Tag Archives: Twenty First Century Father’s Day

Twenty First Century Father’s Day – By Francis Quamina Farrier

TWENTY FIRST CENTURY FATHER’S DAY;  a declaration of War by Francis Quamina Farrier


A USA-based Guyanese father congratulates his son who had just graduated from college in 2014 in Maryland.

This is a declaration of WAR, of sorts; it is intended to be a war against otherwise, sweet, brilliant, law-abiding and normal folks, but who tend to go bonkers on Father’s Day. They blast ALL men – the good, the bad and the ugly. Now, let me say right away that this article is not a “War of the Sexes”, and not intended to pit males against females. NO. It is about the fact that Father’s Day has been kidnapped, so to speak; it is now more the day when some well intention people, address audiences and congregations about the bad guys; fathers who have not done what they should do as fathers. Thank goodness there are still those who do the right thing about honouring the good fathers on Father’s Day.

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