Tag Archives: arrowroot

Traditional Home Remedies Of Guyana – By Dmitri Allicock

Traditional Home Remedies Of Guyana

By Dmitri Allicock

A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his thought to derive benefit from his illnesses”

 [Hippocrates -father of Western Medicine]

 If you grew up in Guyana you would certainly be acquainted with some of these common over the –counter- medicines and remedies that brought relief for various afflictions and ailments. Corner stores carried a wide array of medicines found only in the Caribbean and Guyana. These were augmented with herbal medicines and treatments before a visit to the doctor was attempted.

Home remedies have been around for thousands of years. Even these days about 30 per cent of prescription drugs are still synthesised from plants. In fact, the word ‘drug’ comes from an old Dutch word, drogge, which means ‘to dry’ – which is how many plant medications were prepared. However, it is always wise to remember, just because something is “naturally” growing from a tree, doesn’t mean it’s safe to consume.    Continue reading