Member of Parliament for the Labour Party.

  • Jeni mohamed  On 11/03/2018 at 10:40 pm

    Hi good night…. I am a Guyanese and I have a little problem hoping you can help me…… I sold my property though a real estate in Guyana and the buyer bought it through the bank and the time is coming close for the passing of the transport so what I would like to know is when signing the transport over do a representative from the bank have to be there with my cheque or do I have to go over to the bank and then collect my cheque …please I really need some advice

    • guyaneseonline  On 11/06/2018 at 2:26 pm

      I, as the editor of Guyanese Online, cannot give you that advice.
      Maybe some readers could do so.
      Maybe you could contact someone who has done a similar transaction in Guyana.

      Hope you can get some professional help with this matter,
      Cyril Bryan

  • Cheryl Duke -Nichols  On 05/11/2019 at 3:16 am

    Hi all, can you imagine, I just came across this, thanks to Mr Bryan. This is now 05/11/19, wow!, left Guyana since 1980, I’ve read a couple of born Guyanese in here, that attended Bedford Methodist School, don’t want to say much about my birth place, lease I begin to cry, missing there terrible now. My name is Cheryl Duke, attended Bedford n St Barnabas High School in Regent Street, used to live in New Market Street, opposite PHG, as was named in those years. My email now is nicholsmaureen@gmail.com. looking for so many old friends. Always wondered about my old Army WOC’s, really worked my way up n retired now from Cabrini Medical Center (Hospital), let me go now, love you all

  • michael bennett.  On 09/30/2019 at 1:52 pm

    Michael bennett23726102@gmail.com

    Hello everybody I was stationed in Guiana in the mid sixties both in George town and Atkinson base, the itch has overcome me and next month on the 21st of October I am coming to Guyana for just three days hoping to find some old friends.
    I know that my main buddy Chris Dean has passed away (shame) no doubt Sita Singh is married but if family still run her hairdressing business they might point me in the right direction.
    The Rajnahrin family wonderful home burnt down in 2008 but I would love to meet up with Anneter again. There are many others who showed me great kindness and made my 9 month stay one of the most memorable counties in my army career,despite the mosquitoes and the Mighty Sparrow. Ive booked into the Grand Coastal Hotel so feel free to call.
    Best Wishes to all
    Michael B

  • Desmond Serrão  On 07/26/2020 at 8:29 am

    I do miss Guyana & the Guyana Defence Force. Now that I look back on the structure & training, I can identify the areas that require improvement having retired from the American Army.
    As a child I was taught not only the basic subjects & mannerisms but especially integrity & the love of our fellowman. To treat everyone with the respect they deserve; regardless of race, color or creed.
    There was crime but it was crime that could be controlled. Teaching begins at home and carried on in schools. Integrity sometimes takes a lifetime to accomplish. We have to be cognizant of it daily. Take care of the small things & the big things will fall into place.
    My heart bleeds to see what Guyana has turned into; as poor as Haiti, with uncontrollable crime to match Mexico. My heart bleeds.

  • Tony Beharry  On 01/23/2021 at 3:54 pm

    The current Government is in Guyana are talking about encouraging the diaspora to return to Guyana to invest, of course they can bring a lot of capital and expertise. What about security ? I know of many Guyanese re-emigrated to Guyana to do business and many were murdered. What guarantee can you give the diaspora when they return with millions, wouldn’t they be a target from the thugs and killers, which also includes the police and armed forces, where bribery and corruption is rife. No Guyanese diaspora in the right mind would want to invest in Guyana, with the knowledge that they might be killed. Guyana is a lawless society, last general elections was a good testimony to this.

  • rickybest  On 02/28/2023 at 6:23 pm

    it is about time that posts from 2011 be deleted.


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